Educator and Management Policy

Linked to National Quality Framework and Standards – ACECQA 2012


4.2Educators, co-ordinators and staff members are respectful and ethical

4.2.1Professional standards guide practice, interactions and relationships

4.2.2Educators, co-ordinators and staff members work collaboratively and affirm, challenge, support and learn from each other to further develop their skills, to improve practice and relationships

Quality Area 6 Collaborative partnerships with families and communities

6.3.1 Links with relevant community and support agencies are established and maintained.

6.3.4 The service builds relationships and engages with their local community.


7.1Effective Leadership promotes organisational culture and builds a professional learning environment

7.1.1Appropriate governance arrangements are in place to manage the service

7.1.2The induction of educators, co-ordinators and staff members is comprehensive

7.1.3Every effort is made to promote continuity of educators and co-ordinators at the service

7.1.4Provision is made to ensure a suitably qualified and experienced educator or co-ordinator leads the development of the curriculum and ensures the establishment of clear goals and expectations for teaching and learning

7.1.5Adults working with children and those engaged in management of the service or residing on the premises are fit and proper

7.2There is a commitment to continuous improvement

7.2.1A Statement of philosophy is developed and guides all aspects of the service’s operations.

7.2.2The performance of educators, co-ordinators and staff members is evaluated and individual development plans are in place to support performance improvement

7.2.3An effective self-assessment and quality improvement process is in place

Linked to Education and Care Services National regulations (2011) and Education and Early Childhood Services

(Registration and Standards) Law 2011

Regulation168 (2) (e), 97, 98

Law 162, 167, 169, 173, 179, 189

Policy statement

Toy Box CCCC aims to ensure that positive working relationships are formed between all educators and management. Educators and management will at all times conduct themselves in an ethical manner and strive to make all interactions positive and compliant with Toy Box CCCC’s philosophy.

Related Policies

Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness Policy

Physical Environment (Workplace Safety, Learning and Administration) Policy

Privacy and Confidentiality Policy

Staffing Arrangements Policy

Code of Conduct

Toybox CCCC Code of Conduct

We believe as advocates for children educators will uphold children’s rights acknowledging the holistic nature of children’s learning through educational curriculum/program that supports their interests, strengths, culture, linguistic abilities and identities.

Relationships with children

We believe that the centre should provide each child with a safe, warm and responsive learning environment that stimulates the children’s interests and abilities. I will;

  • Be Responsive in interactions and engaging with children that supports capable and competent learners
  • Participate in Programs that reflect choices, interests, inclusion and decision making are also flexible and balanced
  • Participate in Programs thatare play based, naturally orientated, considerate of the environment and informative
  • Support the dignity and rights of every child,
  • Support children to learn and help others through collaborative learning opportunities
  • Encourage Independence and Responsibility in a supportive environment
  • Be respectful with regards to behaviours, provide conflict resolution strategies and encourage open communication
  • Have Responsive interactions to assist in skill acquisition in regards to problem solving, negotiating, thinking, communicating and cooperating
  • Ensure Resources are inclusive and ample.
  • Promote Practises thatare inclusive, sustainable, innovative and reflective
  • Promote healthy diets and lifestyle choices
  • Support proven theories with regards to children’s wellbeing
  • Ensure Progression and Development are continually reflected
  • Ensure Protectivebehaviours are supported and incorporated
  • Attend to basic needs of children
  • Connect to Community with high regard and incorporate this attitude on a daily basis

Collaborative partnerships with families and the community

We recognise and respect that parents/caregivers are a child’s primary carer, and we work in partnership with them, respecting and supporting them in their role. I will;

  • Respect and support relationships with caregivers and encourage others to do so
  • Nurture relationships with families and extended members of the family
  • Support families in their role and acknowledge their values and beliefs in respectful ways
  • Encourage communication via cooperative and professional interactions
  • Provide families with opportunities to access programs and their child’s development
  • Encourage family involvement within the service either in voice or body
  • Provide families with information in regards to child rearing, developmental milestones, health and safety, wellbeing and services available to them in the surrounding areas.
  • Recognise and support the different cultural, economic and social backgrounds of families
  • Ensure an effective and informative enrolment and orientation process for families
  • Involve families in the decision making
  • Collaborate with other organisations in the community to enhance children’s learning and wellbeing and build relationships with the wider community
  • Inform families with regards to play based, naturally orientated philosophies and theories
  • Take an interest in Community activities and engage with other Community groups
  • Acknowledge and promote the inclusive, cultural and social diversity of the local community
  • Monitor and respond to the evolving needs of the community


We believe that the educators are the centre’s most valuable resource, and that open communication and team work are essential for the provision of quality care.

