May 11, 2011 Board Meeting Minutes at Sherman Oaks Hospital, Sherman Oaks, CA
May, 2011
Attendance: Lesli Fisher, Erin Mahoney, Vahe Apelian, Sunny Lee, Divaker Rastogi, Jonathan Katz, Gene Borrelli, Sarah Chou, Chris Bruney, Leticia Hernandez, Bob Small, Eva (student), Lydia (USC CSHP President)
Absent: Rani Dibbini, Doreen Schneider, Kevin Klapp, Elizabeth Oyekan, Rosemarie Brown, Christine Dinh
- April meeting minutes approved
- Motion by Vahe Apelian. Seconded by Leticia.
- Old Business
a. NWI (Bob Small reporting on Aileen's behalf)
i. Venue location: not set yet, Aileen (PPSSFV) looking at Courtyard by Marriott or Sportsman's Lodge
ii. Costs: Will charge $600 per vendor, first-come first serve for table location
a. Motion by Erin Mahoney, seconded by Bob Small
iii. Date: November 16th, 2011
iv. CPha and CSHP to contribute $250 each for honorarium for speaker
v. Speaker: Jeff Goad. Topic: immunizations (history and update)
III. New Business
a. Night at Hollywood Bowl (Erin Mahoney)
i. Possible shows:
a. June 24th -Grease (sing-along); July 8-9 -Westside Story; August 5-7th (Hairspray); August 19-21 - Fantasia (with fireworks); September 4th (Great American Movie Quiz); September 9-10th- Tchaikovsky; September 16-18th- Moulin Rouge (fireworks); September 24th- Sound of Music (sing-along)
ii. Top choices: 1) Sound of Music 2) Fantasia 3) Tchaikovsky
a. Motion by Erin Mahoney, seconded by Jonathan Katz
iii. Plan: buy block of seats (~30) and offer them to members
a. Motion by Erin Mahoney, seconded by Vahe Apelian
b. Chris Bruney to purchase tickets
b. Happy Hour (Erin Mahoney)
i. Potential Date: 9/9/11 (week after Labor Day, on Thu or Fri)
c. San Fernando Rescue Mission (Sarah Chou)
i. Volunteer coordinator provided list of dates in May and June for a Health Fair/Dinner for about 20 residents; dates likely available throughout the year
a. Possible topics: Healthy Diet
b. Potential Date: July
c. Host a BBQ, food from StoneFire Grill or Rosie's. Sarah Chou to investigate if either restaurant will donate food
ii. Monthly list of needed supplies: Sunny Lee to contact middle schools in area (e.g. Chamanade) to see if schools interested in donating items
a. Donation collection information to be included with June 8th promotional talk email invitation
IV. CSHP Board Liaison Report (Email from Doreen Schneider)
a. Ski Trip- planned for January, date not set yet
b. CSHP planning to increase membership dues
c. CSHP approved new PR logo - "It's a pharmacist". T-shirts available for purchase soon.
d. See CSHP website for list of bills CSHP is supporting
e. CDPH saying only 40% of hospitals passing MERP inspection
f. Cal Hosp Association discussed ACO and lack of grievance procedure
V.CE/PR (Leticia Hernandez)
a. AMGEN promotional talk on Xgeva: June 1st, 6pm
i. Need to talk to Leslie Blevin (Amgen) about changing time, 6pm may be too early
ii. Speaker: Dr. Alexander Black, MD @ Delmonico's Steak and Lobster House
iv. Limit 25 attendees
b. Promotional Talk on Ceftaroline (Teflaro) June 8th - Panazella Restaurant,
i. Speaker: Dr. Gregory Moran, MD
i. Limit 30 attendees
ii. Talk is on same date as board meeting - will have board meeting after presentation
c. Motion to pay for meals at promotional talks/CE for 5 students
i. Motion by Leticia Hernandez, seconded by Erin Mahoney
ii. Lesli to send email to student liaisons to forward to students; first 5 RSVP's to each talk get meals compensated
VI. Industry Liaison Report (Jonathan Katz)
a. Garage band showcase and health fair - middle school, high school, and adult bands play every 30-45 minutes, coupled with health fair
i. Jonathan to coordinate getting bands, and develop action plan for event ii. SFVSHP would sponsor
iii. Venues: possibilities include local YMCA's, local parks. Chris Bruney to see if Kaiser can host
v. Lydia to see if can get free flu shots from LA County Dept of Public Health
vi. Goal: Form a task force, perform feasibility assessment, determine liability and logistics, and form an action plan.
VII. Communication/Website
a. Facebook page is active, 6 members thus far. Use search term "San Fernando Valley Society of Health System Pharmacists" to locate the page.
VIII. Treasurer's Report
a. Accounts transferred from Neveen Abdelghani to Chris Bruney, Erin Mahoney, and Leticia Hernandez. Chris now has checkbook, Neveen passed all materials on to Chris.
b. Only one transaction this month: April Chapter rebate of $37.66 - to be deposited soon. No other checks written.
c. Investment CD #1: $6093.83; CD #2: $5898.80; Total CD: $11992.63
d. Chris will receive future statements
e. Chris contacted Megan at CSHP and will be receiving all rebate checks
IX. Membership
a. 1 new member, 76 members total
b. List of non-renewals printed. Current members to try to contact the members for renewal.
X. New Practitioner/Resident Report
a. Residents preparing for Western States Conference (end of May).
b. San Gabriel CSHP Chapter hosts practice presentation session for residents annually. Lesli to see if SFVSHP pharmacy residents can participate next year
XI. Student report:
a. USC: Just organized their new CSHP chapter board
i. Goal: Get members involved.
ii. Will convey to students that residency programs are now looking more for more involvement in pharmacy organizations (rather than just enrollment) when considering candidates.
b. Western University- CSHP recently held two talks:
i. Dr. Joseph Ma from UCSD spoke on fellowships.
ii. Dr. Paige Lim from Kaiser Permanente Moreno Valley – spoke on Kaiser’s computer system
iii. Community outreach this past month
1. DM screenings, poison prevention and education
2. Inter-professional health fair
3. Biggest event of last month - had residency round table.
iv. Held 2 fundraisers: Thai Iced Tea fundraising – made $300; Cinco de Mayo fundraising event
XII. President’s report: Nothing to report
Meeting adjourned at 8:42 pm. Next meeting to be held June 8 th at Panzanella Restaurant in Sherman Oaks, CA.