Minutes of Bingley Medical Practice

Patients Participation Group

Monday 9th November 2015

Agenda Items / Minutes / Outcome/Action
Apologies and Welcome / Present;
Kathleen Naylor (Chair), Jill Wadsworth (Temp. Sec), John Menmuir, Donald Wood, Norma Bartle, David Rowlinson, Pam James,Dania Leslie. Carey Dawson (Practice Manager) Dr Bridget Pitcairn (GP)
Ian Hodgson, Pam Vinncombe, David Child, Lynn Asquith
Minutes of Last Meeting / David Rowlingson and Dania Leslie would like their names added to the apologies for the last meeting.
Minutes of Monday 14th September 2015 Approved.
Matters Arising
(not covered by items on the agenda) / Kathleen announced the total raised at the recent Coffee Morning, in aid of Manorlands (Sue Rider), was £232 and that the left over tombola prizes were given to the Sue Rider Shop. Whilst the donated books have gone to the Air Ambulance.
Patient Comments and Suggestions / Kathleen collected two comments from PPG’s box.
  1. Slimming Clinic/Club to be set up for patients suffering with Diabetes. Dr Pitcairn explained that there is already a clinic that a weight management dietician attends to give advice to patients. However the suggestion of an actual slimming clinic/club will be forwarded to Dr Greenhorn.
  2. Water in reception. A patient felt that having a water dispenser in the reception area would be of benefit to the patients waiting. Carey pointed out that any patient can ask for a glass of water from reception and the receptionist would provide one. The cost of a water dispenser has been discussed (at a previous meeting) and it was felt that there wasn’t the need. However, Carey will trial having some free bottles of water available with a suggestion of a donation being made to a charity.
/ Dr Greenhorn to look into this and report back to us.
Carey to provide the bottles of water and notice.
Practice Report / GP funding
Carey gave us a very interesting talk “My interpretation of the NHS”
Key Points
  1. There is NO more funding available for the NHS and we (the CCG, GP., NHS, & PPG) need to look at different models of care to meet the ever changing (and demanding) needs of patients
  2. There are approximately 65million people in the UK and the cost of the entire NHS is approximately £130 billion pounds per annum. This equates to average spend per person of £2,000 and this has to pay for all services in the surgery plus referrals out of the surgery i.e. hospitals and consultations
  3. Surgeries are funded per number of patients and in Bradford GP Practice’s receive varying amounts between £76 -£120 per patient per year. Additional funding is available for demographics and depravation.
  4. Monitoring of certain conditions, long term diseasesand other clinical initiatives are also funded separately, through QOF (Quality Outcome Forum)
  5. GP surgeries see approx 90% of all NHS appointments yet they only receive 6.9% of the budget!
  6. The aim of the CCG is to level out the funding across the surgeries in Bradford.
This is a very brief summery if you want further information please contact Carey.
News letter
The news letter has still not been produced. The practice booklet and the website have been updated. Donald Wood has asked for this to be addressed as soon as possible.
Telephone system
Carey explained the new system–a maximum of 50 calls are held in a “cloud” and patients receive various messages on self-care, Pharmacy First and other services during this time. When we have availability in our telephone exchange the calls are then dropped into our system (to be answered by the reception team (we can queue up to 10 calls). This has additional messages including a queue numbering system. These are6 incoming lines and a further 4 lines which are dedicated to the outgoing calls from the GP’s. Up to now the system is working well and the music played whilst patients are waiting on the telephone system, has been changed following comments from a member of the PPG.
When the surgery undergoes its CQC inspection Carey would very much like key members of the CCG to be involved. The Practice will give a presentation outlining such things as the demographics, culture of the practice, strengths and weaknesses etc. The PPG has been asked to write a half page statement about the PPG as the practices “Critical Friend.” Kathleen is to represent the PPG on the day and others have been asked to be around the practice to answer questions. The CQC will also interview patients in the waiting room.
Practice survey week of 25th January2016
The practice carries out an annual survey. Carey would like volunteers, form the PPG, to be in the surgery to hand out the survey and be of assistance to patients should they require any help. Kathleen and the Communication Sub Committee has suggested we use the format of previous years survey so that the new one can be compared like for like. A rota of volunteers will be put together at our next meeting. / Carey to give further information if necessary.
Carey to look into this..
Carey to print surveys and to have clips boards and pens ready for that week.
Rota of volunteers to be drawn up.
Contact with other PPGs / This item been forwarded onto the next meeting. / To be put on next meetings agenda.
Bingley Music Festival / This item been forwarded onto the next meeting / To be put on next meetings agenda.
New Secretary / Donald Wood has been appointed as the new secretary / Jill to write up this meetings Minutes then hand over responsibility.
A.O.B. / Self Care Week 16th November 2016 notice to be put up on the PPGs board in waiting area.
Health watch – stroke or diagnosed with heart failure? A national survey being carried out. Posters and leaflets on notice board. Donald Wood suggested that a table under the PPG s notice board would be useful to connect leaflets, suggestion box etc. directly to the PPG. Kathleen also wanted noted that other organisations are pinning things up on our notice board and felt that this needed watching as sometimes they are advertisements for commercial enterprises.
