Program name: ZRPTIER Version: 17.7 Location: Jobsub

Description: This Banner process is provided to assist colleges with the tracking of tier levels and HOPE GPA calculations for HOPE Scholarship and Zell Miller Scholarship recipients. Currently registered degree seeking HOPE or Zell Miller Scholarship recipients will automatically have their term hours and GPA added to user defined fields in Banner. Beginning with end of fall semester 2017 (Banner term 201812), this process will identify STEM coursework and add the additional .5 weight for grades of ‘B’, ‘C’, or ‘D’.

This process is designed to examine the Scholarship Attempted Hours and GPA of Scholarship recipients in order to set their eligibility and current tier hours. This is accomplished through the use of the Financial Aid User Defined table ROBUSDF, the term GPA table SHRTGPA, and the population extract table GLBEXTR. Additionally, the tables STVTERM, ROBINST, SPRIDEN and GLBEXTR are used to verify the contents of parameters, if applicable. The table GLBEXTR is also used to temporarily house the PIDMS of the chosen populations.


1.  GLRSLCT: This process requires that a FINAID application and a HOPETIER selection be defined through the General System Population Selection Menu. Create a population selection on GLRSLCT using the FINAID Application and Selection ID of HOPETIER. Note: Only one HOPETIER population selection must exist.

Banner Form GLRSLCT:

Prerequisites continued:

2.  RORUSER: Enter the following field descriptions: (Field descriptions for ROAUSDF)

FIELD 21 Most Recent Term

FIELD 23 Overall Attempted Hours

FIELD 24 Overall GPA Hours

FIELD 25 Overall Quality Points

FIELD 27 Overall GPA

FIELD 28 Overall Eligibility

FIELD 31 Beginning Term

FIELD 33 Beginning Attempted Hours

FIELD 34 Beginning GPA Hours

FIELD 35 Beginning Quality Points

FIELD 37 Beginning GPA

FIELD 38 Beginning Eligibility

FIELD 41 Summer Attempted Hours

FIELD 42 Summer GPA Hours

FIELD 43 Summer Quality Points

FIELD 44 Summer GPA

FIELD 45 End of Summer Eligibility

FIELD 46 Fall Attempted Hours

FIELD 47 Fall GPA Hours

FIELD 48 Fall Quality Points


FIELD 50 End of Fall Eligibility

FIELD 56 Spring Attempted Hours

FIELD 57 Spring GPA Hours

FIELD 58 Spring Quality Points

FIELD 59 Spring GPA

FIELD 60 End of Spring Eligibility

FIELD 97 HOPE Scholarship Loss Date

FIELD 99 Zell Miller Loss Date

Field 97: HOPE Scholarship Loss Date: The HOPE Scholarship Tier Tracking Process (ZRPTIER), the Three Term Checkpoint Process (ZRPTTCP), and the End of Spring Process (ZRPHEOS) will update Field 97 for any student who loses eligibility for HOPE Scholarship at the end of a term due to a below 3.0 Scholarship GPA at a checkpoint.

Field 99: Zell Miller Loss Date: The HOPE Scholarship Tier Tracking Process (ZRPTIER), the Three Term Checkpoint Process (ZRPTTCP), and the End of Spring Process (ZRPHEOS) will update Field 99 for any student who loses eligibility for Zell Miller Scholarship at the end of a term due to a below 3.30 Scholarship GPA at a checkpoint.

Prerequisites continued:

Banner Form RORUSER:

3.  ROAUSDF: The OVERALL FIELDS (21 through 28) and the BEGINNING FIELDS (31 through 38) MUST BE manually entered using form ROAUSDF for any student that should be included in the process. If these fields are not manually entered, the student will be omitted from the process. This must be done only once.

The appropriate fields will be automatically populated for each term the student is enrolled thereafter.

NOTE: Version 13.6 includes code ‘N%’ (‘%’ is a wildcard and any character or number is valid) as a valid tier code to be used for tracking ineligible students. Any student who is not eligible for HOPE Scholarship, but has applied may be set up on ROAUSDF (Fields 21-28 and 31-38) and coded with tier status of ‘N%’. Any student coded as ‘N%’ who crosses a 30/60/90 Hour Checkpoint will be evaluated for eligibility and assigned one of the following tier codes: ‘H2’, ‘H3’, H4’, ‘BG’.

4.  The following end-of-term processes must be complete prior to running this process each term:

·  Grades for the term must have been rolled (SHRROLL).

