Jobdescription:Early Years Practitioner

Jobtitle:Early Years Practitioner


Purpose of the job:Toworkas a key person andaspart of the pre-school team under thedirection of the manager.To provide safe, high qualityeducation and careforyoungchildren which meets the individual needsof childrenattending thesetting.

Safeguardingrequirement:Peachcroft Pre-school iscommittedtosafeguardingandpromotingthewelfare of childrenand young people. It is arequirement of all staff thattheysharethiscommitment and followthe prescribed policyand procedures to continuouslypromote aculture ofsafeguardingacross the wholeorganisation.


1.To assist with the planning of thecurriculum using theEarlyYearsFoundationStage(EYFS)forguidance.

2.To help toset up forthe daily programme and to help tidyawayat the end of thesession.

3.To act as a key person to asmall groupof children, liaising closely and buildingan effectiverelationshipwith parents/carersand ensuringeach child’sneeds arerecognisedand met.

4.To workinpartnershipwithparents/carers andother familymembers.

5.To advise the Manager of any concerns e.g. health andwell-being of children, parents or thesafetyofequipment, preservingconfidentialityasnecessary.

6.Totakeaction tosupportthesettingto achieve and maintainaminimum good Ofstedrating atthe nextinspection.

7.Toteachchildren, offering an appropriatelevel of support and stimulating playexperiences.

8.To ensure thatchildrenare keptsafe and thatyou understand when tofollowchild protectionprocedures.

9.Tosupport meal times within the setting.

10.To activelyparticipate at teammeetings,supervisionmeetings andappraisal meetings.

11.To attend trainingcourses as requiredand totakeresponsibilityfor personaldevelopment.

12.Tokeep completely confidential anyinformation regardingthe children, theirfamiliesorotherstaff, which is acquired as part of the job.

13.To be awareof and adhere to all the setting’s operationalpolicies and procedures,e.g. healthandsafety,fireprecautions, dropping off andcollectionofchildren,food safety,cleanlinessofthesetting.

14.To ensure that adequate records are kept and updated regularly.

15.To promote thesetting to current parentsand potential customers.

Thisjobdescriptionisnotanexhaustivelistofdutiesandthepostholderwillberequiredtoundertakeanyotherreasonable dutiesdiscussedanddirectedbythelinemanager.Thepostholderisalsoexpectedtobeflexibleandadaptableintheirapproachtofulfillingtheirduties.



1.Willingnessto learn andundertake furthertraining.

2.Level 2 earlyyears educationand childcarequalificationorequivalent,and a commitment toobtaining a level 3 qualification.

3.Previous experienceof workingwith young children.

4.Soundknowledgeof child development from birth tofiveyears.

5.KnowledgeoftheEarly YearsFoundationStage(EYFS).

6.Knowledgeof safeguardingand child protectionprocedures.


8.An understanding ofplay-based approaches to children’slearning and development.

9.Acommitmenttocontinuouslypromote aculture of safeguarding.

10.Acommitmentto equal opportunities.

11.Acommitmentto workingeffectivelywith youngchildren and families.

12.Afriendlyand flexible approach at work which facilitatesthe development ofeffectiverelationships.

Desirable criteria

1.Level 3 earlyyears educationand childcarequalificationorequivalent,and a commitment toobtaining a level 4 qualification.

2.CurrentFirstAidat Work qualification.


Early Years Practitioner Job description Jan 18