Government of Karnataka
Watershed Development Department,
7th Floor, K.H.B. Complex,
Cauvery Bhavan, K.G.Road
Bangalore- 560 009.
No: WDD/ JDA (IGA & HRD)/ IWMP_B -V & VI /NGO/14-15
Subject: Selection of NGOs/Agencies for providing services for Capacity Building and Social Mobilization in V & VI Batch IWMP Projects
The Government of Karnataka is implementing Integrated Watershed Management Programme in the state. IWMP is in operation in all the districts of the State, with the financial assistance from the Department of Land Resources, Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India and Govt. of Karnataka. Watershed Development Department (WDD) intends to partner with NGOs in implementing the programme. NGOs are expected to perform tasks related to social mobilization, formation and training of community based organizations, and facilitating participatory planning and implementation by the community.
The NGO services (“the Services”) include:
- Establish effective working relationship with the WDD at different levels in the implementation of the project at district and project level;
- Establish well-equipped project offices at sub watershed level in a centrally located place with necessary infrastructure including computers with internet connection, telephone etc. and Positioning required project staff;
- Providing services of social mobilization by forming and training community based organizations and through awareness building;
The complete Terms of Reference for the NGO services may please be seen in the Government of Karnataka e-procurement portal also on WDD website
The Commissioner Watershed Development Department and CEO SLNAinvites eligible NGOs/Agencies to indicate their interest in providing the Services through the above stated e-procurement portal. Interested NGOs/Agencies should upload complete information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services on thee-procurement portal. The shortlisting criteria are:
- The agency should have at least ten (10) years of experience on the day of tender notification in the realm of watershed development, natural resource management and livelihood programmes like Income generating activities;
- Should have proven record in formation and strengthening of Community based organizations and adopting participatory approaches like PRA;
- Total financial turnover of not less than Rs. 75Lakhs during last three years.
NGOs/Agencies will be selected after issuing Request for Proposalto the eligible agencies who satisfy the minimum requirements in accordance with theLeast Cost Based Selection (LC) or Quality-and Cost-Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the KTPP ACT. If required, department may restrict the number of RFPs to be issued by ranking the eligible agencies.
Expressions of interest for the above assignment supported by:
- Proof of registration with competent, statutory authorities;
- Financial Statements-Audited balance sheet with profit & loss account and income & expenditure for the last three years i.e. 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13 or 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14;
- Details of similar assignments completed as per the prescribed format( bidders are advised to furnish details of all the similar assignments);
- Certificates of the Clients/Employers and other documents in support of meeting the specified qualification criteria.
These documents may be uploaded on the e-procurement portal . from 05.06.2014 to 25.06.2014 before 23.30hours and Shall be opened in the office of undersigned on 30.06.2014 at11.30 AM.
How to participate through e-procurement portal
- Details can be seen and information can be downloaded from Government of Karnataka e- Procurement Website 01.06.2013under login for suppliers. Aspiring parties who have not registered in e-procurement should register before participating through the website
- The details of the process of registration and obtaining the digital signature certificates are available on the website: Necessary training and hands on experience in handling e procurement system could be obtained from the center for E- Governance and could also be obtained over telephone at 91-080- 25501226/ 25501227, digital signature certificate (, 9480051499), payment reconciliation (, 9480051521).
- Participants can upload the relevant information on the above mentioned e-portal after obtaining the digital signature and by paying the tender processing fee of Rs.750.
- Last date for uploading the application is 25.06.2015 before 23.30 hours.
- Payment should be credited to the E-Governance account only through
- Credit Card
- Internet Banking
- National Electronic Fund Transfer
- Remittance over the counter in notified Axis Bank
- PDF versions or scanned copies of the required documents need to be uploaded on the website. While scanning the documents each of the documents should be scanned uniformly either in portrait or in Land Scape.
- Make sure that scanned copies are legible and clear, any smudged or unclear documents may lead to rejection of the application or non-consideration of such documents.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours [10.00 am to 5.30 pm]
Office of the Commissioner
Watershed Development Department
7th Floor, KHB Complex, Cauvery Bhavan, KG Road,
Bangalore, 560009
Telephone: (080)- 22100670/71/72 extn- 275 & 249; Fax: (080)-22100673/22100665, Mobile:9535026645/9902989010
Email: , Website: .
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