Men In Sheds Kathleen has heard about this National group and thinks it is something we could look into in our practice. David Rowlinson approves of this idea and suggested that we look online for information about it.
Donald Wood raised the following improvement points
  1. New Blood Pressure system
There does not appear to be enough guidance or advice about this at the point of need i.e. in the allocated booths in reception area. A discussion followed about what information a patient needed. Carey said that there were instructions on how to use the machine and to take the results to the reception. The receptionist then types the results into the computer and an outcome or action is printed out for the patient – really quite tidy. This was developed by our GP Dr Richard Newell and has been shared with the other surgeries
It was suggested that there should be a chart so that patients could interpret their own results. Carey feels that too much information may cause some patients to become unnecessarily distressed and therefore it should be left to the receptionists to input on the results and if necessary inform the GP’s as necessary.
Communications Donald asked how easy is it for patients to communicate a problem specifically to the PPG. Kathleen pointed out that there are leaflets and a suggestion box. Creating a PPG area or table would help this situation. He also pointed out that there is no obvious contact name. Jill pointed out that there is the Chairpersons name and a e-mail address on the leaflets.
The question is how communication between the PPG and patients be improved. The profile, constitution and operation on the PPG is not well enough known and the individuals who give their time to it should be known either generally or by delegation. Do we for example hold forums open to all patients by invitation on annual general meetings? Jill answered by stating that we created a Communications Sub Committee whose role is to look at how we best communicate as a Practice to our Patients. This is a huge piece of work and the committee have only been working on this a short time but they have achieved many things. A notice board, electronic notices, leaflets, suggestion box, virtual PPG, using the flu clinics for patient surveys, undertaking Practice surveys (last year after 400 responses we had to stop earlier) coffee mornings and many more things. The PPG are probably guilty of not promoting the good work they do. Jill acknowledged on behalf of the group that there were many more things to do and that it was a work in progress and since they have just lost two members of the group perhaps others would like to join them.
InformationIn reception (or indeed on the website) he has nowhere seen displayed prominently a list of ALL the services available within the practice. Carey said that the practice booklet addressed some of this but would look into this further.
Appointment on-lineIt’s frequently impossible or very severely restricted to make an appointment on-line. Pressures on GP’s services are widely known and understood but to offer an on-line appointment service which causes frustration and complaint under the prevailing circumstances may need to be reconsidered. Carey explained there is only a limited amount of appoints that can be released to the system.
Parking at the practiceis becoming difficult and are spaces being used by persons shopping in Bingley or using the train? Carey says he is aware of the situation but having sat outside to conduct his own survey he feels that the cars parked in the parking area are indeed patients/staff of the practice. Kathleen pointed out that the on- road parking has been restricted to residents only so that patients/staff using the top entrance now have to park downin the car park. Pam James asked why the barrier hadn’t been used? Carey said the barrier was broken but had now been mended and that it would be down at approximately 8-30pm at night until 7-00am the next morning / Kathleen
Carey to move table under the PPG’s Notice board.
Kathleen to report at the next meeting.
Carey to make sure the instructions are clear and in view for the patients.
Date of next meetings / Monday 11th January 2016 and 14th March 2016 / Further dates to be announced





The Bingley Medical Practice Patients’Group is a group of patients who together try to make a positive contribution to the services offered to all patients by the Practice. It will help the Practice to develop a partnership with patients to discover what a range of patients think about services and to establish their priorities.


The Objectives are:

  • to provide a patient perspective to inform the running and future of the Practice and contribute to Practice decision making
  • to form a two-way communication bridge between patients and the Practice
  • to highlight any services that could be improved
  • to proactively seek new members for the group
  • to develop and support a “Virtual Patients’ Group”


The scope of the Group is limited to clinical and other services offered by Bingley Medical Practice to patients of that Practice. Other clinical services not under the control of the Practice are outside the scope of this group.


The “day to day” guidelines

  • The group is not a forum for individual complaints and single issues
  • We advocate open and honest communication and challenge between individuals
  • We will respect each other
  • Silence indicates agreement – speak up, but always go through the Chair
  • No phones or over talking
  • We will start on time and stick to the Agenda
  • We will have an elected Chairperson and Secretary and meetings will be held regularly.