Date: August 23, 2015

Welcome to this place of praise and prayers as we gather as part of the

family of our heavenly Father. We invite you to join us now and to return again to celebrate the salvation we have in Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Lord of our lives. If you are visiting, please introduce yourself to Rev. Gram and enjoy fellowship with us during the coffee hour.

Greeting you this morning are Jim and Barbara Mayfield. Ushers are Rebecca

Masters and Wally Cook.

Sanctuary flowers are placed by Collette Woodard in loving memory of her

Dad, Robert Cloutier.

Nursery Care for toddlers and infants is available in Room 7 and is provided

by Jen Meyer, an experienced caregiver. If you feel your child could be a disruption to the worship experience, please take advantage of this option.

Deacon of the month isDino Sumerano. Contact Dino at 845-331-4217

if you are in need of a deacon’s assistance.

Reach out to those who need your support in their day to day needs: Gordon

Kent in Ten Broeck; FriedelBorst; Andrew Holbrook; Don Hornbeck (Barbara Hornbeck’s father); Dolores McGoldrick in Ferncliff; Esther Keator; Florence Prehn at Hudson Valley Senior Residence; Lori Pinkham in Wingate at Ulster.

Activities this week:

Tuesday:Balance for Life, 11:00 am

Join us in Schadewald Hall after worship for fellowship. Refreshments are

provided by Ron and Bev Chrisey. Your baking talents are urgently needed!!!! Please sign up for refreshments for fellowship hour. Contact Hal Hauck.

Rev. Gram has been away on education leave in Ocean Grove, New Jersey.

Tickets for the Stone Pony Chicken BBQ are on sale after worship in Schadewald

Hall. See Sandy Emrich for details.

The Youth Group will give a presentation on their mission trip on September 13

during worship.

Sunday Schoolbegins on September 13.

Bulletin Announcements on line: Check out the announcements from this week’s

bulletin on the church’s website! Go to the church’s website Click on calendars under website navigation (on left side of page). They are listed in reverse date order (most recent first).

The Women's Bible Study will meet onTuesday, August 25, at1PMin the Dutch

Room. The focus of the study is the lives of women of faith in the Bible and how their lives relate to our experiences as women today centuries later. Light refreshments will be served. If interested in joining the group, you may contact Nancy Sweeney at 336-5267 or , or simply attend the next study!

The Back to School sales flyers are out and that means . . . . Our Operation

Christmas Child shoebox collection will be starting! Now is the time to find bargains on crayons, pencils, markers, sharpeners, rulers, notepads, paper, etc. If you’d like someone to do your shopping for you, contact Sandie Gregory, 338-7626. More information to come.

Our Mission of the month for August: The Mission for the month for August is

Angel Food East located at St. John's Episcopal Church in Kingston. They cook and deliver lunches to people who are homebound with chronic illness. Theycurrently serve 40 clients for a total of 794 meals cooked by volunteers and delivered by volunteers each week.

Buildingfund (envelope)donations for the month of August will be used for

needed repairs to the Parsonage.

Plant Sale will happen September 19 and 20. Look for more information as

we near the date. See Ellen Richards.

Picnic for Stone House Day volunteers. A picnic is planned for 2:00 pm

September 13, 2015 at the Parsonage. Bring a dish to pass; meat provided.

Women’s Tea. Women’s Ministries is holding a tea on October 3, 2015. For

more information, see insert.

Got balance issues?? Ruth Beyl, a retired health teacher, holds “Balance for

Life” classes in Schadewald Hall every Tuesday at 11:00 am. Come try it!

Eagle Scout Project: Sam Cohen from the Boy Scouts of Troop 20 is running a

Supply Drive for the Ulster County SPCA. The drive will be on August 29th. He is looking for donations to support his project. There will be a box outside Schadewald Hall for donations. Thank you for your help and support of this project.

Save the Date: Save the date,September 20th for the Annual HRC Golf

Tournament. Captain and Crew at Alapaha and dinner at Hurley Mountain Inn.Sign ups begintoday.

Help Dorothy update the mailing list. If your address or phone number has

changed this year, please let the office know.

Events at other churches and in the Classis:

August 25: Poughkeepsie Reformed Church:Camerata Chorale will be having a "Sing-Thru" of their Fall season music featuring "Centuries of Psalms". 7:30 pm.

October 19-20, 2015: A Directed Retreat: Encouraging the nurture of a listening heart. Linwood Spiritual Center, Rhinebeck. Info available in the church office.

Each of us, as we journey through life, has the opportunity to find and give his or her unique gift. Whether this gift is quiet or small in the eyes of the world does not matter at all-- not at all; it is through finding and the giving that we may come to know the joy that lies at the center of both the dark times and the light.

Helen Luke
