Uttarakhand Renewable Energy Development Agency (UREDA)
(Department of Renewable Source of Energy, Govt. of Uttarakhand)Urja Park Campus, Industrial Area, Patel Nagar, Dehradun 248001
Ph. 0135-2521553, 2521387, Fax: 0135-2521386, E-mail:
Recruitment Notification
Uttarakhand Renewable Energy Development Agency (UREDA) is the State Nodal Agency for Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Programmes in the State of Uttarakhand engaged in promoting, developing projects relating to Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency & Conservation. UREDA invites applications from result oriented and competent professionals for filling up the vacant posts in the following disciplines, purely on contract basis:
Name of Post / No. of Vacancies / Qualifications / Experience / Maximum Age Limit as on 01.04.2013Advisor / 03 / Essential - Graduate Engineer – Civil/Electrical/ Mechanical Desirable – MTech/MBA/PhD / Minimum 8 Years post qualification experience in the field of Renewable energy/ small hydro. / 50 Yrs.
Candidates who fulfill the eligibility norms may submit their application on prescribed format by e-mail or registered post to UREDA on or before 06.05.2013 at – Energy Park Campus, Industrial Area, Patel Nagar, Dehradun – 248001. The prescribed format and other information are available at www.ureda.uk.gov.in under the head what’s new. UREDA reserves the right to cancel the recruitment advertisement and/or the selection process at any stage without assigning any reason thereof.
Director, UREDA
Application Format
for the Post of Advisor
1. Name of Applicant: ......
2. Father's Name: ......
3. Permanent Address: ......
4. Correspondence Address: ......
5. E-mail: ......
6. Tel : ...... Mob.:......
7. Date of Birth ...... Age on 01.04.2013 ...... Yrs ...... Months
8. Educational Qualification:-
S.N. / Examination/Degree / Name of College/ University / Year of Passing / Percentage9. Details of Experience:-
S.N. / Name of Employer / Designation/Post Held / Duration(From – To) / Total Experience
10. Category :- Gen/SC/ST
11. Any other relevant information.
12. Please attached detailed CV and attested copies of the educational/experience documents with the application form.
Signature: ......
General Information for the Post of Advisor
1. RESERVATION:- One post will be reserved for Schedule Cast (SC) candidate.
2. COMPENSATION PACKAGE: The candidate will be offered the fixed honorarium of Rs. 46,364/- per month for initial first year. However, annual increment (up to maximum 10%) may be provided by the competent authority on the satisfactory performance. Traveling Allowance (TA) and other benefits would be admissible as per rules in force in UREDA.
3. Duties to be Performed: The following main works/duties will be performed by the selected advisors:-
1. Techno-economic appraisals of the proposals.
2. Preparation of Detailed Project Report for small, mini and Micro Hydel and Other Renewable Energy Projects (Solar, Biomass, Biogas, Wind etc.) Projects.
3. Monitoring and quality checking of works of ongoing schemes.
4. Preparation of proposals as per Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Guidelines.
5. Checking of estimates, drawings and designs of various Renewable Energy schemes implemented/proposed to be implemented by UREDA.
6. Organizing various activities and preparation of proposals for energy conservation programme.
7. Any other works as deputed from time to time.
3. Other information:
i) In case of exceptionally qualified/experienced candidates, relaxation in age and experience may be considered.
ii) UREDA reserves the right to call the candidates for Test / Interview. Mere fulfilling eligibility criteria will not entitle a candidate to be called for interview/ selection process. The decision of the UREDA in this regard will be final and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
iii) The total number of vacancies notified in this advertisement, if needed, can be decreased/increased by the UREDA, without any notice/assigning any reason thereof.
iv) The applicants should enclose attested photocopies of age, qualification, caste and experience certificates along with the application.
v) Applications which are unsigned and received after the closing date will be automatically rejected.
vi) E-mail id/ phone number/present address given in the application should be valid functional for at least 6 months from the date of submission of application.
vii) UREDA reserves the right to reject any application or cancel the candidature without assigning any reasons thereof.
viii) UREDA reserves the right to restrict the number of shortlisted candidates for interview to a reasonable limit on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed.
ix) No fare will be paid to candidates called for interview.
x) If at any stage, it is found that the candidate does not meet the prescribed eligibility criteria, he/she will be disqualified.
xi) UREDA shall not be responsible for any loss of application/ communication letter/ e-mail sent, due to invalid/wrong e-mail id/wrong postal address/postal delays/loss in transit etc. No request in this regard will be entertained.
xii) Canvassing in any form will disqualify candidate(s).
xiii) Only citizens of India who meet the prescribed eligibility criterion should apply.
xiv) UREDA reserves the right to cancel the recruitment advertisement and/or the selection process at any stage without assigning any reason thereof.
xv) Court jurisdiction for any dispute will be at Dehradun.
4. How to Apply:-
Candidates who fulfill the eligibility norms may submit their application on prescribed format by registered post and no other means/mode of the applications shall be accepted. The prescribed format and other information are available at www.ua.nic.in under the head tender documents. The envelop super scribing the name of post and level code on the top of envelope should reach to UREDA on or before 06.05.2013 at – Energy Park Campus, Industrial Area, Patel Nagar, Dehradun – 248001. UREDA reserves the right to cancel the recruitment advertisement and/or the selection process at any stage without assigning any reason thereof.
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