HELD ON:Tuesday 24 July 2007 at 10.30 a.m.
AT:Building Research Establishment, Garston, Near Watford
PRESENT:Rob WithersASUC+ (Forum Chairman)
Jill MacleanLTSP
Nigel BarhamCunningham Lindsey
Neil CurlingHBOS
Geoff DaviesEllipta
Nick DeakinRSA
Iain MacLeanDavies CLA
John WickhamGreenwoods
Robert SharpeCrawfords & Co
Tony FisherBRE
John FairleyForum Secretariat
Lauren FairleyForum Secretariat
The minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting held on 6 February and the AGM held on 1 May were received and reviewed.
2.1 Overview
The meeting reviewed the activities of the Sub Groups and the way in which they were constituted. A number of changes would made to the names of the groups and their emphasis.
2.2 Supply Chain
T Boobier’s report on payment issues “Your Cheque is in the Post – A discussion paper on payment practices in the UK Subsidence Industry” had been circulated and was available via the website. A few comments had been received to date.
A new agenda would now be set for the group.
- Iain MacLean would chair the group with support from Robert Withers, Alan Cripps(GAB Robins). Other volunteers would be invited to participate.
2.3 Training & Education (incorporating Innovations Sub Group)
A fundamental restructuring of the group was proposed with a wider remit encompassing a greater focus on the provision of training. The specific technical issues on Construction Design and Management (CDM) Regulations had now been addressed via the CDM awareness note which had been produced by Geoff Davies. Future technical issues could be undertaken via the Innovations Sub Group. The responsibilities of the revised Training & education Group would include the Subsidence Forum Training Day and other one-day workshops the group would be chaired by G Davies with assistance from R Sharpe other volunteers would be required.
The Innovations Sub Group would continue to be chaired by N Deakin with assistance from J Wickham. The next Innovations Newsletter would be published to coincide with the training day in October and would focus on customer care.
The CILA master class had been postponed due to the recent flooding but was now rescheduled for Thursday 20 September 2007 at the University of Manchester. The subject was “Innovations in the Subsidence Industry” and the speakers J Parvin and N Deakin.
The Clay Research Group had proposed to peer review work being undertaken. It was possible there would be development in different approaches to undertaking site investigations.
The document “Chainsaw Massacre” had been published on the website and a view should be taken on future activity.
Supply and demand issues would have to be addressed if there was a subsequent subsidence surge. It was proposed to hold a meeting of the various head of the topic groups. It was anticipated there would be lessons to be learnt from the way in which the current flood claims situations etc were being addressed.
2.4 Customer Care
The group would be chaired by N Barham with assistance from R Boddy, J MacLean and R Bulkeley.
The major focus of the Group would be on communications and publicising the activities of the Forum.
Many members had attended the recent Post Magazine seminar. It was proposed that future events could be joint ventures with the Subsidence Forum. The Forum could provide speakers and seek to derive a share of the profits. N Barham would approach Post Magazines.
N Barham
Promotion and PR was an important issue for the Forum and it was agreed that an allocation of £1400 should be made towards the production of trade stands for future exhibitions. F Breeze had obtained excellent PR coverage for the Subsidence Forum and this should continue. A budget would be set for PR activities other publicity items e.g. mouse mats publicising “Customer Care Charter”.
L Fairley
3.1 CILA – Subsidence Specialists Interest Group
The original event had been postponed and would now be held on Thursday 20th September 2007 at University of Manchester. The speakers would be J Parvin and N Deakin.
3.2 Health & safety Executive
G Davies had produced a guidance note on the new Construction Design and Management Regulation (CDM) 2007. CONIAC guidance notes would not be available until 2008. In the meantime it was hoped to publish a paper on the Subsidence Forum’s view point on certain issues. G Davies requested members input on questions which he could raise at his meeting with Health and Safety Executive on 22 August.
All members
3.3 Property Claims Forum
N Curling would continue to field input from the Property Claims Forum.
It was noted that the list of insurers on the PCF was out of date. N Curling would refer this back to ABI.
N Curling
3.3 ABI
J Parvin would maintain contact with the London tree officers etc and ABI would possible be responding to the “Chainsaw Massacre” document.
3.4 CITB/Construction Skills
An approach had been made to the Subsidence Forum by the CITB. The NVQ for Superstructure Repairs was about to be launched. Approaches were being made to influence insurers to determine who should undertake repairs. Under the new CDM regulations the competence of contractors was the responsibility of insurers. N Curling would refer this issue to the Supply Team.
N Curling
Approximately 17 members had returned completed application forms and paid their subscription of £100. A list of the companies is attached at Appendix 1.
Appendix 1
A financial statement was circulated to the meeting. A number of additional provisions would be made in the financial year ending 31 May 2007 to cover costs of the production of the newsletter, purchase of a Subsidence Forum trade stand and other advertising and PR material. A copy of the revised statement is attached at Appendix 2.
Appendix 2
The website had now been redesigned to incorporate the new logo and layout. However the functions which existed in the original site eg members’ area, document upload section and members’ database had not been incorporated. It was therefore agreed to discus with Moltengold, the designers of these features in the old website, whether they could be re-incorporated. J Fairley would obtain an estimate of costs.
J Fairley
It was agreed to register “Subsidence Forum” with Companies House as a “shell company” in order to protect the name.
J Fairley
7.1 Training Day 2007
The main thrust of a 2007 event would be communication the main lecture theatre would be utilised but the coffee lounge adjacent to this was no longer available and therefore there would be no facility for exhibition stand. Building 18 could be booked for a break-up facility and this would accommodate 45 people.
The current reception area at BRE was being revamped and this is where a possible exhibition lunch and coffee area would be situated. T Fisher would enquire whether it would be possible to utilise a marquee for catering and exhibition.
T Fisher
The number of delegates would be limited to approximately one hundred.
Possible speakers including R Young were discussed. However, it was suggested that this individual would be better utilised on a training day. The events would include an update on the developments within the Forum and its activities.
7.2 One Day Workshops
It was proposed that there could be a series of one day courses or events for members. These could include a variety of subjects with specialist speakers. Certificates of attendance for CPD purposes could be issued and use made of AGM’s Construction CPD Accreditation.
Executive Committee – Tuesday 4 September 2007 10.30 at BRE
Executive Committee – Tuesday 4December 2007 10.30 BRE
This concluded the business of the meeting
Circulation: All Members
Appendix1 – Membership list
Appendix 2 – Financial Statement