The Survey Portal has been upgraded to a more modern platform with increased features and user friendly access to data.
Basically the Survey Portal is a Geographic Information System containing data on:
· Project zones-current and historical
· Road Reference Marks(RRM)-complete dataset
· Minor Control Points (MCP)-partial dataset.
· Location of Landgate CORS sites
· Roads and their individual segments-all roads Statewide.
· Townsite boundary extents
· Statewide mapsheet numbering.1:100,000 and 1:250,000
· Statewide elevation model
· Project Zone elevation models (DEM)-for the assessment of Project Zone suitability of use for proposed works along any road section. Where a colour shown is Green then the zone is suitable for use but where it is red or blue it means that the ground levels there are either too high or too low respectively to use the zone for coordination of projects. If these unsuitable areas are where a zone is desired for a Mainroads project, then a new Project Zone would need to be created.
New features recently published (April 2012) are:
· Mapping Project extents- jobs completed for road investigations and design with associated Project information and Metadata.
· Digital Ground Survey extents and metadata-for road design and asconstructed.
All new Mapping and Survey projects (Contracts) completed for Mainroads WA will be entered into the layers as they are lodged and approved.
Features available in the Portal include;
· Ability to make a map of whatever is displayed at the centre of the screen. There are three map scales available through the “PRINT” option on the toolbar.
· Ability to add RRM, MCP, Project Zone, Road, Mapsheet data to the “Results” box and then incorporate whatever is selected from there onto the map page or to just assemble a table from what is in the Results box.
· Ability to either print the map/table directly OR to create a PDF of the map and save this.
· Ability to search for road segments using the first word of the road name and then SLK range required. Note that this method is necessary due to the large number of roads and their data within the database.Thus when “Great” is selected for Great Northern Highway, you may also see results for Great Eastern Highway.
· Ability to measure approximate distances and areas on the screen. Anything shown on the screen can be measured to or from.
· Ability to record MGA or Lat/Long coordinate values for anything displayed, remembering however the limits of GIS display accuracy.
The “SEARCH” function has been expanded so that if the names of RRMs or MCPs or Roads or Project Zones are known then these can be found on the map then details printed or saved or a map created.
Note that exact spelling IS required but nothing is case dependant.
Also note that for RRMs in particular, the road number always has one or two zeros after the road letter (H or M) and then either one or no space to the mark number.
Thus mark number 353 on Great Eastern Highway is H005353.
Mark number 13 on the York Merredin road is M041 13.
All numbers are unique.
Minor enhancements to the Portal appearance are being made continually but if there are suggestions which you wish to make, please contact Ray Watson at Mainroads on 9323 4152 or .
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