GJ7J 23(Leather Manufacture) at SCQF Level (7) – Structure

To attain the qualification candidates must complete 7 Units in total. This comprises:
1 Mandatory Unit
 6 Optional Units

Please note the table below shows the SSC identification codes listed alongside the corresponding SQA Unit codes. It is important that the SQA Unit codes are used in all your recording documentation and when your results are communicated to SQA.

Mandatory Units : Candidates must complete 1 Unit from this group
SQA code / SSC code / Title / SCQF level / SCQF credits
F0JK 04 / SKSHS1 / Health, Safety and Security at Work / 5 / 6
Optional Units : Candidates must complete 4 Units from this group
Group A - Candidates must take 4 units from the below
SQA code / SSC code / Title / SCQF level / SCQF credits
FA5H 04 / SKSL G6 / Manufacture Material to Add Value in Leather Production (Mechanical Processing) / 5 / 5
H7BX 04 / SKSL G7 / Respond to Production Quality Problems / 7 / 7
H7BY 04 / SKSL G8 / Improve Production Methods and Processes / 7 / 7
H7C1 04 / SKSLG2 / Skive and/or Split Material For Footwear / Leather Goods / SaddleryManufacture / 6 / 8
H7C2 04 / SKSLG5 / Process Customer Orders for Footwear / Leather Goods / Saddlery / 7 / 7
H7CE 04 / SKSFL2 / Contribute to Production Flow by Carrying Out Complex Footwear/Leather Goods/Saddlery Product Operations / 8 / 9
H7C3 04 / SKSFL4 / Design Products Using Cad Systems / 7 / 8
H7C4 04 / SKSFL5 / Create Digitised Patterns Using CAM Systems / 7 / 7
H7C5 04 / SKSFW2 / Carry Out Ancillary Footwear / Leather Goods Operations / 6 / 8
H7C6 04 / SKSTEX32 / Prove Colour Recipes for Bulk Production / 7 / 8
H7C9 04 / SKSTEX36 / Calibrate Textile Production Equipment / 6 / 7
Group B - Candidates must take 2 units from the below
FE31 04 / CFACSB10 / Organise the Delivery of Reliable Customer Service / 6 / 6
FE2E 04 / CFACSC5 / Monitor and Solve Customer Service Problems / 6 / 6
H7CB 04 / CFAM&LAA2 / Develop Your Knowledge, Skills and Competence / 7 / 6
H7CC 04 / CFAM&LDD1 / Develop and Sustain Productive Working Relationships with Colleagues / 6 / 6
H5XP 04 / CFAM&LBA3 / Lead Your Team / 7 / 9
H7CD 04 / CFAM&LEB4 / Manage the Environmental and Social impacts of Your Work / 8 / 4