Suggested Answers to Assignments, Chapter 7, Prenatal Care

Written Assignment / Learning Objective(s)
1. Students’ answers should include the following:
(General outline of information to gather in categories)
A.  First Prenatal Visit
1.  History
a. Chief Complaint
b.  Reproductive History
c. Medical--Surgical History
d.  Family History
e. Social History
See the following in text:
·  Figure 7-3
·  Box 7-1
·  Table 7-1 / 1, 2, 3, 6
Group Assignment / Learning Objective(s)
1. Students’ answers should include the following:
·  See Table 7-2 for the common discomforts of pregnancy; the table includes the discomfort and contributing factor with suggested interventions.
·  See Box 7-3 for common danger signs during pregnancy.
Nursing Diagnoses include the following:
·  Anxiety related to uncertainty regarding pregnancy diagnosis and not knowing what to expect during the office visit.
·  Health-seeking behaviors related to maintaining a healthy pregnancy and concerns regarding the common discomforts of pregnancy.
·  Deficient knowledge of self-care during pregnancy.
·  Risk for injury related to complications of pregnancy.
·  Fear related to the unknown of childbirth, concerns regarding safe passage of self and infant through the delivery experience, and concerns related to assuming the parenting role. / 10, 11
Clinical Assignment / Learning Objective(s)
1. Students’ answers should include the following:
·  The frequency of visits increases as the duration of the pregnancy progresses; visits are about once each month during your first six months of pregnancy, every two weeks during the seventh and eighth months of pregnancy, and weekly during the ninth month of pregnancy.
·  See Figures 7-4--7-7.
·  Boxes 7-2--7-4.
During the first prenatal visit, pay close attention to cues the woman may give regarding her feelings toward the pregnancy. Ambivalence is normal. The woman may express feelings of doubt about the pregnancy or her ability to be a good parent. These are normal reactions when a woman first finds out she is pregnant, and she needs reassurance that her responses are normal. Withdrawal or consistently negative remarks are warning signs. Report these observations to the registered nurse (RN) or PCP. / 2, 4, 5, 7, 8
Web Assignment / Learning Objective
1. Students’ answers should include the following:
·  The NIH website is much more comprehensive and detailed and goes into more test detail and offers the ability to review information from the patient perspective. The book is a good overview of testing and nursing information. The website is a good resource for other information. / 9