·  GPAs must be calculated (SHRGPAC or SHRCGPA).


01 / Term code / Required / Enter the Banner Term Code (example: 201812). ‘Invalid Term/Aid Year Combination’ error generated for aid year/term code mismatch.
02 / Aid Year Code / Current Aid Year Code – example 1718
03 / Run Mode / Valid Values: R, P, or I / R – All Registered for Term, P - Population Selection, I- Student ID (select ‘I’ if running process on single student)
04 / Student ID / Required if Parameter 03 = I / For Run Mode (Parameter 03) = I (Student ID), enter the student’s Banner Student ID
05 / Application Code / Required if Parameter 03 = P / For Run Mode (Parameter 03) = P (Population Selection), enter the Application for the Population Selection – example FINAID
06 / Selection ID / Required if Parameter 03 = P / For Run Mode (Parameter 03) = P (Population Selection), enter the Selection ID (Name of the Population Selection)
07 / Creator ID / Required if Parameter 03 = P / For Run Mode (Parameter 03) = P (Population Selection), enter the Creator ID of the Population Selection
08 / User ID / Required if Parameter 03 = P / For Run Mode (Parameter 03) = P (Population Selection), enter the User ID of the Population Selection
09 / Email User Name / Not Required, but Recommended / Enter User Name for the output report to be emailed. Only a valid college issued email address user name will process. Example – If Johnnie Smith at Albany Tech is running this process and his email address is , then Johnnie would enter jsmith for Parameter 08.
10 / Run Mode / Valid Values: A, U / A – Audit or U - Update
NOTE: It is recommended that you run this process first in audit mode. Audit mode does not update ROAUSDF.


·  Only degree-seeking students will be processed (4th digit of major code = 3).

·  Beginning with fall semester 2011 (201212) Learning Support coursework is not counted as Scholarship Attempted-Hours. Credit hours earned for Learning Support in Fall term 2011 or later, or accepted for Degree credit in Fall 2011 or later, are not counted as Attempted-Hours.

·  Credit hours earned for Learning Support coursework prior to Fall term 2011, are counted as Attempted-Hours if such coursework was attempted by the student while he or she was Enrolled in a Degree program or while he or she was Enrolled in a Diploma or Certificate program and the coursework was accepted as credit toward the student’s Degree program prior to Fall term 2011. (v13.4 Fix: Added ‘REA%’ as identifier for reading coursework. v13.6 Fix: Added ESOL as valid Learning Support coursework: ESOL 006%, ESOL 007%, ESOL 008%, ESOL 009%)

·  If the next term’s beginning date is after the scholarship expiration date, the process will update ROAUSDF Field 28 (Overall Eligibility) to ‘XP’. The report will reflect the student’s ‘regular’ tier status for the term being processed. ZRPTIER is run on the current term. The tier status eligibility is calculated for the ‘end of term’. Therefore, the tier code reflected on the report is based on coursework/grades for the term just completed.

·  Beginning with fall semester 2017 (201812) any STEM course taken will have an additional .5 weight added for grades of ‘B’, ‘C’, and ‘D’. STEM courses are identified in the ZTVSTEM validation table/form.

Example: 3 credit hour course

No STEM weight: grade of C = 2.0 x 3 hours = 6 QP equals a 2.0 GPA

With STEM weight: grade of C = 2.0 + .5 additional weight = 2.5 x 3 hours = 7.5 QP GPA 2.5

For each course identified as STEM beginning with fall semester 2017 (201812) the process will automatically add .5 to the GPA calculation where the grade is B, C, or D:

A / 4.0 / 4.0
B / 3.0 / 3.5
C / 2.0 / 2.5
D / 1.0 / 1.5
F / 0.0 / 0.0
WF / 0.0 / 0.0

·  If the process does not end normally, it may be rerun as many times as is necessary. No changes will be committed in ROBUSDF (Form ROAUSDF) until the process ends normally.

·  If the process ends normally, it may be run again only for those students that were not included in the previous run(s).

·  The process will reject any second or subsequent updates for a student that has already been processed for the term. (ROAUSDF - If the fields for the specified term for a student are populated, the student’s record will not be updated.)

·  The HOPE Scholarship Tier Tracking Process (ZRPTIER) must be run prior to running the Three Term Checkpoint Process (ZRPTTCP).

