The Tyrone Area School District is seeking a vendor to provide Copiers to meet the needs of the District including its management, staff and students. Recommendations should be included which will help us toward our goals of reducing paper copies, reducing reliance and expense of individual printers, reducing overall copier expense and increasing network copier capabilities.

This proposal outlines the minimum acceptable specifications and requirements for our copier fleet. It is based on our current fleet deployment and specifications. It is our expectation, upon review of this proposal, that proposers will offer suggestions for optimization of our fleet to minimize district costs and maximize efficiency.


1.1  Proposal Process Instructions

1.1.1  Due Date: Proposals are due by Friday, June 3rd, 2016 by 2:00pm prevailing time.

1.1.2  Delivery of Proposals will be to the address below via one of the following:

·  Certified mail US Mail.

·  UPS/Fedex with delivery verification.

·  Vendor delivery to Administrative Suite Receptionist at 701 Clay Ave, Tyrone, PA 16686.

Proposals shall be placed in a sealed envelope clearly marked: “RFP Response: Copier Lease”

Delivery Address:

Tyrone Area School District

RE: RFP Response: Copier Lease

Attn: John Clark

701 Clay Avenue

Tyrone, PA 16686

All bids must be complete and properly signed to be considered valid. All bids received after the hour and/or date established above will be returned to the sender unopened. No oral or electronically transmitted proposals will be accepted. The Tyrone Area School District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, to waive any technicality in any proposal submitted, and to accept any part of a proposal deemed to be in the best interest of the District.

1.1.3  Important Dates

RFP Issue Date / 5/11/2016
Proposals Due / 6/3/2016 by 2:00pm
Proposal Opening / 6/3/2016 at 2:00pm
Selection of Vendor / On or Before 6/14/2016
Award of Contract / On or Before 6/14/2016
Delivery & Installation Complete / On or Before 8/12/2016
Training Dates / 8/16/2016 through 8/23/2016

1.1.4  Proposer Questions & Communications

During the period from receiving the RPF until a vendor is selected, you must direct all written and verbal communications with the Tyrone Area School District to:

Glen Drager
Network Administrator
Tyrone Area School District
814-684-0710 x3314
/ John Clark
Business Manager
Tyrone Area School District
814-684-0710 x

Any person contemplating submitting a proposal in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the specifications or other proposed contract documents may submit a written request for an interpretation thereof. The Tyrone Area School District will not be responsible for any other explanations or interpretations of the proposed documents. In case of any doubt or difference of opinion as the true intent of the specifications and in case any dispute between the parties under the contract to be entered into, the decision of the Tyrone Area School District shall be final and binding. Under no circumstances will a request for clarification alter the submission deadline.

1.1.5  Proposal Costs

Proposing vendors are responsible for all costs and expenses that they incur as a result of responding to this RFP.

1.1.6  Registered proposers

Proposers may register by contacting the district’s Network Administrator or Business Manager via phone or e-mail.

1.1.7  Proprietary Information

Proposals will be held in confidence and will not be revealed or discussed with competitors unless required by law. Proposals submitted to the district may be reviewed and evaluated by any person other than competing Proposers at the discretion of the district. Proposers shall identify the areas that are trade secrets of confidential/proprietary in nature by including a written statement signed by a representative of the company/firm identifying specific portions of the proposal that contains the trade secret or confidential proprietary information.

1.2  Response Format

1.2.1  Each proposal must contain the following items for consideration: Brochures/Literature of all equipment, Request for Proposal Response Sheet, Non-Collusion Statement.

1.3  Terms and Conditions

1.3.1  Term of Agreement

The term of the lease agreement will be four (4) years with alternate proposals being accepted for five (5) years. The lease shall offer a fair market value buyout option at the end of the term for any units the district desires to retain.

1.3.2  Payment Terms

The payment terms for the lease payments shall be net 30 days.

1.3.3  Flat-Rate

The pricing quoted shall be a monthly fixed cost for a four (4) year term with unlimited black & white copies. Click charge for color impressions must be specified. An alternate bid for five (5) years will also be accepted. The price quoted shall include all equipment, delivery, installation, initial and periodic training, service, parts, labor, supplies (including staples) regardless of yields realized by the district (excluding paper) and print drivers including assistance in configuration of software required for system operation.

