San Mateo County Wellness Committee
Department Wellness Champion
HealthTrailsMarketing and Promotional Kit
Department Kick-Off Walks: April 27 – May 11, 2015
Registration begins: Thursday, April 20 – May 18, 2015
Official program: May 11 – August 2, 2015
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for RWC Walking Route: April 28 at 12 noon
In Your Kit
- About the Program
- Your Role: To Help Promote the Program
- Level 1: Basic Marketing & Recruitment Activities
- Level 2: Follow Level 1, and Add a Little More
- Level 3: Follow Levels 1 and 2, and Monthly Wellness Themes
- Exhibitions A, B, and C
- i.e. email templates, talking points, half-sheets for Kick-Off Walks, etc.
About the Program
HealthTrails is a 12-week team challenge that is returning to the County in 2015. As of 2015, HealthTrails is now open to benefits-eligible employeesand Extra-Help (Agile Workers and ACA-Eligible).
Department Kick-Off Walks
Wellness Champions and their department heads will coordinate Kick-Off Walks to launch the program. The best time for the walks to happen will be between April 27 and May 11 (the start of the program).View the 2014 photo gallery:
Features of the SpringHealthTrails program:
- Online tracking for two areas of health: physical activity andvegetable intake
- Traveling on choice of 6 international trails to chart progress
- Images and descriptions of attractions, geography, and local customs
- Trail Mates and interactive message board for social support
- Mobile phone app for on-the-go tracking
Employees are encouraged to create teams of 4 – 8 people. If they do not join a team, they can join as an individual.
To Register:
1. Form a team of 4 – 8 members.
2. Visit the HealthTrails website:
3. Follow the prompts to creating a team and inviting your teammates.
Questions? Contact Employee Wellness at .
HealthTrails Rewards
Individuals who are on teams are eligible for the individual and team prizes – two chances to win!
Reward Type / Criteria / RewardRegular Logging / Awarded to one individual and one team (all team members) who log one or more days during each of the first three weeks. (Random drawing from all eligible teams and individuals to be held during the week of June 1st.) / $25 Cash Prize
Most Mileage / Awarded to one individual and one team (all team members) who log at least 600 miles during the twelve-week program. (Random drawing from all eligible teams and individuals to be held during the week of August 17th.) / $100 Cash Prize
Top 3 Teams and Top 3 Individuals / Awarded to Top 3Teams and Top 3 Individuals will be recognized with modest cash rewards. / $25 Cash Prize
Your Role: To Help Promote the Program
As a Department Wellness Champion, you are asked to help promote the program within your department and encourage participation.
We are setting a County-wide goal of 35% employees to participate. However, you are encouraged to set a separate goal for your department/division. Participation Goals should be realistic and achievable.
We’ve identified three levels to market and promote this program. It’s up to you to identify which level you feel most comfortable and confident in doing. Add activities of your own to customize your outreach and ensure that your department and co-workers get involved and join the program!
Items noted with a “**” can be found in the designated Exhibits orin the San Mateo County Wellness Champions webpage.
To locate files on the Wellness Champions webpage:
- Log in at
- Scroll down to the bottom of the webpage to view the PDF links.
Level 1: Basic Marketing & Recruitment Activities
As a Department Wellness Champion, it is an expectation that you complete at least two Level 1 activities. This is the minimum level of your involvement in promoting this program.
Choose a variety of tactics to inform your co-workers about the HealthTrailsand encourage their participation:
Talk with your Department Director and let him/her know that this program will be offered.Work with him/her to coordinate the HealthTrails Kick-Off Walk for your department or division.
- (e.g. send a department-wide email, say a supportive word at staff meeting, etc.)
Send an email or two about the HealthTrails Kick-Off Walks**(see Exhibit A). Consider sending messages one to two weeks before your Kick-Off Walk in April, one week before, and then on the day of your walk.
Make an announcement in staff meeting and other department gatherings about HealthTrails, your Kick-Off Walk, and this year’s Employee Wellness Yammer Campaign to be entered in a prize drawing for a Fitbit Zip. You can use the talking points** as a guide (see Exhibit B).
