Mrs. Clark 2016-2017



The AP Statistics course is an in-depth study of statistics designed for the highly motivated student. This course introduces students to the major concepts and tools used to collect, analyze, and draw conclusions from data. Students will be exposed to broad conceptual themes, including exploring data, planning a study, anticipating patterns, and statistical inference. According to The College Board, “the number of college students who take Statistics course is almost as large as the number who take a Calculus course. At least one Statistics course is typically required for majors such as Engineering, Psychology, Sociology, Heath Science, and Business.” Students are required to take the Advanced Placement Exam in the spring. Graphing calculator required.

MATERIAL: AP Statistics is a very rigorous course. The primary textbook is “The Practice of Statistics, 4th edition” by Starnes, Yates, and Moore. The book very closely follows the AP guidelines and incorporates the TI-83/84 or TI-Nspire graphing calculator. To expose you to the material prior to the AP exam in May, the pace of the course is aggressive. On average, we will be completing a chapter every 2-3 weeks. At the end of the year, there will be an extensive project that incorporates the material from the entire year.


Your grade in this class will be determined by dividing the number of points you have earned by the total number of points that could have been earned. Your grade will be based on:

  • Tests52 points

Will consist of 10 Multiple Choice questions (worth 2 points each) and 2 Free Response questions (worth 16 points each). Tests will be announced in class and posted on School Wires, giving you plenty of time to prepare.

  • Projects80-120 points

Approximately after every 2 to 3 chapters there will be a project assigned.

  • Quizzes20-40 points

Due to the pace of this course, there will very few quizzes. There may be the occasional take home quiz.

  • Homework 5-15 points

While homework will be checked daily, not every assignment will be included in your grade. The number of graded homework checks will vary with the overall work ethic of the class and number of assignments per quarter. The safest bet is to do your homework, not because it might be graded, but because completing homework is the single, best way to ensure your success in class.

I will be periodically collecting homework assignments to check on your understanding and to provide feedback. I will let you know which homework assignments I plan on collecting ahead of time.

  • Classwork/Preparedness20 points each quarter

You are expected to participate in class, have all of your class materials each day and go to the board on a regular basis. This should be a free 100% towards your grade, but if you do all your work and rarely or never participate in class your classwork grade will not increase or decrease you overall grade.


  • Absences – It is your responsibility to make up any missing assignment(s) and to be prepared when you return to class. I expect you to check School Wires when you are absent to find out the homework assigned for that night. Contact a classmate who can provide notes when you are absent. Do not come into class the day after you are absent and ask me what you missed. It is your responsibility to see me for extra help to review the material you missed.
  • If you are absent on the day of an assessment, the assessment will be made up the first day back, even if our class does not meet. Again, it is your responsibility to find me to make up the assessment your first day back.
  • Cuts –If your absence becomes a cut, you will receive a zero for the cut class. All points earned that day on any assignment or assessment will be a zero.


I strongly urge you to ask for help the moment you experience difficulties with the material. I am available after school (except Wednesdays and Fridays). Please be sure to let me know when you are coming for extra help.


I expect you to check School Wires and your e-mail every day for up-to-date assignments and important information. I check my e-mail account on a fairly regular basis. Please send e-mails at a reasonable time and only assume I have read an e-mail if I have responded.
