
The Certified Food Scientist (CFS) credential is a voluntary certification earned by a food science professional who has demonstrated his or her applied knowledge, skills and ability within the food science profession. A person who has obtained his or her CFS credential has agreed to uphold the International Food Science Certification Commission’s (IFSCC) Certified Food Scientist Professional Code of Ethics, which establishes professional conduct standards and minimal ethical behavior requirements for CFS credential holders. If you believe a person holding a current CFS credential has not upheld one or more of the standards within the Certified Food Scientist Professional Code of Ethics, you may file a complaint against their CFS through the certifying body, the IFSCC.

Certified Food Scientist Professional Code of Ethics

A Certified Food Scientist (CFS) shall:

·  Perform your duties with objectivity, due diligence, and professional care.

·  Strive for continuous learning and comply with recertification requirements.

·  Be truthful, accurate, and complete with all information provided as part of the certification and recertification process.

·  Maintain confidentiality and security of certification examination information and materials.

·  Cooperate with International Food Science Certification Commission concerning ethics inquiries.

·  Report personal conduct that may violate this Code of Ethics to the International Food Science Certification Commission in a timely manner.

·  Use credentials properly.

·  Comply with applicable laws, policies, ethical, and professional standards related to the global food system.

·  Provide truthful and accurate information about your professional experiences and competency.

·  Maintain confidentiality when necessary and appropriate unless disclosure is required by legal authority or failure to release such information would likely result in death or serious physical harm to employees and/or the public.

·  Avoid and disclose any actual or perceived conflict of interest or any appearance of impropriety to ensure that it does not compromise your interests or the interests of an employer, employee, or the public.

·  Avoid engaging in any examination preparation-related activity or any other activity which creates a conflict of interest or the appearance of conflict of interest with the examination for a period of three (3) years after taking the examination.

·  Avoid offering or accepting payments, gifts, or other forms of compensation or benefits intended to influence professional decisions.

Violations of any principle within the Certified Food Scientist Professional Code of Ethics may be grounds for administrative action and possible revocation of the CFS certification.

Certified Food Scientist Professional Code of Ethics Complaint Form


Your name:

Your address:

Your phone number:

Your email:

Name of Certified Food Scientist (CFS) against whom this complaint is being filed (You must name an individual; If there is more than one individual, please file separate complaints):



Phone number:


Section I


1.  To initiate a complaint, please complete this form, answering every question in each section. If information is unknown, answer the question “unknown.”

2.  If you have a complaint against more than one CFS certificant, please use a separate complaint form for each individual, with the details and relevant exhibits attached to each separate complaint. If you are filing more than one complaint, please do not combine your complaint details or your exhibits into one document or it will be returned to you. The IFSCC does not accept complaints against companies.

3.  Sign and date your complaint. We will not accept a copy of your signature.

4.  State specifically, on each individual complaint, what the CFS did or failed to do which you believe constitutes unethical conduct.

5.  Provide the names, addresses, and phone numbers of witnesses.

6.  Attach copies of any receipts, contracts, or other documents that are important to the complaint, to the back of each individual complaint. Keep your own original documents.

7.  Type or write your complaint legibly in black ink so it can be copied.

8.  You may add more pages to this form if necessary.

9.  If you have any questions about this form, please email .

10.  Make a copy of this form for your records and then send the signed original with accompanying documentation in one packet to:

Institute of Food Technologists

Attn: IFSCC Complaints
525 W. Van Buren, Ste 1000

Chicago, IL 60607


Please note that all materials must be submitted with the original complaint form. Documentation and materials submitted after the initial complaint form will not be considered unless they are specifically requested by the IFSCC.

A copy of this signed complaint and any supporting documents will be forwarded to the Respondent (the person about whom a complaint is being filed).

Section II

Details of the Complaint

Please place a check in the box next to each principle of the Certified Food Scientist Professional Code of Ethics violated and provide a description of the alleged misconduct which violated that principle.

____ Principle 1: Perform duties with objectivity, due diligence, and professional care.

(Space to write)

____ Principle 2: Strive for continuous learning and comply with recertification requirements.

(Space to write)

____ Principle 3: Be truthful, accurate, and complete with all information provided as part of the certification and recertification process.

(Space to write)

____ Principle 4: Maintain confidentiality and security of certification examination information and materials.

(Space to write)

____ Principle 5: Cooperate with International Food Science Certification Commission concerning ethics inquiries.

(Space to write)

____ Principle 6: Report personal conduct that may violate this Code of Ethics to the International Food Science Certification Commission in a timely manner.

(Space to write)

____ Principle 7: Use credentials properly.

(Space to write)

____ Principle 8: Comply with applicable laws, policies, ethical, and professional standards related to the global food system.

(Space to write)

____ Principle 9: Provide truthful and accurate information about professional experiences and competency.

(Space to write)

____ Principle 10: Maintain confidentiality when necessary and appropriate unless disclosure is required by legal authority or failure to release such information would likely result in death or serious physical harm to employees and/or the public.

(Space to write)

____ Principle 11: Avoid and disclose any actual or perceived conflict of interest or any appearance of impropriety to ensure that it does not compromise your interests or the interests of an employer, employee, or the public.

(Space to write)

____ Principle 12: Avoid engaging in any examination preparation-related activity or any other activity which creates a conflict of interest or the appearance of conflict of interest with the examination for a period of three (3) years after taking the examination.

(Space to write)

____ Principle 13: Avoid offering or accepting payments, gifts, or other forms of compensation or benefits intended to influence professional decisions.

(Space to write)

____ Other (Please Specify):

(Space to write)

Section III

List the names, addresses, daytime telephone numbers and email addresses, if known, of all persons who have definite knowledge of the alleged violation(s):

A.  Name:


Phone number:


B.  Name:


Phone number:


C.  Name:


Phone number:


Section IV

List the names, addresses, daytime telephone numbers and email addresses, if known, of all persons who may have knowledge of the alleged violation(s):

A.  Name:


Phone number:


B.  Name:


Phone number:


C.  Name:


Phone number:


Section V

Has this complaint been referred to a court of law?

Yes _____ No ____(check one)

If you answered “yes” to the immediately preceding question, is a decision pending?

Yes _____ No ____(check one)

If a decision has been reached, please give details of the outcome.

(Space to write)

Have you filed a complaint about this matter anywhere else?

Yes _____ No ____(check one)

If you answered “yes” to the immediately preceding question, where did you file the complaint?

(Space to write)

Section VI

Have you attached any supporting documents to this form?

Yes _____ No ____(check one)

Please number all supporting documents (“Exhibits”) you are attaching to this form, and list below the Exhibit number and name/description of all supporting documents.

Exhibit Number / Name/Description

Section VII

I agree to cooperate fully with the International Food Science Certification Commission (IFSCC) and to abide by its procedures in relation to this complaint. I further swear or affirm that the information submitted in and with this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that the IFSCC will not consider any monetary dispute(s), civil complaints or criminal complaints I may have with the individual against whom I am filing this complaint. I have also attached all relevant documentation for the IFSCC to consider including information on any other proceedings involving the issues raised in this complaint.

