Research Presentation: Worth 15%

  1. Professional appearance
/ 2
  1. Powerpoint slides
/ 2
  1. Time limit
/ 2
  1. Knows material
/ 2
  1. Does not read slides or notes
/ 2
  1. Presents research clearly and adequately
/ 3
  1. Answer questions
/ 2
Total / 15%
  1. Professional Appearance
    Presenter dresses professionally, speaks clearly, and has poise.
  2. Powerpoint Slides
    Slides are clear and appropriate. Slides summarize the main points, but are not themselves the presentation. Results summarized in tables or graphs. Appropriate use of color. Graphics/transitions/sounds are professional and do not distract from the presentation.
  3. Time limit
    Your research is very fascinating, but our time is valuable. Your presentation not including Q&A must be 8-10 long.
  4. Knows material
    Presenter is familiar and comfortable with the material. Conveys that he understands the research forward and backwards, inside and out.
  5. Does not read slides or notes
    Carrying note cards or an outline loses all points for this section. The Powerpoint slides are your outline (see #2). You should know the material well enough that you do not need note cards or a script (see #4).b
  6. Presents research clearly and adequately
    Fairly self explanatory. At the end of the presentation, we should understand what the researchers wanted to do, what they did, what they found, why it was good or bad, and how and whether we as professional nurses should change our practice as a result of the research.
  7. Answers questions
    Again, self-explanatory. If there are no questions, you get no points. If the only questions asked are softballs, you lose points. Therefore, I highly suggest that 1) You be interesting enough that people listen; and 2) leave them wanting more.

See next page for Suggested out line

Suggested outline

Title slide / Research title, Authors, your name / 10 seconds
Background / Describe background/problem / 30 seconds
Research objectives / Self explanatory / 20 seconds
Methods / Tell what and how they did the study; include the study classification, Response variables, factors, and sampling technique / 2 minutes
Results / Tables Tables Tables
Include p values and confidence intervals / 2-3 minutes
Discussion / Summarize the discussion
Include things you think should have been discussed but were not / 2-3 minutes
Analysis / Tell us your opinion of the article: Cold hard reason please; leave your feelings out of it.
Tell us the positives and negatives
Tell us how the research could have been improved
Tell us the implications for nursing practice / 2-3 minutes

Classic mistake: Taking so long on methods that you have no time left for anything else.