Central Coast Area Service Committee Minutes Draft Copy
September 3rd, 2017
Meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer
Randy read the 12 Traditions
Jamesread the 12 Concepts
New GSR’s
August2017 Minutes approved with corrections
Meeting News
- For the Long Haul @ 6pm Weds. in Nipomo, 200 E. Dana St. @ Senior Center
- Destiny Groupin Lompoc -fishing trip and out of town mtg. on Sept. 24th in Goletta and “Addict Olympics” coming up in Oct. (talk to Sam for more info, flyers to come)
- Surfside mtg. Thurs @ 7:30pm Morro Bay needs GSR
- Morning Medication mtg. needs coffee people on Mon, Weds, Thurs, Sat & could use support
- Bayside mtg. Sat. night in Morro Bay needs coffee person and a helper to clean up
- See RCM report
- Regional Assembly registration flyer is now available-better to register ASAP, free for RCM’s. Date: March 9th-11th 2018, good way to fellowship attendance is an RCM responsibilities-can set up car pool (see RCM report for more details)
- Region needs Vice Chair, Vice Secretary, Vice Treasurer, & Webmaster once guidelines are created.
- Region meets in Ventura @ Gold Cost Recovery Club, third Sun. of month in Jan, April, July, and Oct. at 11:30am (talk to Naomi if interested). Next mtg. Sun. Oct. 15th @ 11:30am
- Working on guidelines for Webmaster position-Website up and running @
- Fantastic Voyage convention will be held in Feb. 2018 (see flyer for details)-needs volunteers
- Logo contest (see flyer for details)
- Marian Hospital will reach out if they need members for 12-step call. Ralph will connect with people on list if needed (to be added to list contact Ralph, 1 yr. clean time req.805-478-0720)
- “VA Stand Down” Sat. Oct 21st 9-1pm, Santa Maria Fair Park-show up to support PR (connect with Ralph about volunteering, will need to fill out clearance form)
- “Recovery Day in the Park”-Weds Sept. 27th4-6pm @ Santa Maria Homeless Shelter-PR will have a booth at this event
- Lompoc Sept. 23rd at Ryon Park, 10am-5pm-NA PR will have a booth at this event
- Action Homeless Shelter could always use panel members, Tues. nights @ 7pm in SLO (90 days clean-no clearance required, contact Greg to get involved or show up to PR #805-305-1666)
- Need volunteers for County jail-both Women’s and Men’s (5 years clean, 5 years off paper Mike has clearance forms)
- Behind the Walls Sponsorship- write and sponsor inmates-contact Greg H. if interested (3 years clean, Greg-#878-0029)
- Still working on starting panel at Santa Maria Juvenile Hall and at Lompoc Federal Prison
- Ralph started PAC mtg. in Santa Maria-purpose is to get parolees established into the community Santa Maria PAC is on third Weds of month at 10am SLO PAC is on first Weds of the month at 10am-every other month (talk to ralph if interested)
- Need Vice Chair-Elections will be held in Nov.
- Western Service Learning Day Oct. 27th-29th @ Embassy suites in Monterey (see flyer on website)
- Next mtg. September 24th-4pm @ Cleanslate in Oceano
- Unity Day Sept. 16th, 10am-3pm. 10am participation mtg., 11am-Tie-Dye your own shirt, Noon-1:30pm=Lunch @ Atascadero Lake Park. $7.00 presale tickets available until Sept. 3rd$10.00 at event
- Freakfest-Oct. 28th 7pm-Oddfellows Hall speaker mtg. Billy will be speaker, DJ, Dance, Costume Contest
- Next activities mtg. September 3rd @ 1:30pm at the SLO Alano Club
Activities Treasurer Report
Beginning balance $2,303.90
Checks and payments: -$1622.42
Deposit: $1396.07
Ending balance: $2077.55
Under prudent reserve so no contribution this month to ASC
Treasurer Report
Beginning balance: $985.53
Income: $595
Subtotal: $1580.53
Expenses: $616.68
Ending balance: $963.85
*all the above are estimates next month Treasurer will confirm whether figures are correct, next month we will do extra contributions above minimums.
- Committee mtg. at 1pm on 1st Sunday of the month at Jenny’s house in SLO (Jenny# 805-550-8184)
- Starting to carry Spanish literature
- Looking for volunteers to help out with literature (no clean time requirement)
- Request to put literature order form on website-Jack will put this info on website
- See Literature Report
Old Business
- Central Coast NA Facebook page (control or block the comments) would need to create some type of guidelines for the page. PR is going to work on this and bring back an idea to Area. (Comments can be made on website) TABLED until next month
- Area Survey consolidated by Jack and discussed-groups were supposed to talk to their groups and bring info back to Area. One addict asked if there has been any outreach effort to try and get more GSR’ attending Area…some people are confused about what Area even does.
- Bring up Area service communications to the different mtg. groups at Activities events-Activities will discuss this at next mtg. possibly set up a booth at Activities for the purpose of opening the lines of communications.
- Group input-have GSR trainer for the first couple of months while a GSR is new. Need to get word out that there is a 30 minute orientation for GSR’s at 2:30pm at Area.
New Business
- Issue-nobody was at Sat. 9:30am Santa Maria Survivors mtg.
- Recommended to set aside funds to buy CAR report for groups that cannot afford to buy their own-recommended that groups announce this at their mtgs. Conference Agenda Report-all the things that we be discussed and voted on at World Conference
- Brenda from Central Ca. Regional convention wanted to be here today to talk about volunteering for the convention (you can volunteer through convention website but she could not be here. Also you can submit logo artwork through website for future conventions.
Meeting closed at 4:00pm