Instructor: Ms. Thielen
Classroom Number: 122
Textbook: Glencoe World Geography by Richard G. Boehm and the National Geographic Society.
Materials needed: PENCIL,3 ring binder, pens (blue or black), loose-leaf paper, colored pencils/markers
Geography is the science of location on the earth’s surface. Its subject matter includes people, landforms, climate, culture, and all other physical and human interactions that make up the world’s environment and give unique character to diverse places. Geographers construct maps that depict these patterns in order to better understand and explain them.
Grading in this course will consist of maps, projects, unit tests, and various assignments. The unit test will generally consist of multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank, short answer and essay questions. The following is how each activity will be graded in the classroom.
- Tests -- 30 %
- Long-term Performance Tasks -- 20%
- Short-term Performance Tasks – 15%
- Quizzes -- 10%
- Daily/Homework/Participation– 10%
- Final Exam – 15%
Assignments and Make-up Work:
Common Questions:
- What is your re-testing policy? Are there certain requirements students must meet before they are allowed to re-test such as attending after-school tutoring?
A: Students are allowed to re-test on Summative Unit Exams, Not on Quizzes or the Final. In order to retake an exam a student must complete the study guide provided to them.The score of the retake will be averaged with the original test score. Students must make an appointment with me after school to retake a Summative Unit Exam. You have one week from original exam date to re-take the exam.
- What is your policy on late work? Are all assignments allowed to be turned in late? What are the guidelines and/or penalties for turning in late work (points off each day; must be turned in within a week, etc.)?
A: Students can hand in any assignment latewithin that unit. I will not accept late work when we have moved on to the next unit. 10% off per school day late – up to 50%.
- It is your responsibility to keep up with assignments and turn them in on the designated due date.
- If you are absent, it is completely your responsibility to retrieve what you missed from me. Make sure you get all necessary papers and instructions for each day you missed!
- If you miss class on a test or quiz day, it is your responsibility to make arrangements for the make-up. Long term assignments are due on the day of your return. Field trips are not an excuse for late work or missing assignments. Make-ups will be in the afternoon (dates to be determined by appointment)
Topics to be covered throughout the semester:
- Unit 1: Intro to Geography
- Unit 2: The U.S. and Canada
- Unit 3: Southwest Asia (the Middle East)
- Unit 4: Africa
- Unit 5: Asia
Classroom Policies
- Be in class on time, attentive, and ready to learn.
- Only classroom discussion is allowed during classroom activities.
- Demonstrate respect for yourself, your teachers and administrators, and your classmates.
- All assignments must be turned in on time or a late penalty will be assessed.
- Important dates will be reminded for you on the white board and on blog.
- Keep up with your assignments and your notebook list in your World Geo notebook.
- ANY TECHNOLOGY OF ANY KIND is not to be seen or heard unless I have given specific permission. Using an electronic device OR having it out will result in, 1st, a lunch detention, and upon the 2nd offense, an administrative referral.
- Use of profanity is prohibited and will result in a referral.
- Cheating in any form will result in an automatic zero and administrative referral.
- If you are absent, it isyour responsibility to take care of make-up work.
- In order for you to leave the classroom, you must first be granted permission, then you must fill out your agenda/pass and get it signed before you leave.
- Students are not dismissed by the bell, but by the teacher. Do not get up and hang out by the door.
- Pick-up trash around your desk & straighten rows before bell
- Always be prepared!
Please sign below to ensure you have been notified of the course description and have your parent/guardian sign as well with their phone number and/or email address.
Student name PRINTEDStudent SIGNATURE
Parent/guardian name PRINTEDParent/guardian SIGNATURE