January 30, 2012

A meeting of the Broadband Utility Commission was held on the above date at 4:43 p.m., in the Multi-Purpose Room, City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Alderperson Balcerzak and Jaime Brown, Administrative Clerical, recorded the minutes thereof.

Members Present: Andrew Hessedal, Ben Wilhelm, and Alderperson Balcerzak (arriving at 4:43 pm)

Members Absent: Ted Strobel and Aaron Hurt

Others Present: Jim Pike, Communications & Technology Supervisor; Mark Dodge, Brice Widener, Adam Igl and Dave Frigen, Cirrinity; and Jaime Brown, Administrative Clerical.

1. Finance Report and Update

Jim Pike, Communications & Technology Supervisor, distributed the City of Antigo Broadband Utility Statement as of December 31, 2011 and advised that the Wittenberg Telephone payments were current and the rest of the changes were administrative. Mr. Pike instructed commission members that if they required additional explanation of the report to contact the Clerk-Treasurer.

Mr. Pike advised that the $198,582.10 cash is going to pay the debt service.

Hessedal moved, Wilhelm seconded, to accept the finance report as presented. Carried 3-0, Absent 2.


2. Election of Officers

Mr. Pike advised that the Clerk/Treasurer will continue to serve as the Secretary/Treasurer and the Communications & Technology Supervisor would continue to serve as the Utility Manager.

Hessedal moved, Wilhelm seconded, to nominate Aaron Hurt to continue as Chairperson, and Reinhardt Balcerzak to continue as Vice Chairperson.

Hessedal moved, Wilhelm seconded, to close nominations. Carried 3-0, Absent 2.

Wilhelm moved, Hessedal seconded, to approve Aaron Hurt as Chairperson and Reinhardt Balcerzak as Vice Chairperson. Carried 3-0, Absent 2.


Mr. Pike advised that a member of the commission, Ted Strobel, has not participated in the meetings nor signed his oath. Mr. Pike will approach the Mayor and discuss finding a new commission member.

3. Update from Wittenberg Wireless, LLC

Mark Dodge, Cirrinity (Wittenberg Wireless, LLC), introduced the members of Cirrinity that he has with him. Mr. Dodge advised that Cirrinity has worked out an agreement with Brice Widener of Computer Frontier, which gives Cirrinity a local face and assistance running the network.

Dave Frigen, Cirrinity, advised that with Mr. Widener on board, this gives Cirrinity a local person to go to for assistance, and Cirrinity has been very fortunate for this partnership.

Upon inquiry by Alderperson Balcerzak, Mr. Dodge indicated that there are twenty one current customers. Mr. Dodge further indicated fiber is scheduled to be installed on Langlade Road as well as behind the Computer Frontier building within the next few days.

Mr. Frigen indicated that since the purchase or land contract of the broadband utility, they have updated and replaced all but one piece of original gear and it is scheduled to be changed out within the next six months.

Upon inquiry by Mr. Pike, Mr. Dodge showed some upcoming marketing material. Mr. Frigen indicated that they purposely did not market themselves previously until they were geared up and ready.

Upon inquiry by Alderperson Balcerzak, Mr. Dodge indicated bundling is forthcoming. Broadband, telephone, cellular devices and eventually a voice side of things. Television is a different model and that is being looked at as well, possibly high speed wireless.

Mr. Dodge further explained Cirrinity will have cell phones and cell phone packages available in addition to broadband. They are posing the market to cover what everyone needs. They have interconnect agreements put in place with most other companies except for Verizon. Canada and Mexico are included. They hope to officially launch the phones early summer. It is not the technology holding them back, more of the paperwork side of things.

Upon inquiry by Andrew Hessedal, Mr. Dodge indicated there is one component hinging a number of things before the jump date. This would be the E911 testings as well as part of an interconnect.

Upon inquiry by Mr. Pike, Mr. Dodge indicated that they are currently utilizing some of the Computer Frontier building and are negotiating with three other locations in town. There is a location on the north end of town that Mr. Dodge is hopeful to obtain. It would be mid to late summer before a store front will be present. Mr. Frigen indicated that they would be providing retail business and are interested in location.

Mr. Frigen indicated that they are not going to start marketing any products until they are rock solid and they know they are going to work and work well. It is better to be too cautious instead of not cautious enough and put out poor products.


4. Payment of Invoices (if any)


5. Any Other Matters Authorized by Law to be Discussed

Next meeting scheduled for August 27, 2012 to receive an update from Cirrinity.


6. Adjournment

Hessedal moved, Wilhelm seconded, to adjourn at 5:28 p.m. Carried 3-0, Absent 2.



Reinhardt Balcerzak, Vice Chairperson Date