Through listening and speaking, the English language learners are exposed to high frequency words, lexical chunks and language patterns to form the basis for reading. / Ensure a period of listening and speaking (oral-aural) practice prior to the teaching of reading. / LANGUAGE TO GO!
Extensive repetition reinforces listening-speaking skills / Provide many opportunities for learners to listen and recite rhymes, chants, songs and simple dialogues. / LISTEN LOTS!
This facilitates comprehension. / Read aloud to model correct pronunciation expression, stress, rhythm and intonation. / MODEL FOR MEANING
This is a prerequisite for decoding and encoding. / Spend sufficient time focusing on the alphabetic code (sounds and names of letters) until it has been mastered / BET ON THE ALPHABET!
The automatic recognition of words frees the reader to focus on meaning. To that end, readers must first read easy texts both silently and aloud in order to develop sight vocabulary. / Provide learners with extensive practice reading a large number of texts that include only words that they already know and have learned at the oral/aural stage. / PRAC-TO-MATIC
Reading comprehension draws on vocabulary knowledge.
Reading texts for vocabulary acquisition as in this case should be differentiated from reading texts for developing automaticity as a MUST. / Expand vocabulary knowledge through songs, chants, oral activities and reading texts.
Monitor vocabulary growth in learners. / VOCAB – TO GROW!
This contextualizes core items, expands vocabulary, develops language and promotes general world and cultural knowledge. / Expose learners to many and varied text types that recycle and recontextualize previously learned lexical items. / WIDE RANGE TO KNOW!
Writing raises awareness to spelling patterns and enhances decoding. / Direct attention to the spelling of words and provide opportunities for practice. / SPELLING SMARTS!
Writing reinforces and consolidates language skills, allows application of linguistic knowledge and promotes ownership of language. / Provide opportunities for writing relevant to the world of the pupils. / MIGHTY WRITING!
Exposure to the literature of a language nurtures an appreciation of literature and culture from the early stages of language learning. / Introduce children's literature to enhance literary and cultural appreciation. / LEAPS TO LITERATURE!