Youth Advisory Council

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Meeting Minutes

1. 6:15pm - Call to Order

2. Regular Business

a). Pledge of Allegiance

b). Roll Call

Present: Armstrong, Bakker, DeLaRosa, Dreyer, Greendyke, Heneghan,

Kuipers, McKnight

Excused: Trameri

City Staff: Nancy DeBoer, Kim Meyer, Kaitlyn Marsman

c). Approval of minutes – McKnight moved; Greendyke seconded; September minutes were approved.

3. Guests – Anna Stubbs & Clara Dreyer – International Relations student reps

Nick Zomer – SLIC

Linda Brand & Laurie Bos – LYL Board

4. Subcommittee and Member Reports

·  Recreation Committee

Discussed doing a youth event sponsored by HYAC, maybe laser tag over three separate days for elementary, middle & highschool.

Also considered laser tag for an all-HYAC event, as most members preferred that

on the survey Kaitlyn sent out.

·  Social Services Committee

Met with Nancy DeBoer, discussed pending coffees in downtown Holland.

Also talked about Freedom Village visits, and decided to only do it around the holiday time and possibly combine it with an all- HYAC cookie-making event & bring the cookies to Freedom Village.

Scheduled to have next meeting at LEDA with Patricia Strachan from the IRC

Working on having a meeting with the Arts Council in December on decorated recycling bins, Kaitlyn has a proposal for the DDA on it.

·  Special Events Committee

Discussed combining the auction with a talent show as a way to let school jazz bands show off talent.

Also considered an all-HYAC event, options include cleaning up parks & going to froyo afterwards.

Since the windmill looks like it has all its funding, Special Events considered a new charity to donate to, maybe Camp Sunshine.

·  IRC – Anna Stubbs & Clara Dreyer

Holland is going to be a friendship city with Nagahama, a town in Japan

The Queretaro fountain needs repairing, working on raising funds

Viva la Vida celebration on October 15 (day of the dead celebration) with dancing and food

5. Continuing Business

·  McKnight moved to amend the agenda and discuss the ATI event first. Bakker seconded. Movement passed.

a) ATI Event, Thursday, October 17 – icebreakers & HYAC booth

·  There will be games, prizes, food, booths & a DJ. Point is to bring together youth from the community who value staying above the influence.

·  Core will be there to do the icebreakers, looked at certain ones to consider. Connor, Joey, Clara D., Lindsay Julia will organize ice-breakers and meet some time before event to discuss them.

b). Final Review of 2013/2014 Goals

·  Looked over goals, no comments.

c). HRC Social Justice Award

·  Discussed nominating Emma Dreyden, a girl who created an organization that feeds African orphans – purchase a t-shirt for $45 and $35 goes to feeding the children.

·  Assignment: Core is to think of other possible recipients

6. New Business

·  McKnight moved to have Marketing Ideas first on the agenda. Greendyke seconded. Motion passed.

a). Marketing Ideas with Kaitlyn Marsman

·  Re-tweeting/following the HYAC social network pages

·  Putting brochures in school offices, put up flyers & give out business cards in schools

·  Putting out info on HYAC events and activities going on

·  We will have a booth at the ATI event where we can get out the info

·  Members have been suggesting we get new HYAC t-shirts, maybe making them with Ambrose & using brighter colors

b). Mayor’s Roundtable Planning

·  Kuipers discussed adding Zeeland students to the Roundtable

·  Members agreed that having multiple executives present was very helpful

·  Discussed adding youth entrepreneurship to the Roundtable agenda

·  Linda Brand suggested adding a section on career options to the Roundtable discussions, with a time for students to ask executives about their careers

·  Suggested creating a panel of executives bringing up issues and then breaking out into groups to work on issues

·  Want to bring in as much diversity (academic, ethnic etc.) to the Roundtable as possible

c). Planning an all-HYAC event

·  Recreation wants to do laser tag for the event, have HYAC members bring friends

·  Social Services suggested having everyone decorate sugar cookies then having whomever is able to bring them to Freedom Village and do caroling for the residents

·  Ideas also include doing a clean-up at a city park, have a party afterwards with frozen yogurt from Orangeleaf.

7. Communications from staff/others

·  “Leadership as a Lifestyle” Retreat – Saturday, Nov. 9

o  Ms. Kim encouraged members to attend. McKnight, Armstrong,

DeLaRosa, Dreyer, and Heneghan will be there.

8. Public Comment

·  None at this time.

9. Next meeting: Thursday, November 14, 5:30pm (dinner), 6:15pm (meeting)

10. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:17pm