Postal AddressMorayfield Sport and Events CentreInternet
PO Box 159Ph: 075498 6211
Caboolture QLD 4510Fax: 073205
ABN:92 967 232 136
Applicant details:
Organisation/club name:Contact person:
Postal address:
Home number: / Mobile: / Work:
Note: Contact numbers which you provide may be used to update council’s records.
Email:Booking requirements:
Purpose of hire/type of event:Date/s of hire:
Time of hire (when you want access to the facility, including setup and pack up):
am / pm to / am / pmNumber of courts required: 1 court 2 courts 3 courts/entire venue
Onsite facilities required: PA – sound system Meeting room Scoreboard and timers
BBQ Please be advised that the hire of BBQ’s have food safety restrictions attached. Staff will provide guidelines upon request.
Please indicate any additional items you will be bringing: Stands/stores Tables/chairs Staging Storage
Machinery/vehicles Other (please specify):Alcohol:
Morayfield Sport and Events Centre currently holds a Liquor License for this venue which prohibits external user groups from selling or serving user supplied alcohol on the premises. Hirers must comply with the legislation defined by the State Government’s Liquor Licensing Division.
Do you require alcohol to be available at your event? Yes No
Please note:A request must be placed in writing advising management of your requirement forthe service and availability of alcohol at your event.
Workplace health and safety:
For all venue hire, hirers must supply a copy of their current Public Liability Insurance to the value of twenty million Australian dollars ($20.000.000), an Event/Activity Specific Risk Assessment, and a copy of the designated First Aid Officers current qualifications.
All the above requirements must be submitted with your applicationform.
A copy of your Current Public Liability Insurance is attached: Yes No
A copy of your Event/Activity Risk Assessment is attached: Yes No
A copy of your designated First Aid Officers Certificate is attached: Yes No
Please note we cannot take any bookings without the required paperwork.
Council strongly recommend that you hire security/crowd control staff to manage the function and surrounding area for your event.
Have you hired security/crowd control staff for your event: Yes No
Photography/videotaping permission:
I, the applicant, on behalf of the above listed organisation authorise Moreton Bay Regional Council to use any photographs/videotapes taken during our event to be utilised for all publicity purposes including publications, promotional flyers, news articles, websites, newsletters and magazines.
I, the applicant, on behalf of the above listed organisation do not authorise Moreton Bay Regional Council to use any photographs/videotapes taken during our event.
Bond returns:
A security bond is required for all events, and is required to be paid at the time of making the booking.
Bond money can only be returned to the individual/organisation named on the original receipt.Please tick the appropriate box to indicate your preferred option (please allow up to 30 working days forprocessing):
Cheque returned via mail
Electronic Funds Transfer to a nominated bank account (excludes credit card accounts) – complete below
Bank name/branch:Account name:
BSB: / Account number:
Indemnity and disclaimer:
I, the applicant, on behalf of the above listed organisation, hereby acknowledge having read and understood the Conditions of Hire, and agree to be bound by andcomply with all the conditions. I/We further agree to be responsible for ensuring that all individuals or groupsusing the premises in association with this event shall comply with the conditions. I/We agree to indemnifythe Morayfield Sport and Events Centre and the Moreton Bay Regional Council from, and in respect to, allactions, suits, claims or demands of any kind arising out of, or relating to, the hire and use of the facilityowned by Moreton Bay Regional Council in respect of any activities undertaken by us, or any other partyinvolved.
Hirer’s signature: / Date:Office use only
Have you given the customer a quote:□ No□ Yes
If yes, amount quoted: $______
Office use only
Booking entered in diary/bookings register: No Yes - date:______
Hire fees paid: No Yes Amount $______Receipt number: ______
Security bond paid: No Yes Amount $______Receipt number: ______
Booking confirmed by:______Date: ______
Privacy statement
Moreton Bay Regional Council is collecting your personal information for the purpose of assessing your booking at the Morayfield Sport and Events Centre. The collection of this information is authorised under the Local Government Act 2009. Your information will not be given to any other person or agency unless you have given us permission or we are required by law.
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