Print, cut, and distribute half-sheet flyersto distribute at the beginning of your Kick-Off Walk**. Print in color. (see Exhibit C).
Display large HealthTrails postersand table tents on Wellness Bulletin Boards, in breakrooms, outside your cubicle/office wall, near restrooms or the elevators or other high-traffic areas.
Work with your IT/Webmaster to post an electronic version of the HealthTrailsposter on electronic messaging boards in elevators and/or departments.
Level 2: Follow Level 1 and Add a Little More
In addition to some or all of what’s listed in Level 1, you have the option to add some or all of the following:
Use your Department’s “Wellness At Your Service” Coupon(s).Consider offering a Wellness Class for your department or division. Choose from a variety of example, you can align the topic with physical activity for April, stress management for May/June, or nutrition for July. To learn more, contact Melissa Wong at .
Use remaining 2014 Wellness Grants monies and/or set aside 2015Wellness Grant funds for prizes and awards. Consider your own internal challenges between divisions or work locations, maybe a challenge between two managers and their staff. Think about the many ways you can infuse (recognize and reward) wellness within your unique department culture!
Create a thermometer poster of your department/division participation.Create a large poster and display on your Wellness Bulletin Board or break room with the faces of all the participants.
Your idea….
Level 3: Embrace Levels 1 and 2, and Get Involved with Monthly Wellness Themes
In addition to some or all of what’s listed in Level 1 and Level 2, consider your department’s participation in Countywidethemes during the HealthTrails Challenge!
Coordinate HealthTrails-related Wellness activities. Consider holding HealthTrails weekly walks, guided meditations, small recipe competitions, or Wellness classes.
- APRIL – Physical Activity during the Workday
- HealthTrails Kick off Walks
- Begin a series of weekly walks
- MAY / JUNE – Make Time to Rest, Rejuvenate, Relax
- Hold a guided meditation session, or start a weekly series.
- Use a Wellness At Your Service coupon for a mental wellbeing class. Contact Melissa Wong at .
- JULY – Celebrating Good Food
- Start a small recipe competition based around one chosen ingredient
- Use a Wellness At Your Service coupon for a nutrition class. Contact Melissa Wong at .
Your idea….
Exhibit A
Levels 1, 2, or 3 Emails for Program Launch
[Tailor email to fit your department culture. Align health with employee job performance as you see fit (i.e. needs to be healthy on the job, serve as a role model to the people they serve, etc.).]
[Insert a photo taken of your dept./division from last year’s walk]
[Email Subject:]Kick-Off Walks Are Back!
To All [your department name] Staff:
We are pleased to announce the return of the Kick-Off Walks this year to launch HealthTrails, the County’s newest team challenge that works to support your whole health.
In April, we’re gearing up for some physical activity. It turns out that simply starting to exercise may trigger your body to reverse age-associated declines and stop aging in its tracks.
To get us all moving and warmed up for the HealthTrails team competition, please join us on [Date and time of HealthTrails Kick-Off Walk at your site]for a 20-minute walk. Share your physical activity goal in the Employee Wellness Yammer Group and you’ll be entered in a prize drawing fora Fitbit Zip.
HealthTrails program features:
- Online tracking for physical activity and vegetables
- Traveling on your choice of 6 international trails to chart your progress
- Beautiful images and vivid descriptions of attractions, geography, and local customs
- Trail Mates and interactive message board for social support
- Mobile phone app for on-the-go tracking
To Register:
1. Form a team of 4 – 8 members.
2. Visit the HealthTrails website:
3. Follow the prompts to creating a team and inviting your teammates.
HealthTrails is a 12-week team challenge that provides you with online tools to track your physical activity and food choices while traveling on international trails around the world. Registration for the program will begin on Thursday, April 20, 2015.
Please spread the word to your coworkers and encourage them to come to the kick-off walk with you! View all the fun from last year in the gallery of photos.More information about HealthTrails and how to register will be provided at the walk.
For the latest health and wellness updates, read the Wellness newsletter in the left-hand sidebar at
Exhibit A cont.
