Faculty: Roman Kozyckyj MD

Learning Objectives

The learning objectives of the Pain and Palliative Care Curriculum are as follows:

Pain Management: Upon completion of this rotation the residents will be able:

  • To demonstrate ability tounderstand the types of pain, pathophysiology, and harmful effects
  • Todemonstrate ability to assess pain inclusive of a comprehensive history and pertinent examination
  • Todemonstrate ability to use tools to assess pain severity
  • To demonstrate ability toknow the modalities of pain management
  • Todemonstrate ability to monitor pain therapy
  • To demonstrate ability tomanage acute and chronic pain
  • Todemonstrate ability to work within the team organization and pain care services at Advocate Christ Medical Center
  • To demonstrate ability toreview current literature with respect to pain management

Palliative Care: Upon completion of this rotation, the participant will be able:

  • To demonstrate ability tounderstand the goals of palliative care and hospice philosophy
  • To demonstrate ability toidentify dimensions of care included in hospice/palliative care philosophy:
  1. Physical
  2. Emotional
  3. Psychosocial
  4. Spiritual
  5. Grieving/bereavement
  6. Ethical and legal aspects of care
  • To demonstrate ability torecognize appropriate patient population to whom palliative care should be offered
  • To demonstrate ability tocommunicate effectively with patients, families, members of the interdisciplinary team about goals of palliative care and where appropriate about death and dying
  • To demonstrate ability toassist patients in identification of goals related to end of life care
  • To demonstrate ability toassess and manage pain and various other symptoms in the dying patient
  • To demonstrate ability todescribe the role of each of the following team members:
  1. Physician
  2. Nurse
  3. Nursing Assistant
  4. Social Worker
  5. Chaplain
  6. Bereavement counselor
  7. Volunteers
  • Todemonstrate ability to discuss ethical issues related to death and dying
  • To demonstrate ability toidentify appropriate care strategies at the time of dying

General Competencies

Patient Care

  • Todemonstrate ability to perform a comprehensive history and examination in a patient with pain or a palliative care candidate
  • Todemonstrate ability to review available data in the valuation of a patient with pain or a palliative care candidate
  • To demonstrate abilityto review medical records in the evaluation of a patient with pain or a palliative care candidate
  • Todemonstrate ability to perform a comprehensive assessment of the level of care needed
  • Todemonstrate ability to communicate effectively with family, patients, attending physicians, team members
  • Todemonstrate ability to define goals of care with respect to pain and palliative care
  • To demonstrate abilityto follow-up and monitor implemented plans
  • To demonstrate abilityto monitor a patient’s response to intervention
  • Todemonstrate ability to work within a team

Medical Knowledge

  • Todemonstrate ability to know the pathology, pathogenesis, clinical features, treatment and prevention of pain syndromes
  • Todemonstrate ability to know the concepts of palliative care and goals of care
  • Todemonstrate ability to use evidence-based medicine to evaluate each patient in terms of clinical-decision making, critical thinking and problem solving with respect to pain management and palliative care

Practice-Based Learning and Improvement

  • To demonstrate ability toresearch and learn from patient care issues with respect to pain management and palliative care services
  • To demonstrate ability toanalyze the reason for the consult and evaluate the patient appropriately
  • To demonstrate ability touse evidence-based medicine and use the available literature to support clinical judgment

Interpersonal and Communication Skills

  • To demonstrate ability toprovide effective communication with the patient and family members
  • To demonstrate ability tocommunicate effectively with all team members
  • Todemonstrate ability to be able to comprehensively explain all goals and terminologies of pain and palliative care
  • To demonstrate ability tobe able to assess response to therapeutic interventions
  • To demonstrate ability tocommunicate with the primary attending and all involved consultants
  • To demonstrate ability tomaintain legible medical records


  • To demonstrate ability tounderstand and appreciate the role of pain management and palliative care
  • Todemonstrate ability toappreciate the role of the sub-specialists and the Advanced Practice Nurse involved therein
  • To demonstrate ability tobe available to the primary physician, patient and the family members
  • To demonstrate respect, compassion, integrity, and altruism in relationships with patients, families, and colleagues

Systems-Based Practice

  • To demonstrate ability tounderstand, access and utilize the resources, providers and systems necessary to provide optimal care
  • To demonstrate ability tocollaborate with other members of the health care team to assist patients and to improve care
  • To demonstrate ability toto appropriately delineate relationships between the consulting service and the primary service

Educational Environment


Lecture on Pain Management at Noon Conference. Ethics Lectures which occur on every last Friday of the month and deal with multiple issues involving end-of-life issues.

  1. Grand Rounds on Pain Management
  1. Morning Report: The Resident on the service will be encouraged to present a case that he/she has recently been actively involved with. He/she will present all aspects of pain management or palliative care services offered.

4. Patient-based activities: This includes in-patient consult rounds as well as patient care in

the ambulatory set-up

  • The residents will be able to see in-house consultations independently
  • Assess the situation and formulate a medical plan
  • Discuss the same with an APN, this will provide opportunity for learning
  • In the ambulatory set-up, the residents will spend about one-half day per week and learn aspects of chronic pain management


Educational Coordinator: Dr. R. Kozyckyj

Palliative Care Nurse Manager:

Evaluation and Feedback

Residents are observed and evaluated by their teaching attending as well as an advanced practice nurse (APN) who observes their performance during the rotation. The UIC/ACMC New Innovationforms will be used for evaluations. Attendings will discuss the evaluations with the residents and provide verbal feedback during and at the end of the rotation.

It may not be possible to experience a wide spectrum of patient, patient family, and medical condition scenarios during the rotation. Residents are expected to supplement their learning by self-directed and directed/assigned activities


All residents are expected to demonstrate professionalism with respect, compassion, and attentiveness to timeliness and dress behaviors. Any scheduled absences must be discussed and approved by the attending faculty. Any unexcused absences and lack of participation in the activities of the rotation will be unacceptable.


GOAL: Facilitate and lead family meetings


PROF-1 Consistently respectful in interactions with patients, families, caregivers, and

members of the inter-professional team , even in challenging situations.

ICS-1 Engages patientsand family in shared decision making in uncomplicated


ICS-1Establishes a relationship with patient, family and caregivers, including people

of different socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds

PBLI-1 Self-reflects upon one’s performance and acts upon reflection and feedback to


GOAL: Lead and work within inter-professional teams


SBP-1Understands the roles and responsibilities of and effectively partners with all

members of the team

ICS-2Actively engages in collaborative communication with all members of

inter-professional team

PROF-1 Respects and acknowledges input of inter-professional team and incorporates

their input into plan of care as appropriate.

PROF-4 Demonstrates integrity, honesty, and accountability to patients, families, inter-

professional team member and to the profession.