·  HOPE Scholarship Process Sequence:

1.  HOPE Scholarship Tier Tracking Process (ZRPTIER)

2.  Three Term Checkpoint (ZRPTTCP)

3.  End of Spring Checkpoint (ZRPHEOS)  Important: Only run after spring term

4.  HOPE Scholarship Review Report (ZRRHREV) Run after ZRPTTCP if not spring term.

The HOPE Scholarship Tier Tracking and Three Term Checkpoint process must be run prior to running the End of Spring Checkpoint Process.


Possible eligibility (tier) codes are: (ROAUSDF – Field 28 Overall Eligibility)

BG / Below GPA -This code is set when a student crosses a 30/60/90 Hour Checkpoint and the current overall GPA is below 3.00 for HOPE Scholarship or 3.30 for Zell Miller Scholarship.
LH / HOPE Scholarship Two Losses (Ineligible status.)
LZ / Zell Miller Scholarship Two Losses (Ineligible status.)
MX / Exceeded Max Hours (total attempted hours > 127.00) -This code is set whenever the total attempted hours exceeds 127.
ND / Not Degree – This code is set when it is determined that a student is diploma or certificate seeking for the specified term.
N% / Not Eligible - This code is to be used for tracking ineligible students and is entered manually. Any student who is not eligible for HOPE Scholarship, but has applied may be set up on ROAUSDF (Fields 21-28 and 31-38) and coded with tier status of ‘N%’. Any student coded as ‘N%’ who crosses a 30/60/90 Hour Checkpoint will be evaluated for eligibility and assigned one of the following tier codes: ‘H2’, ‘H3’, H4’, ‘BG’.
H1 / HOPE Tier 1 (total attempted hours < 30)
H2 / HOPE Tier 2 (total attempted hours >= 30 and < 60)
H3 / HOPE Tier 3 (total attempted hours >= 60 and < 90)
H4 / HOPE Tier 4 (total attempted hours >= 90 and < =127)
XP / Expired Scholarship – This code may set by the USER for initial evaluations and is set by process whenever the next term’s beginning date is after the scholarship expiration date.
Z1 / Zell Miller Scholarship Tier 1 (total attempted hours < 30)
Z2 / Zell Miller Scholarship Tier 2 (total attempted hours >= 30 and < 60)
Z3 / Zell Miller Scholarship Tier 3 (total attempted hours >= 60 and < 90)
Z4 / Zell Miller Scholarship Tier 4 (total attempted hours >= 90 and < =127)

Scholarship GPA Calculation Details:

Quarter to Semester Hour Conversion:

All TCSG coursework prior to fall semester 2012 (201212) was offered as quarter hours. Summer quarter 2012 (Banner term code 201201) was the last term offered under the TCSG quarter system.

1.  The following ROAUSDF fields reflecting data in Quarter hours (data through summer 2011, Banner term: 201201) has been copied to Banner form ROANYUD. These fields were copied when ZRPTIER was installed into your Banner system. This is a one-time copying of quarter values from the following fields.

FIELD 21 / Most Recent Quarter / 321
FIELD 23 / Overall Attempted Hours / 323
FIELD 24 / Overall GPA Hours / 324
FIELD 25 / Overall Quality Points / 325
FIELD 27 / Overall GPA / 327
FIELD 28 / Overall Eligibility / 328
FIELD 29 / 3TC Status / 329
FIELD 30 / GSFC Check Term / 330
FIELD 31 / Beginning Term / 331
FIELD 33 / Beginning Attempted Hours / 333
FIELD 34 / Beginning GPA Hours / 334
FIELD 35 / Beginning Quality Points / 335
FIELD 37 / Beginning GPA / 337
FIELD 38 / Beginning Eligibility / 338
FIELD 39 / EOS Status/Term / 339
FIELD 40 / 3TC Check Term / 340
FIELD 41 / Summer Attempted Hours / 341
FIELD 42 / Summer GPA Hours / 342
FIELD 43 / Summer Quality Points / 343
FIELD 44 / Summer GPA / 344
FIELD 45 / End of Summer Eligibility / 345
FIELD 73 / Non-Standard POS Length / 355
FIELD 97 / Any existing data / 357
FIELD 99 / Any existing data / 359

Quarter to Semester Hour Conversion: (Continued)

2.  The following ROAUSDF fields have been converted from quarter values to semester values by dividing by 1.5. No rounding and truncating after two decimal places (the hundredth decimal point). The quarter values were converted to semester values when ZRPTIER was installed into your Banner system. This was a one-time conversion process applied to the following fields.