Lange Middle School PTSA, Monday, September 22, 6:00 p.m., Media Center

In this life we cannot always do great things, but we can do small things with great love. – Mother Teresa

Attended by: Linda Hammond, Ericka Alten, Rachel Buchholz, Robert Ndessokia, Phil Dennis, Lori Bemis, Kerissa Kirk, Cheri Kramme, Carla Hansel, Lisa Bailey, Dominique Falls, Bob Moore

  1. Opening & Introductions: Mary Flatt called to order at 6:01
  2. Recognition of Quorum: (need 7) Quorum is present
  3. Approval of Minutes - none
  4. Officers Reports
  5. President -
  6. Kudos: thanks to everyone for all our time thus far
  • PTSA does not have an official stance on Amendment 3
  • 1st Vice President – building the volunteer program; hard because of background checks
  • 2nd Vice President –
  • Concessions:
  • needs more volunteers to run Concessions during games;
  • Falls will ask AVID to help out as community service;
  • and get updated email list from Becky Lee;
  • cold-call likely people and ask them to help on a specific date
  1. Secretary – no report
  2. Treasurer –
  • deposit today was off by $.10
  • Push selling SpiritWear
  • Need to adjust allotments per sport
  • Cross Country was only budgeted for $50; ask track parents to help donate waters and granola bars
  1. Grant Funding Request
  2. U Matter requests $150 for two programs
  3. Motion to approve U Matter funding – Holly Sturek
  4. Motion carried with no dissenting votes
  5. Future: Need to create a grant application form to get more info
  1. Student PTSA Report- near 40 student members; have replaced student council
  2. Dance-a-thon: $374.30 from concessions; $500 at the door
  1. School Officials Reports
  2. Principal Report - no report
  3. Athletic Director Report –
  • we are not hosting VB tourney this year;
  • “Navy and Silver” basketball game on Nov. 7 (6 pm); Sturek will get girls to help with concessions
  1. Presentation – PBIS program, Holly Sturek
  • Weekly schoolwide lessons, matrix, paws, paw design contest – turn in old paws!
  1. Upcoming:
  2. Fundraisers
  3. Otis Spunkmeyer –
  • Oct. 3 starts it
  • Mary needs “stuffers” for Sunday at 1:00
  • Sale packet will include No-Work Fundraiser flyer
  • Fri. 17, Mon.20, Tues 21: collect money orders
  • Nov. 20th dough is delivered to students
  • 31 Bags
  • Online fundraiser before cmas;
  • just send some emails, nothing else needed
  • Schwans – another easy online sale; just create your own accounts
  • Craft Fair – possibly April 11
  1. Bass Pro Shop
  • Could sell hotdogs; or could do gift-wrappers
  • Ask Bass Pro for some likely-busy dates this spring
  • Silent Auction – combine with Craft Fair
  • Other
  • No Work Fundraiser – flyer with Otis
  • McTeacher/Coaches Night, Tuesday, October 7, 4-8p
  • Annual Chili Supper & Cookoff, Thursday, October 30, 5-6:30p-Lori Bemis
  • Need volunteers to bring desserts, will be on the SignUp Genius
  • No band performance
  • Ask Jeff Linhardt to coordinate teachers for chili contest
  1. Other
  2. Committee chairs
  • need Education coordinator for two programs during PT conferences : Rachel Buchholz volunteered
  • need 8th grade transition dance chair – volunteers: Cherri Kramme and Kerissa Kirk
  1. Other

Celebrate Lange –

  • have each club create a display/area/activity
  • Lange Leaders run minute-to-win-it games
  1. Kim Viers is chair for Teacher Appreciation and PT conference meals
  2. Adjourned at 7:15