1.3.4  Deviations and Exceptions

Deviations and/or exceptions from terms, conditions, or specifications shall be described fully and submitted with the proposal. In the absence of such statement, the proposal shall be accepted as in strict compliance will all terms, conditions, and specifications and the proposer shall be held liable.

1.3.5  Termination of agreement

Upon termination of the lease, all equipment must be removed and returned at the vendor’s expense with the exception of any units the district elects to retain under a fair market value buyout.

1.3.6  Governing Law

The agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of Pennsylvania.

1.3.7  Additional Terms:

a)  The Board reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any technicalities or informalities that are determined to be in the best interest of the District.

b)  All proposals must include a signed and notarized affidavit of non-collusion (Section 10).

c)  Proposals shall be irrevocable for a period of sixty (60) days from the date of opening.

d)  More than one (1) proposal for on (1) contract from any individual, partnership, corporation, or association under the same of different names will be grounds for the rejection of all proposals in which such proposer is interested. Any or all proposals will be rejected if there is reason for believing that collusion exists among any of the proposers. Participants in such collusion will not be considered in future proposals. Each bidder will be required to submit with this proposal a properly executed non-collusion affidavit in the form attached together with the bid.

e)  The individual, partnership, corporation or association submitting the proposal must be registered to do business within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Proof of the same shall be provided only if so requested.

1.4  Evaluation and Award Process

1.4.1  An evaluation committee comprised of key district stakeholders will evaluate each proposal for compliance with the submission requirements described in this document. All valid proposals shall then be evaluated on a number of criteria to determine the optimal solution for the district.

The award shall be made to the proposer with the proposal that the Tyrone Area School District determines is in the district’s best interest. From the total information required, determination shall be made by the Tyrone Area School District of the proposer’s demonstrated financial, managerial, and operational ability and resources to serve the Tyrone Area School District. Only proposals from financially responsible organizations or individuals, as determined by the Tyrone Area School District shall be considered.

1.4.2  The evaluation of proposing vendors’ proposals will be based on the following criteria/weights:

Cost 30

Guaranteed Service Time 25

Satisfaction of Specification and Requirements 25

Reputation of Equipment Manufacturer 10

Reputation of Servicing Vendor 10

Total 100

1.4.3  The Tyrone Are School District may, after the evaluation process, negotiate with any proposer who has been determined by the evaluation committee as being most apt to provide services that are in the best interest of the Hermitage School District. No contract signed as a result of this RFP process will detract from any or all specifications included herein.

1.4.4  Oral or written questions for further clarification may be required of proposing vendors.

1.4.5  Tyrone Area School District is interested in receiving the proposer’s best offer from the outset.

1.4.6  The Tyrone Area School District Board of Education will accept a recommended vendor or reject all proposals at its meeting currently scheduled on June 14, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. The vendor whose proposal is accepted is required to have all equipment delivered, installed and in working condition by August 12, 2016. Trainers must be available August 18, 2016 through August 23, 2016, to train staff.

SECTION 2: Vendor Criteria

The following are the minimum criteria to propose a solution to Tyrone Area School District. The District is evaluating both the hardware and vendor to ensure the highest probability that the system will satisfy the District needs for the term of the lease. Make all responses in bold type. To simplify this process, we are seeking proposals ONLY from those organizations that meet the following criteria:

2.1  Manufacturer Authorizations and Certifications

2.1.1  Vendor must be a current authorized distributor of the proposed system components in good standing. Vendor must maintain appropriate certifications and expertise on the proposed components in-house to fully execute the proposal and support the district after project completion.

2.1.2  The vendor may not out-source support to third party providers.

2.2  Technician Requirements

2.2.1  In order to ensure appropriate on-site response times when required, vendor must maintain a company service office within the local area with appropriately certified personnel. Local area is defined as within 75 minute drive time as determined by Google Maps™. The vendor must provide a minimum of two technicians who are certified to work on the proposed system AND are full time employees with the company AND whose primary workplace within the local area. All employees who will be on site must comply with all Pennsylvania mandated background check provisions for contractors--ACT 34(Criminal), ACT 114(FBI) and ACT 151(Child Abuse).