Educators will:

  • Be professional at all times
  • Be positive when talking about and representing our centre in the community
  • Support and follow Policies and Procedures
  • Have an active input into Policies and Procedures and Quality Improvement Plans
  • Protect the reputation of Toybox CCCC by behaving in a professional manner and displaying a positive respectful attitude
  • SupportToybox commitment to providing a sustainable future and being conscious of our impact on the environment
  • Educate children and fellow colleagues in regards to a sustainable future and our practises will be consistent.
  • Provide an environment free from bias and promotes a “fair go” for all educators
  • Maintain confidentiality, this means that all internal aspects of the centre remain internal.
  • Follow grievance procedures
  • Be role models to each other and the children
  • Have a focused and committed work ethic
  • Act honestly and with integrity
  • Openly communicate and avoid conflict
  • Follow the dress code of the centre and maintain a professional appearance
  • Be responsible for their own health and wellbeing
  • Be punctual and reliable. Return from breaks and lunch breaks on time.
  • Not use language that is inappropriate
  • Attend staff meetings every month
  • Maintain professional development by attending courses (paid or unpaid), doing research
  • Have knowledge of and abide by Law and Regulations
  • Be responsible in their role and keep and clean and safe environment for children, colleagues and families
  • Access information in regards to inclusion and inclusive practises and reflect upon it on a daily basis
  • Acknowledge the IMPORTANCE of working as a team and that my actions may affect others.
  • Abide by the Philosophy of Toybox and provide feedback as I develop my own pedagogy
  • Be an active participant in reviewing Policies and Procedures, QIP, programs and reflective practises.
  • Uphold the “Image of the Child”

I……………………………………….agree to welcome and farewell children and their families and to build positive relationships with all children in my care. To listen with interest to what children say, feel and communicate verbal and non-verbal.

I understand how important it is for me to communicate to families and I will ensure this occurs daily.


To offer excellence in Education and Care

catering for the needs of children, families and the community


Meet the changing needs of families through the provision of flexible programs

  • Implement programs that support successful learning and cater for each child’s interests, strengths, needs, cultural and linguistic abilities.
  • Provide children, educators and families with an environment that is friendly, safe, fun and supportive
  • Recognise, value and promote the important contribution of the staff team
  • Strive to maintain best practise to attain high quality in every aspect of children’s education and development and for that to be recognised by through the Assessment and Rating.
  • Be an active part of the wider community
  • Support the principles of equity, inclusion and diversity under the National Law
  • Support children’s rights

Links and references;

NQF-National Quality Framework

EYLF – Early Years Learning Framework

Regulations 73,74, 75,76, 77, 84, 85,86, 97, 107, 108113, 114, 115, 137-143, 145-152, 155, 156, 157, 158-162(2) (j), 165, 166, 168( 2)(a)(b)(e)(h)-172, 175, 181-184, 323

This is the individual code of conduct read and signed by all educators

In support of the above document, educators, Nominated Supervisor, Approved Provider and families are required to read and adhere to the following;

The Approved Provider, Nominated Supervisor, educators, staff members, volunteers and students will uphold the following ethical conduct principles at all times, and promote positive interactions within Toy Box CCCC and the local community.

  1. Commitment to Toybox CCCC philosophy and values, including the promotion of a meaningful connection to the NQF and best practice in early childhood education in partnership with our families
  2. Effective, open and respectful two-way communication and feedback between employees, children, families and management
  3. Honesty and integrity in all interactions between children, families, employees and managers
  4. Consistency and reliability in all exchanges with children, families, employees and managers
  5. Commitment to a workplace which values and promotes the safety, health and wellbeing of employees, volunteers, children and families.
  6. Commitment to an Equal Opportunity workplace and culture which values the knowledge, experience and professionalism of all employees, team members and managers, and the diverse heritage of our families and children.
  7. The maintenance of confidentiality; relatable to children, families and or staff.

The Approved Provider, Nominated Supervisor, educators, staff members and volunteers will:

  • Ensure their work is carried out efficiently, economically and effectively. They will act in a professional and respectful manner at all times while at work, giving their full attention to Toybox CCCC responsibilities and adhering to all Toybox CCCC policies, procedures, laws and regulations.
  • Act honestly and exercise diligence in all Toybox CCCC operations. They will carry out all lawful directions, retaining the right to question any direction which they consider to be unethical. If uncertain they can seek advice from the Nominated Supervisor, Approved Provider or the Ombudsman.
  • Consider all relevant facts and make decisions or take actions fairly, ethically, consistently and with appropriate transparency. If they are uncertain about the appropriateness of a decision or action they will consider:
  • whether the decision or conduct is lawful
  • whether the decision or conduct is consistent with our policies and objectives
  • whether there will be an actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest involving obligations that could influence the business relationship or conflict with business duties
  • Comply with our Privacy and Confidentiality Policy when dealing with confidential information and records
  • Report (suspected) breaches of the code of conduct to a manager, preferably in writing.
  • Include children and families in the decision making process.
  • Refrain from developing close personal relationships with children outside work.
  • Refrain from using abusive, derogatory or offensive language.
  • Ensure each educator working with children has a criminal history check relevant to work being carried out (this includes volunteers). Work experience students are supervised at all times and never left alone with children.
  • Maintain confidentiality and follow correct grievance procedures

