The Brain – Webquest

I. The Secret Life of the Brain –

A. History of the Brain – move through this section by clicking “next” at the bottom of each description:

1. What was the topic of the first ever writing about the brain?

2. What did Ancient Egyptians believe was the most important organ? Why?

3. What are trepanized skulls?

4. Who proposed that brains function like machines?

5. Who was the first to identify that different parts of the brain have different functions?

6. What is important about Luigi Galvani’s work?

7. What is phrenology?

8. How did Phineas Gage’s accident lead to the development of the lobotomy?

9. When was the first human EEG developed?

10. What is the origin of LSD and what effect does it have on people?

11. What did Lashley learn about memory through his experiments with rats?

12. How does Prozac work?

B. The Episodes – pick one episode and write down the following:

1. two facts that you find interesting

2. two pieces of information that you find surprising

II. Brain: The World Inside Your Head --

A.  Take the tour of the brain and answer the following questions:

1. What percentage of body fuel does the brain use?

2. What is a neuron and how does it communicate with other neurons?

3. How do the number of neurons in your brain compare to the number of stars in the Milky Way?

4. What happens to your brain during sleep?

5. In your own words, explain the development of the brain from birth to age two.

6. At what age does learning languages become harder? Why?

7. What elements or functions of the brain are strengthened during adolescence?

8. What function does Broca’s area control and how was this knowledge discovered?

9. Identify four ways the brain is studied.

B. Brain Games – complete the brain puzzle.

The Brain – Webquest

I. The Secret Life of the Brain –

A. History of the Brain – move through this section by clicking “next” at the bottom of each description:

1. What was the topic of the first ever writing about the brain?

2. What did Ancient Egyptians believe was the most important organ? Why?

3. What are trepanized skulls?

4. Who proposed that brains function like machines?

5. Who was the first to identify that different parts of the brain have different functions?

6. What is important about Luigi Galvani’s work?

7. What is phrenology?

8. How did Phineas Gage’s accident lead to the development of the lobotomy?

9. When was the first human EEG developed?

10. What is the origin of LSD and what effect does it have on people?

11. What did Lashley learn about memory through his experiments with rats?

12. How does Prozac work?

B. The Episodes – pick one episode and write down the following:

1. two facts that you find interesting

2. two pieces of information that you find surprising

II. Brain: The World Inside Your Head --

A.  Take the tour of the brain and answer the following questions:

1. What percentage of body fuel does the brain use?

2. What is a neuron and how does it communicate with other neurons?

3. How do the number of neurons in your brain compare to the number of stars in the Milky Way?

4. What happens to your brain during sleep?

5. In your own words, explain the development of the brain from birth to age two.

6. At what age does learning languages become harder? Why?

7. What elements or functions of the brain are strengthened during adolescence?

8. What function does Broca’s area control and how was this knowledge discovered?

9. Identify four ways the brain is studied.

B. Brain Games – complete the brain puzzle.