Thank you for an opportunity to address you all this evening.

My name is Simon Lee and I am a Henham Parish Councillor.

I last addressed the council in May of last year. At that time I offered my full support to this council in your opposition to the Governments Eco Town proposal.

The purpose of addressing you this evening is again to offer my support in your opposition, but also to implore you to do this in the strongest possible terms.

Recently the debate on the Eco town has become a party political sideshow. The inter-group wrangling has diverted attention from the real issue which is to firmly respond to the DCLG consultation in an unequivocal manner offering a clear and decisive message to the government that the proposed development of NE Elsenham is unsustainable and inappropriate; further more not in anyway supported by this council.

This council agreed its own resolution to do just that. I and all concerned residents are keen to understand tonight how robust the rebuff will be.

The document issued to all members by Roger Harborough detailing information and listing objections is very unclear. The document is confusing at best and not at all decisive at worse.

Speaking personally, having reviewed this document, the only way this council can respond to the DCLG consultation and uphold its own resolution is to answer with type 3 answers on all counts. A type 3 response is the only appropriate response that is unambiguous in strongly objecting to the imposition of this ill advised housing development.

Tonight is your last opportunity to do the right thing ladies and gentlemen and head this whole affair off at the pass. If you do not, NE Elsenham will undoubtedly make it to the Government’s Eco town short list.

Thus far you have paid lip service to local residents calls for action. It is now time for this Tory led administration to send a clear message to Government, action its own resolution and support Sir Alan Hazelhurst’s public comments recently circulated to the district.

On behalf of all concerned residents, I call for you to unanimously act in the strongest possible terms. It is your duty to do what you say without rhetoric and represent your electorate effectively and appropriately. Anything other than a robust NO would show a weakness of this administration and open the door to further imposition throughout the whole area. This would be a travesty and a dereliction of your duty as our elected representatives.

Thank you for listening. Now act.