On the Margins

International Conference

organised by:

the European Association for Studies on Australia



4 – 7 September 2013

Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3


10.00 – 12.30 Post-Graduate Workshop (C104)

Run by Anne Brewster and Marc Delrez

12.00 – 1.30: Registration (A 001)

1.30 – 2.00: Official opening (Amphi B 200)

Marc Delrez (President of EASA)

Nathalie Jaeck (President of CLIMAS)

2.00– 3.00 : Keynote session (Amphi B 200)

Gail Jones (University of Western Sydney)

“Mousterians of the Antipodes: marginal bodies and the untimeliness of colonial paradigms”

Chair: Dolores Herrero

3.00 – 4.30 : Parallel Sessions

1A: On the Margins of Languageand Literature (C 105)

- Éva FORINTOS (University of Pannonia):“Semantic Aspects of Australian-Hungarian and New Zealand-Hungarian Language Contact Phenomena”

- Wenche Ommundsen(University of Wollongong):“Australian literature: transnationalandtranslingual?”

- Gabriella T. Espák (University of Debrecen): “Literary Nationalism in Teaching Australia”

1B: On the Margins of Literary Identity (C 107)

- Martin RENES (University of Barcelona): “Spectral Matters: Mudrooroo’s ghostly deconstruction of ‘authentic’ Australianness”

- Maria Preethi Srinivasan (Queen Mary’s College, Chennai): “The Exceptional Exception: Reflections on Roberta Sykes ‘Black Australian’ Identity”

- Paul SHARRAD (University of Wollongong): “Tom Keneally: The Marginal Mainstream”

4.30 – 5.00 : Coffee Break (Maison des étudiants)

5.00 – 6.30 Parallel Sessions

2A: Indigenous Australians in Film and Television (C 105)

- Renate BROSCH (University of Stuttgart): “Making the Marginalized Matter: The Production of Empathy in the Australian Movie Samson and Delilah”

- Luisa Pèrcopo(CagliariUniversity): “Humour, Ethics and Indigenous Film: Wayne Blair’s The Sapphires”

- Cecile Cau (Independent scholar, France): "Recentering Indigenous (hi)stories. ‘Redfern Now’ : from the margins of Aboriginal drama to mainstream TV"

2B: Gail Jones (C 107)

- Mark FROUD (University of the West of England) “The Lost Child at the Centre of the Story”

- Houda JOUBAIL (University of Liège) “Sorry in the Margin: ‘Trauma Envy” in Gail Jones’s Sorry”

- M. Pilar ROYO (University of Zaragoza) “Intertextuality in Gail Jones’s Sorry: Is Perdita an Australian Shakespeare or a Shakespearean Australian?”


9.00 – 10.30 : Parallel Sessions

3A: David Malouf (C 105)

- Martin STANIFORTH (University of Leeds): “Figures at the Margins: Reading the Liminal in David Malouf’s Remembering Babylon and Rodney Hall’s The Second Bridegroom”

- Jean PAGE (University of Lisbon): “Language as Margin: David Malouf’s ‘The Last Speaker of his Tongue’”

- Eleonora GOI (University of Udine): “‘A steely impersonality”: marginalised characters in David Malouf’s Child’s Play”

3B: On the Margins of Social Policy (C 107)

- Michael ACKLAND (JamesCookUniversity): “Comrade Lenin’ viewed from the margin: Christina Stead’s verdict on Australia’s seminal role as social laboratory and working-man’s paradise”

- Sophie KOPPE (Université du Sud-Toulon): “The appropriation of the margin: Learning from Australian welfare reform”

- Dr Kiera Lindsey (University of South Australia): “Coercion and Consent: How the Australian nation state uses Forced Marriage to construct margins and assert control over ethnic, cultural & religious difference”

3C: The Margin and the Centre in Museums and Galleries (C109)

- Helen IDLE (King’s College, London): “Nothing to see: an enquiry into the space between two paintings: ‘Old Bedford’ (2005) and ‘September’ (2005)”

- Alison CLARK (King’s College London): “[Un]Bounded objects: exhibiting the multiple histories present in an Indigenous Australian collection”

- Andreia Sarabando (University of Minho):“Object Lessons from Dominic Smith’s Bright and DistantShores: the exhibition of native peoples and artifacts”

10.30 – 11.00: Coffee Break (Maison des étudiants)

11.00 – 12.30 : Parallel Sessions

4A: Literary Encounters on the Margins (C 105)

- Geoff Rodoreda (University of Stuttgart): “The Swinging Stirrup: Murder at the Margins of Queensland in Recent Australian Fiction”

