BotanyLake TahoeCommunity College

Spring QuarterInstructor: Sue Kloss


Chapter 6- Lesson Outline, Terms, and Objectives


I. Functions of leaves

A. major functions of leaves

B. leaves are shaped to capture light

1. dicot and monocot leaves

2. leaves are simple or compound

3. the petiole

4. the sheath

5. leaf veins

C. arrangement of leaf cells depends on their functions

1. epidermis

a. stomates

b. more numerous on the bottom

c. guard cells

d. trichomes

e. insectivores

2. mesophyll

3. veins consist of vascular bundles that transport food and water

D. Where do new leaves come from?

1. origin

II. leaf form and specialized leaves

A. a leaf’s form may depend on the plant’s age and on the environment

1. cotyledons

2. heterophylly

3. xerophyte

4. hydrophytes

5. mesophytes

6. some leaves are modified for special functions

III. Commercially important fibers from leaves and stems

A. fibers from plants

1. cotton

2. elongated schlerenchyma fibers

3. hard fibers

4. soft fibers

Botany - Chapter 6




boundary layer


bundle sheath

compound leaves


guard cells




intercalary meristem

leaf primordium

leaf veins




midvein (midrib)

netted venation

palisade parenchyma

parallel venation


seed leaves or cotyledons


shade leaves


simple leaves

soft fibers


spongy parenchyma


stomate (stomata)

substomatal chamber

subsidiary cell

sun leaves




vascular bundles

vegetative reproduction


Chapter 6

1. What are the 2 major functions of leaves?
2. Distinguish between simple and compound leaves, and describes common types of each.
3. How do you distinguish between a leaf and a leaflet?
4. What is a petiole and what are its functions?
5. What is a sheath? What types of plants typically have sheaths? What are auricles and ligules?
6. What are leaf veins? What types of venation patterns are typical in most plants? Distinguish/draw 2 major groups of plants by their venation patterns.
7. Describe the types of cells that compose the epidermis. What is a stomate, how is it constructed, how does it work?
8. What is leaf mesophyll typically composed of, what is the function of various layers? Draw/label the interior of a leaf.
9. Describe/draw the structures making up the veins in a leaf.
10. Where do leaves have their origin? Describe/draw and label.
11. What are cotyledons? Distinguish between monocots and dicots. What types of plants are all monocots and dicots?
12. Describe a common type of heterophylly.
13. Describe/ draw variations in leaf adaptations, depending on the environment of the plant. Distinguish between xerophytes, mesophytes and hydrophytes.