TLAC Minutes10/4/17 10:00- 11:30 am, LRC 106


Amy Barnsley – Chair

Abby Cameron-Standerford –Secretary

TawniFerrarini (absent)

David Helton

LaMart Hightower (absent)

Katherine (Katie) Menard

Josh Sharp (absent)

Kathryn Johnson

Margaret (Margo) Vroman

Tom Gillespie – CTL

Gary Stark – CTL Teaching Scholar

Christi Edge, Extended Learning Scholar – Guest


Old Items

  1. Peer observation program
  2. Amy said that there are non-responders. Suggestion to reach out to each individually – David Helton will work on this; Amy will send a list of names to David.
  3. Refresher course was offered; consider offering a one-hour refresher in the spring?
  4. New observer training in May.
  5. Peer Observation Subcommittee (David, LaMart, and Margo)
  6. Chair will put the request in the system, which sends an automated response to the peer observers asking for volunteers to conduct the observation.
  7. Subcommittee will monitor the Share site and reach out to individuals requesting their service.
  8. Tom volunteered to create a video to instruct volunteers on the logistical process of conducting peer observations using the Share Drive.
  9. Christi Edge – the university is in the process of articulating how we are evaluating our online teaching in response to the HLC Report.
  10. Suggestions – Online Fellows document created by Matt Smock to guide observations of online classes
  11. Quality Matters Framework – consider asking Online Fellows II or others who have completed other online professional development
  12. Applying Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR) Workshop – CTL is offering this training on 10/14/17
  13. Amy will send an email to promote this workshop.
  14. Peer observer training will be a requirement for new and renewing second termTLAC members after this year
  15. Update TLAC Operating Procedures to reflect this new expectation
  1. Conference Grant (Katie, Josh, and Katherine)
  2. Advertisement was sent for this fall; 3 grants will be awarded.
  3. Abby prepared the TLAC Google Drivefor the sub-committee which includes resources (call for application, rubric, ranking spreadsheet, conference grant reporting spreadsheet) and a file for new applications for the fall cycle
  4. Applications will be uploaded to Share Drive by the Chair; the sub-committee will determine how and in what way to use the Google Drive
  5. Please promote this within the departments
  1. TLAC website needs updating (Amy)
  2. Abby will review changes.
  1. Clarifying the Roles of the CTL, TLAC, and the Extended Learning Committee Scholar
  2. Document was created by Gary, Matt, and Katie. The committee will revisit this in the future to clearly articulate how we can work together in our separate missions.
  1. Update from the CTL Teaching Scholar (Gary)
  2. Teaching events will follow a more discussion-based format rather than structured presentations. Gary is requesting support from the TLAC to attend and share information about these.
  1. Drop policy for non-attendance for online class: Katie asked Kim Rotundo
  2. Request for revisions go through Academic and Admission Policy Committee (AAPC) – Michael Crumb, Chair
  3. Amy will construct a draft of this proposal to bring forward to TLAC
  1. Teaching Excellence Award
  2. Encourage departments to nominate others for this award
  3. Amy is asking for volunteers to participate on the sub-committee to review applications (David Helton); Amy will reach out to Josh or LaMart directly to request help.

Upcoming meetings: 11/8 (grants due 11/1), 11/29 10:00- 11:30 am, LRC 106

Rem: Post agenda & minutes to website