Tryout Evaluation Letter
Dear <Insert Player Name>:
Thank you for attending the Greece United Futbol Club team tryouts. The process of evaluating players for a soccer team that will play together over the next year has been challenging. Your hard work and interest was appreciated.
The coaches congratulate you as we extend an offer for a position to join our soccer team for the 2017/2018 season with the Greece United Futbol Club. You and your parents will be part of an extended, yet close soccer family. While there is much hard work ahead, there will be lots of fun and valuable friendships. This will be a great experience!
Greece Unitedis dedicated to teaching the game of soccer, providing an opportunity to play and having fun. As a GUFC player, you will benefit from a dedicated coaching staff that will provide many learning opportunities for you in the coming season.
Please notify via email, within two days, if you are accepting a position on our team.
Club players must be willing to participate in the training offered throughout the calendar year. For those playing at this level, you should expect to train year round. During the playing seasons, players are expected to make soccer training and match play their top priority. Players are expected to participate in at least 75% of team events in the off-season, assuming that conflicts can be avoided, and 90% of team events during the playing season. Parents and players will be obligated to support team and club fundraisers as well as volunteer in our annual soccer tournament.
Your $475 registration fees cover the following:
- Club administrative fees including player insurance, league and referee fees.
- Best Home Fields in the area at Grace & Truth Sports Park
- Indoor Practice timeat Doug Miller Family Sports Park
- Complete Uniform Kit (Home & Away Jersey, Shorts & Socks)
- No cost participation in Annual Soccer Tournament
- TechnicalGoalkeeper Training
If (for any reason) you choose not to accept this offer, please contact us immediately in order for us to make appropriate adjustments.
We will be contacting all of you within the next few weeks to arrange for our first team get-together. In the meantime, don’t hesitate to call us if you have any questions or want to talk soccer.
Welcome to the best in travel soccer, the Greece United Futbol Club.
Yours in soccer,
<Insert Head Coach Name> <Insert Head Coach Phone> <Insert Head Coach Email>