- Laura Singeot(CaenUniversity): “Meeting on the Margins: Rewriting First Encounters in Three Australian Novels (Voss [1957] and A Fringe of Leaves [1973] by Patrick White; Remembering Babylon [1993] by David Malouf)”

- Elizabeth McMAHON (University of New South Wales): “Castaways: Lost at sea in No Man’s Land”

4B:On the Margins of Australia and Asia (C 107)

- Megumi KATO (MeiseiUniversity, Tokyo): “Diversity in the Centre of the Margin: Perceptions of the Japanese in the Literature of Australia’s North”

- Kun Jong LEE (Korea University): “Australia Seen from the Asian Australian Margins:Dono’o Kim’s The Chinaman”

- Amit SARWAL (DeakinUniversity): “Real, Imagined andMythologized: (Re)Presentation of Lost Home in the Short Stories of South Asian Diaspora in Australia”

4C:Mining and Carpentaria (C109)

- Lars Jensen(RoskildeUniversity): “Mining their own Business: The Australian mining industry and the construction of the national imaginary and its margins”

- Estelle CASTRO (LIA TransOceanik, CNRS/JCU-Cairns Institute): The Poetics of Relation in Alexis Wright’s Carpentaria

- Anne Le Guellec-Minel (University of Bretagne Occidentale): “Writing away in the fringe in Carpentaria by Alexis Wright”

12.30 – 2.00 Buffet Lunch (Maison des étudiants)

2.00– 3.00 : Keynote session (Amphi B 200)

Philip McLaren

“Thaw-uma-li:coals for cooking in, or food for thought”

Chair: Marc Delrez

3.00 – 4.30 : Parallel Sessions

5A: Convict Australia (C 105)

- Susan BALLYN (BarcelonaUniversity):“Two Marginal Stories: Hannah Thornton and Mary Kelley Transported on the Hydery in 1832”

- Sissy HELFF (Goethe-University of Frankfurt): “Commodifying Port Arthur? History and Memory in the Limelight of Dark Tourism”

- Amanda Johnson(University of Melbourne):“The Expedition of Female Mourning: Jane Franklin as marginal ‘adventuress’ and colonial mourner”

5B: On the Margins of Politics (C 107)

- Jenny HOCKING (MonashUniversity): ‘The Forgotten History of 11 November 1975: Gough Whitlam, the House of Representatives and Sir John Kerr’s Second Dismissal’

- Peter GALE (University of South Australia): “Framing Public Debate on the Northern Territory Intervention: The Media and Moral Panic on the Margins”

- David CALLAHAN (University of Aveiro): “The Edge of the Australian Empire”

5C: Murray Bail (C109)

- Martin HARRISON (University of TechnologySydney): “Am I Marginal?”

- Marie Herbillon (LiègeUniversity): “Decentralizing the Australian short story: Murray Bail's “Camouflage”

- Jaroslav Kušnír (University of Prešov): “Rewriting the Margins: The Margin Strikes Back in Murray Bail’s The Voyage (2012)”

4.30 – 5.15 : Coffee Break(Maison des étudiants)

Launch of the latest edition of theJournal of Australian Studies

Mitchell Rolls, Kiera Lindsey

Presentation of AustLit

Elizabeth McMahon

5.15 – 6.30: EASA General Meeting (Amphi B 200)


9.00 – 10.30 : Parallel Sessions

6A: Tim Winton (C 105)

- Tomasz GADZINA (OpoleUniversity): “Tim Winton’s Australia as a Margin: Remarks on Australian Postcoloniality”

- Lyn McCREDDEN (DeakinUniversity): “Tim Winton and the poetics of resurrection”

- Dominique SEVE (Université du Havre): “Tim Winton: A Marginal Individual”

6B: On the margins of literary cultures (C 107)

Chair: Gabriella Espak

- Oliver HAAG (EdinburghUniversity / Austrian Centre for Transcultural Studies, Vienna): “Replicating Marginality through Translation”

- Dr Beate Josephi (EdithCowanUniversity) & Christine Boven:“On the margins of literary journalism: Anna Funder’s All That I Am and Ursula Krechel’s Landgericht”

- Milena Marinkova(University of Huddersfield): “‘Caught between’: Spectres of the Balkan, Reading Australia”

6C: On the Margins of Place (C109)

- Gillian BARLOW: (University of Western Sydney): “Rubbing Out: looking at Aboriginal housing”

- Bronwyn LAY (European Graduate School): “Swapping one great silence for another”

- Lise GAROND (Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale, Paris): “Ambivalent memories of colonial others on Palm Island”

10.30 – 11.00: Coffee Break (Maison des étudiants)

11.00 – 12.30 : Parallel Sessions

7A: Indigenous Identity (C 105)

- Michelle CareyMichael Prince (MurdochUniversity): “Erasure, survival and the mobilisation of difference”

- Delphine DAVID (University of Paris-Dauphine):“White, Australian and Aboriginal: shifting identities in today’s Australia”

- FrancaTamisari (Ca’ FoscariUniversity of Venice):“The Limits of Recognition. The ‘Politics of Sentiment’ in Australia.”