Levels 1, 2, or 3 Emails for Program Launch
[A reminder email and push for teams before team registration deadline.]
[Insert a photo taken of your dept./division from last year’s walk]
[Email Subject:]Everyone’s Talking About Teams!
Have you joined one yet? Last year, most people whocompleted thephysical activity program were part of a team. This suggests that teams really help you stay on track with your health goals. Better yet, when you and your team share your physical activity goal on the Employee Wellness Yammer Group, each of you will be entered in a prize drawing for a Fitbit Zip!
A few benefits:
- A fun way to keepeach other motivated
- Instant workout buddies!
- An easy way toshare your progress
- Encouragementbeing part of a group that supports your goals
- Easyexchange ofhealthy tipswith one another
- It's so much more fun!
Ready to benefit from all these healthy perks? Register for HealthTrails and get your team started
Exhibit B
Level 1, 2, and 3 – Talking Points at Staff Meetings
or Gatherings inMarch or April
What’s the message?
- We believe in the happiness and wellbeing of our team.
- We want to make “the healthy choice the easy choice”.
- Join us for our department HealthTrailsKick-Off Walk on [date, time, and location of your walk].
- Register forHealthTrails on Thursday, April 20, 2015.
Why sign up?
- A new program that supports your wellbeing in 2 main areas: physical activity andproduce.
- Gain access to several interactive program features that will help you track your progress.
- Friendly team competition that makes healthier living more fun and motivating.
- Visit popular landmarks around the world as you “travel” on international trails.
How does it work?
- Log your physical activity and produce each day or weekly to track your progress.
- Give (and receive) support to your team throughout the 12-week team challenge.
Why join a team?
- Instant workout buddies!
- More likely to complete the program.
- Receive more encouragement and support.
- Build stronger relationships with coworkers.
- More opportunities for prizes.
Who can join?
- All benefits-eligible employees and nowalsoExtra-Help employees! (Agile Workers and ACA-Eligible).
- Open to all levels of physical activity and nutrition.
When and how to register?
- Registration is open fromThursday, April 20 through Monday, May 18. Visit to register.
- HealthTrails Team Challenge officially begins on Monday, May 11.
Where to walk?
- Maps display nearby walking routes, distance, time to complete, and calories burned. You can create your own local routes at
Exhibit C
Level 1 and 2HealthTrails Half-Sheet to distribute at Kick-Off Walk
See next page!
Do you do 10-10-10 or 30?
Simply starting to exercise reverses age-associated declines in the body.
Source: American Journal of Physiology, 2012.
Physical activity can be done in 10-minute increments! Enjoy…
A happier mood
More energy
A sharper mind
A stronger heart
More miles to enter for you and your team!
HealthTrails Program Features:
- Logging daily physical activity and produce to “travel” on international trails and visit different landmarks
- Prize drawings for team prizes and individual prizes
- Online web and mobile tracking for physical activity, healthier eating, and rejuvenation
- Ongoing inspiration, healthy recipes, tools, tips
Join HealthTrails!
- Form a team of four to eight coworkers, or join individually.
- Visit smc.healthtrails.comand log in using your Employee ID.
- Follow the prompts to register yourself and form your team.
Want the latest Wellness updates? View the Wellness newsletter at
1, 2, 3...every minute counts!
Simply starting to exercise reverses age-associated declines in the body.
Source: American Journal of Physiology, 2012.
Physical activity can be done in 10-minute increments! Enjoy…
A happier mood
More energy
A sharper mind
A stronger heart
More miles to enter for you and your team!
HealthTrails Program Features:
- Logging daily physical activity and produce to “travel” on international trails and visit different landmarks
- Prize drawings for team prizes and individual prizes
- Online web and mobile tracking for physical activity, healthier eating, and rejuvenation
- Ongoing inspiration, healthy recipes, tools, tips
Join HealthTrails!
- Form a team of four to eight coworkers, or join individually.
- Visit and log in using your Employee ID.
- Follow the prompts to register yourself and form your team.
Want the latest Wellness updates? View the Wellness newsletter at
Exhibit C cont.
Level 1 and 2 HealthTrails Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
(scroll down)