Examples of Appropriate Educator Interactions

  • Positive, trustworthy and co-operative relationships with team members.
  • Respectful, courteous and empathetic communications and behaviours.
  • Complying with Service grievance procedures and resolving workplace conflicts where possible directly with the person concerned, and never through gossip or by including people who are not involved in the issue.
  • Valuing cultural differences, diverse viewpoints, and unique contributions.
  • Looking for and supporting educators’ strengths not weaknesses.
  • Role modelling best practise. This means knowing the Policies and Procedures, the Centre philosophy, NQF standards, EYLF principles. Practises and outcomes, Code of Ethics for example.
  • Sharing professional resources, knowledge and information.
  • Supporting others to meet their professional development goals and needs.
  • Recognising the professional achievements of others.
  • Sharing information, experiences and expertise about children and families at Toybox CCCC with team members to enhance children’s learning and development.
  • Actively participating in regular meetings at Toybox CCCC to discuss professional issues and problems.
  • Updating team members about meeting outcomes or workplace issues if they have been absent.
  • Sharing the work load equitably with team members.
  • Using the Educator’s Communication Diaries to communicate messages where shifts make it difficult to convey information face-to-face. These means will ensure all educators are informed on important matters. It is the educator’s responsibility to check the Diaries.

The Approved Provider, Nominated Supervisor, educators, staff members and volunteers will not:

  • Engage in conduct that is detrimental to the professional standing of Toybox CCCC, is improper or unethical, is an abuse of power, or harasses, discriminates against, victimises, humiliates, intimidates or threatens other educators, staff members, volunteers or visitors at Toybox CCCC, either directly or indirectly via information technology such as email, text or social media. Additionally they will not support those who do this.
  • Accept gifts which exceed $30 in value. If this occurs in circumstances where the gift cannot reasonably be refused or returned, the gift will be immediately disclosed to the Approved provider or Nominated Supervisor. Modest gifts or benefits valued less than $30 may be accepted if they do not create a sense of obligation are conducted transparently and there are no conflicts of interest.
  • Accept an offer of money, regardless of the amount.
  • Seek or accept a bribe.
  • Acquire personal profit or advantage because of their position (eg through the use of Service information).
  • Convert any property of Toybox CCCC to their own use unless properly authorised.
  • Approach other employees , managers or visitors directly on individual matters that don’t concern them.
  • Engage in any action in breach of our Privacy and Confidentiality Policy, including but not limited to disclosure of confidential Service or customer information, or the improper or illegal use of that confidential information. Confidential information will only be accessed by authorised persons for the purpose intended.
  • engage in or support any action in breach of our Social Networking Usage Policy, including the use of communication media to search for, download, access, transmit or store any material of an offensive, obscene, pornographic, threatening or abusive nature.
  • Drink alcohol or use illicit substances on Toybox CCCC’s premises or come to Toybox CCCC under their influence.
  • Smoke on Toybox CCCC’s premises including in the car park.
  • Show favouritism towards any child.

In relation to families, visitors and children we will:

  • Treat all children at Toybox CCCC equally and respectfully.
  • Report any suspicious behaviour to the Nominated Supervisor or Approved Provider and encourage a safe and supportive Service environment.
  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person, regardless of their abilities, gender, religion or cultural background.
  • Refrain from bullying, harassing or discriminating against any child or adult at Toy Box CCCC.

Respect the decisions of educators and staff members and teach children (if adults) to do likewise.

  • Tell an educator (if a child) or the Approved Provider or Nominated Supervisor if we see a any instances of bullying, harassment or discrimination at Toybox CCCC.
  • Cooperate and follow classroom rules.

Listen to educators’ instructions and follow them.

  • Control our emotions and talk to an educator (if a child) if we are feeling upset.
  • Speak to an educator (if a child) or the Approved Provider or Nominated Supervisor if we are worried, concerned or have a grievance about something.

Families and visitors will not:

  • Not drink alcohol or use illicit substances while on ToyboxCCCC’s premises or come to Toybox CCCC under their influence.
  • Not smoke on Toybox CCCC’s premises including in the car park.
  • Not take photos using their personal devices on Toybox CCCC property without seeking permission.

Management Responsibilities

In Toybox CCCC the Approved Provider and the Nominated Supervisor are responsible for:

  • Supporting the Nominated Supervisor, Certified Supervisor, Educational Leader , Room Leaders and educators in their role.
  • Keeping all service families up to date with relevant issues.
  • Recruiting and selecting educators and other staff members.
  • Ensuring educators and staff members have the correct qualifications.
  • Ensuring educator ratio and qualification requirements are met.
  • Ensuring all educators and staff understand their responsibilities under the education and care law and regulations, the National Quality Standard, the Early Years Learning Framework.
  • Developing Toybox CCCC policies and ensuring all educators follow our policies and procedures.
  • Ensuring all educators, staff, visitors and volunteers are aware of and comply with our Code of Conduct
  • Investigating and managing grievances from educators, staff members, families or volunteers (including incidents of workplace bullying) in accordance with our Grievance Guidelines.
  • Implementing effective communication and consultation procedures with educators and staff members about workplace issues.
  • Promoting the diverse skills and achievements of educators and staff (eg at educator meetings, through regular feedback, by sharing information with families and the community through notices and newsletters.)
  • Providing or organising appropriate information, instruction, training or supervision to educators and staff
  • Maintaining the financial viability of Toybox CCCC.

Communication Procedures