For Technician Identifier you may use a name, title, or other unique identifier.

Technician Identifier:
Office Address:
Years of experience with Company:
Years of experience in Industry:
Certifications held:
Technician Identifier:
Office Address:
Years of experience with Company:
Years of experience in Industry:
Certifications held:

2.3  Vendor Service and Experience

2.3.1  Vendor must have successfully installed at least 5 systems of the same manufacturer of the proposed system in the local area, similar in size and configuration to the proposed system. At least two of these references must be K-12 educational institutions or Intermediate units.

Company Name:
Company Address:
Contact Name:
Contact Title:
Contact Phone:
Install Year: / # Sites: / #Copiers:
Company Name:
Company Address:
Contact Name:
Contact Title:
Contact Phone:
Install Year: / # Sites: / #Copiers:
Company Name:
Company Address:
Contact Name:
Contact Title:
Contact Phone:
Install Year: / # Sites: / #Copiers:
Company Name:
Company Address:
Contact Name:
Contact Title:
Contact Phone:
Install Year: / # Sites: / #Copiers:
Company Name:
Company Address:
Contact Name:
Contact Title:
Contact Phone:
Install Year: / # Sites: / #Copiers:

2.4  Vendor Service Level Agreement

2.4.1  The vendor must provide a Service Level Agreement (SLA) which guarantees an on-site response time of no more than 4 hours for as service call. The SLA shall specify the response times/resolution times guaranteed for all service calls as well as the recompense to the district when the SLA guarantee is not met.

2.5  Vendor Financial Requirements

2.5.1  Vendor must show proof of insurance with the following as minimum coverage:

Commercial Liability

Each occurrence $1,000,000

Damage to rented premises $300,000

Medical Expenses (any one person) $10,000

Personal Adv injury $1,000,000

Technology Error & Omission $1,000,000

General aggregate $2,000.000

Products – Comp/OP AGG $2,000,000

Automobile Liability $1,000,000

Excess/Umbrella Liability

Each Occurrence $2,000,000

Aggregate $2,000,000

Workers Compensation

E.L. Each Accident $500,000

E.L. Disease – EA Employee $500,000

E.L. Disease – Policy Limit $500,000

Attach proof of insurance immediately after this section – this may also be a secondary document as an attachment to the RFP

ALL criteria above MUST be addressed with either the applicable information and/or concurrence to be considered eligible to provide a solution for the District.

If you meet or exceed the above Vendor Qualifications, then please proceed with the remaining


SECTION 3: Technical Criteria

3.1  Overview

The Tyrone Area School District is seeking a vendor to provide twenty (20) digital copiers for use by the Tyrone Area School District staff in its school buildings. The vendor selected must be able to meet and satisfy the requirements and specifications outlined in this document.

3.2  Copier Requirements/Specifications

3.2.1  The replacement of copiers will be as per the specifications listed on Exhibit A. The most current estimated monthly usages are included as Exhibit B.

3.2.2  All copiers delivered must be standard brand new, unused of latest model of regular stock product, currently in production. Re-manufactured or refurbished equipment is not acceptable.

3.2.3  All copiers must support base finishing options including duplexing and stapling.

3.2.4  All copiers proposed must be equal to or better than specifications listed in Exhibit A. All non-compliance must be detailed. Non-compliance to speeds listed will not be accepted. All proposed copiers must be digital photocopiers.

3.2.5  All copiers must be user friendly to the casual user. The Vendor will guarantee that adequate training at no charge shall be provided to the District’s staff upon initial placement, as well as, upon request from time to time throughout the duration of the lease agreement.

3.2.6  Systems shall include RFID readers supporting district’s RFID proximity tags for print job release. RFID Format is HID 125 kHz 26 Bit Credential (HID ProxKey III).

3.2.7  Manufacturer’s brochures and descriptive literature for all proposed equipment must be included with proposal.

3.2.8  Submitting vendor must currently be an authorized supplier and maintainer of all equipment proposed.

3.3  Print Accounting and Management Software Requirements