135 School Street – PO BOX S, Carlisle, Iowa 50047515-989-0909Fax 515-989-4328


May 11thth, 20177:30PM


A. Disposition of Minutes

B. Director’s Financial Report

  • Total money to City Hall from the library forApril 2017:$116.84

for faxes: $63.50earbuds: $4.00ILL: $9.00donation: $0.25 replacements: $40.09

  • Total Money to Friends of the Library for April 2017: $276.25

printer/copier: $276.25donation: $no report treasurer missed last meeting

C. Action on Bills:

  1. Amazon…………………………………....$914.12(books,DVD’s,office supplies)
  2. ASI Signage……………………………….$395.00 (endcap signs)
  3. Baker & Taylor…………………………....$159.26 (books)
  4. Cengage Learning…………………………$ 224.60 (books)
  5. Center Point Large Print…………………..$ 88.68 (books)
  6. Credit Card (for approval)……………..….$738.52(mail, books, program supplies)
  7. Cyber Solutions…………………………...$319.50 (IT services)
  8. Davidson Pest Control…………………….$40.00 (pest control)
  9. Des Moines Register………………………$425.24 (newspaper)
  10. Dollar General…………………………….$26.22 (bathroom supplies etc)
  11. Fareway…………………………………...$76.11 (program supplies, cups, toilet paper)
  12. Library Store………………………………$119.63 (DVD cases, display signs)
  13. Popular Subscription Service……………..$707.43 (magazine renewals)
  14. Recorded Books…………………………...$80.99 (audio books)
  15. Stacy Goodhue…………………………….$70.97 (books, office supplies)

Total Bills……………………….$4,386.27

D. Public Presentation to/or Discussion with the Board


E. Progress & service reports

Dee: progress reports and stats

3 amazing events plus outreach!

Stacy: director updates

F. Committee Reports/Trustee Reports

Stacy Review

G. Unfinished Business

Magazine Rack- will wait on project

Window Coverings- need vote to approve 4 windows (quote is 14.84 over amount allotted last month) total of $1214.84 or approve 7 windows total of $2051.57

H. New Business

Consider Hartford contract increase of $100 for next current fiscal year to total of $2,000 and an increase of $200 a year for the next two years after.

I. Library Vision/Planning- would like to update signage on bins in kid’s room. Considering frames or similar idea.

J. Foundation/Building- ‘Not Your Grandma’s Scavenger Hunt’ on June 10th

K. Communications-

L. Upcoming Events:

Book Sale 5/12-13

M. Closed Session

Go into closed session pursuant to chapter 21.5(J) of the code of IA to discuss the purchase of real estate where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the governmental body would have to pay for that property.

N. Adjournment