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Monday presentation:

DL Notations[1]

Quantifier Restrictions

●Question hasSubject some Subject

Question ≡ hasSubject.Subject

●Body Composition Calculation calculatedFrom only (Body Measure or Body Composition Calculation)

Body Composition Calculation ≡ calculatedFrom.(Body Measure ⨆ Body Composition Calculation)

●Instrument measures only Body Measure

Instrument ≡ measures.Body Measure

●Disease hasSymptom some Symptom

Disease ≡ hasSymptom.Symptom

●BMI calculatedFrom only (Height and Weight)

BMI ≡ calculatedFrom.(Height ⨅ Weight)

●Asthma Action Plan hasContent some Zone

Asthma Action Plan ≡ hasContent.Zone

Cardinality Restriction

●Study hasResource min 1 DataCollectionInstrument

Study ≡ ⩾1 hasResource.DataCollectionInstrument

●DataCollectionInstrument hasContent min 1 Question

DataCollectionInstrument ≡ ⩾1 hasContent.Question

●StudyPerson conducts min 1 Study

StudyPerson ≡ ⩾1 conducts.Study

●Patient hasProfile exactly 1 PatientProfile

Patient ≡ =1 hasProfile.PatientProfile

min / ⩾
exactly / =
some /
only /
or / ⨆
and / ⨅

Modifications -

Since we received all good comments from last one. We did not make any class/property/individual change in our ontology. But we did add the new restrictions we made for the assignment and we expect further modification after reviewing the survey ontology from Mark Fox.[2]

Learnings -

The learning of all types of restrictions and constructors are good learning experiences and in addition, we also learned from the survey ontology. The purpose of that ontology is twofold. First, to provide a standard for the representation of a survey’s structure and the data acquired for communication over the Semantic Web. By using this ontology it will be possible to re-use survey data for other applications/analyses, which is exactly what we proposed. Second, to extend the ontology of questions to represent their purpose. For example, are the questions related to conditions that the interviewee has (e.g., medical), or past events they participated in (e.g., attendance at a meeting). This extension will enable direct analysis of the survey results contents.

Examples of Semantics -[3]

Competency Questions :

1)What Body measures are relevant to the diagnosis of asthma?[4]

Answer : Height, Weight, Waist Circumference, Bioimpedance and Head Circumference are the most relevant body measures that have a positive influence on the diagnosis of asthma.

How the Ontology is used : The Ontology contains a detailed description of how the body measure are related to each other and what can be derived from each body measure. Also, every concept that has a positive relation to a specific disorder like asthma will be mapped together. So for the above example, the initial data retrieved would be the concepts that positively influence asthma diagnosis (based on the property hasPositiveRelation[5] in the Ontology). These include Percent Body Fat, BMI Percentile, Waist to Height Ratio and Waist Circumference. Since Waist Circumference is already a body measure it can be directly used for the answer. We have a restriction, Body Measure is measuredBy only Instrument, we can find out which are the body measures that have been used to derive the calculations mentioned above(Based on the calculatedFrom property). The Cardinality restrictions like, “Study hasResource min 1 DataCollectionInstrument” and

“DataCollectionInstrument hasContent min 1 Question”, help us make sure that we don’t have an empty set for the study.

2) What specific topics does the study questionnaire, “Measures of Obesity Associated with Asthma Diagnosis in Ethnic Minority Children” address?

Answer : The study questionnaire addresses subjects like Wheezing, Smoking, Income and Cough. [6]

How the Ontology is used : We have a restriction that every Question must have a subject. We also have a property that say, a Data Collection Instrument(questionnaire) must have at least one question. Based on these two properties, we can choose the subjects of the questions as also being the topics that the questionnaire covers.

Quantifier Restrictions

●Question hasSubject some Subject.

●Body Composition Calculation calculatedFrom only (Body Measure or Body Composition Calculation)

●Instrument measures only Body Measure

●Disease hasSymptom some Symptom

●BMI calculatedFrom only (Height and Weight)

●Asthma Action Plan hasContent some Zone

Cardinality Restriction

●Study hasResource min 1 DataCollectionInstrument

●DataCollectionInstrument hasContent min 1 Question

●StudyPerson conducts min 1 Study

●Patient has profile exactly 1 PatientProfile

[1]For Jason

[2]it would be useful to have a description of your plans here.

[3]somewhere you will need to tell us how you are handling time. It is ok for it not to have been in this assignment write up but we will need to address this in the next assignment

[4]this is a portion of what you need to look at to compare the two studies - i thought you were going to be addressing how the studies overlap so it would help to see the relationships between the measures related to asthma. are you going to show that one study has some body measures and another has a different set? and also show that one can be derived from what the other has? currently it looks like this is essentially straight lookup

[5]do you need positive here? is it not really hasRelation?

[6]I think you need to refine this some and have some notion of how what they are looking for relates. i thought you were going to highlight the distinction in granularity between the two questionairres with relation to at least one of the question families. so is one more granular in relation to asking about respiratory problems? and how about problems ever vs problems in the last 12 months?