7B: Women in Literature (C 107)

Chair: Lyn McCredden

- Annalisa PES (University of Verona): “Marginal genre/marginal gender: Australian women writers and the short story”

- Donna COATES (University of Calgary): “From the Margins to the Military: Cross-Dressing Soldiers in Second World War Fictions by Mandy Sayer and Sara Knox”

- Giovanni Messina (University of Turin): “Coloured marginalities: the ‘white/brown sugar’ metonymy in Nancy Cato’s Brown Sugar”

7C: To/From the Margins of Europe (C109)

- Andrew TAYLOR (EdithCowanUniversity): Marginality and Transgression: Henry Handel Richardson’s Maurice Guest

- Dolores Herrero(University of Zaragoza): Chris Womersley’s Bereft: Ghosts that Dwell on the Margins of the Traumatic Memory

- Jan Lencznarowicz(JagiellonianUniversity): On the Margins of Two Worlds: Polish Displaced Persons’ Life in Occupied Germany and Their Settlement in Australia after World War II

12.30 – 2.00 Buffet Lunch (Maison des étudiants)

2.00– 3.00 : Keynote session (Amphi B 200)

Helen Gilbert (Royal Holloway, University of London)

“Out of the Exhibition: Indigenous Performance in the ModernDayMuseum”

Chair: Susan Barrett

3.00 – 4.30 : Parallel Sessions

8A: On the Margins of White Australia (C 105)

- Marie-Bénédicte REY (CaenUniversity):“Asian people on the margins”

- Jatinder MANN (King’s College London): “A comparison of the introduction of multicultural policies in Canada and Australia,1960s-1970s”

- Dr Chloe PATTON (University of South Australia): “On the margins of citizenship: Young Muslims and the imaginative work of belonging in post 9/11 Australia”

8B: White Australia (C 107)

- Emma BARROW & Barry JUDD (RMIT, University, Melbourne):“Whitefellas at the Margins: The politics of going native in post-colonial Australia”

- Marilyne BRUN (University of Lorraine):“White Australia: An Axial Margin in Federation Debates”

8C: The Centre and the Margin in contemporary literature (C109)

- Hervé CANTERO (University of Rouen): “Skirting and straddling the confines of Australianness in Robert Drewe’s fiction”

- Nataša Kampmark (University of Novi Sad): “The Indispensable Margin and the Collapsing Centre in Andrew McGahan’s The White Earth”

- Xavier PONS (Université de Toulouse-Le-Mirail): ‘On the threshold of change’: Liminality and Marginality in Steven Carroll’s Fiction

4.30 – 5.00 : Coffee Break (Maison des étudiants)

6.00 – 7.30 : Writers’ Readings (“Salon” Mollat Bookshop)

Martin Harrison, Amanda Johnson, Gail Jones,

Anthony Lynch, Philip McLaren, Andrew Taylor

8.00: Conference Dinner (Café de l’opéra)


9.00 – 10.30 : Parallel Sessions

9A: Indigenous Writing (C 105)

- Iva POLAK (University of Zagreb): “Deadly Feminae Ludentes: Me, Antman & Fleabag Bitin’ Back”

- Martina Horakova(MasarykUniversity): “Double-edged Files: Writing Back to the Colonial Archive in Indigenous Life Writing”

- Jeanine LEANE (AustralianNationalUniversity): “The Margins Write Back”

9B: Images of Australia (C 107)

- Mitchell ROLLS (University of Tasmania): “Centring the Centre and Walkabout magazine (Australia 1934-1978): a Critique of the Conventions Reading Apprehensions of the Outback’.”

- Brigitta OLUBAS (University of New South Wales): “Intimacy, Division, Geography: political margins in the artworks of Ian Howard”

- Stephen MORGAN (King’s College London): ‘Gained nothing and learnt precious little’: Reassessing the marginal existence of the Australian films of Ealing Studios, 1946-1959

10.30 – 11.00: Coffee Break (Maison des étudiants)

11.00– 12.00 : Closing Keynote session (Amphi B 200)

Anne Brewster(University of New South Wales)

“The Gendering of Indigenous Protest Poetry”

Chair: Lars Jensen