This document contains information gathered from the NY State Prevention Agenda, the NY State Prevention Agenda Refresh, and the Center for Disease Control’s Health Impact Pyramid. It was designed to help the reader visualize the level of impact of an intervention. It will also help the reader to see what interventions are considered higher level and whether or not an intervention can be modified in order to have a greater impact.

Many of the interventions proposed in this document come directly from the NY State Prevention Agenda and the NY State Prevention Agenda Refresh. Some of these interventions, however, do not appear on the NY State Prevention Agenda Website. When no interventions were recommended, a brief search into current literature and best practices revealed evidence that has been added to this document.

The Mental Health portion of the Prevention Agenda Refresh, as well as the original Prevention Agenda, is not as robust as the other areas of the Priority Areas, such as Chronic Disease. To compensate, several interventions or references are proposed and highlighted in the following categories;

Green Textare references available on this topic when no references were proposed by the NYSDOH.

Red Textare evidence-based interventions not proposed by the NYSDOH when no interventions were proposed.

Blue Text are databases that contain the information recommended by the NYSDOH but not outlined on the website.

Magenta Text are interventions proposed by the work group

The following table is a condensed version of the Prevention Agenda Recommendations Tables. It reflects the modal recommendations of the Prevention Agenda and the Prevention Agenda Refresh as well as the recommendations of the work group. It is meant to be used as a fast track through the Prevention Agenda Recommendations. All of the goals are condensed onto this one table.

Levels of Health Impact Pyramid / General Intervention Recommendations / Specific Intervention Recommendations
Counseling and Education /
  • Address the stigma and devaluation of mental health services
  • Orient/train workforce for suicide prevention intervention and care
  • Implement evidence-based programs in all high risk and underperforming schools to increase positive social development and healthy lifestyles
  • Build community supports and services that facilitate social connectedness including integration and access to quality preventive and treatment services
  • Evidence-based kernels
  • Enhancing Civic Engagement
  • Growth Mindset Toolkit
  • Mental Health First Aid
  • Good Behavior Game

Clinical Interventions /
  • Implement evidence-based practices for Mental Emotional Behavioral (MEB) health promotion intervention that support positive development and healthy lifestyles
  • Promote screening and early intervention which improves the likelihood that the person will receive evaluation and treatment
  • Implement trauma-informed policies and practices to ensure that the person is treated with respect and in a way that promote healing and recovery
  • Offer training on ways to integrate prevention and treatment
  • Integrate treatment with MEB health promotion and MEB disorder prevention
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression and Anxiety Disorders
  • Evidence Based Kernels
  • Gatekeeper training
  • Connect Suicide Postvention Training
  • Mental Health First Aid

Long-Lasting Protective Interventions /
  • Address the stigma and devaluation of mental health services
  • Establish reporting and advertising policies that do not glamorize alcohol and substance abuse or stigmatize MEB disorders
  • Offer resources to social support, resiliency training, problem-solving skills to individuals and their networks
  • Develop written plans on the integration of MEB health promotion, MEB disorder prevention, treatment and recovery
  • Identify opportunities to support training in integration of MEB promotion, MEB disorder prevention and treatment services
  • Bi-directional data sharing between mental health, substance abuse, and primary care providers
  • Address the Mental Health Hygiene Laws in NY State
  • Positive Parenting Program (Triple P)
  • Familias Unidas
  • Mental Health First Aid
  • The FRIENDS Program

Changing the Context to Make Individuals' Decisions Healthy /
  • Advocate addressing the common protective factors, such as parent engagement and social connectedness, and risk factors for mental, emotional and behavioral well-being and disorder prevention such as poverty and exposure to violence
  • Consider evidence-based strategies to reduce underage drinking, such as those promulgated by the U.S. Surgeon General and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Reduce stigma regarding mental health issues and suicide
  • Address the stigma and devaluation of mental health services
  • Measure and make available local and State data on MEB well-being and MEB disorder prevention to increase transparency and quality on practice
  • Support integration of prevention and treatment across the lifespan
  • Address the Mental Health Hygiene Laws in NY State
  • Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
  • Community Trials to Reduce High Risk Drinking
  • Screening in Primary Care settings and substance abuse programs
  • Increase help-seeking behavior

Socioeconomic Factors /
  • Advocate for addressing the common protective factors, such as parent engagement and social connectedness, and risk factors for mental, emotional and behavioral well-being and disorder prevention, such as poverty and exposure to violence
  • Advocate for addressing the common protective factors, such as poverty and exposure to violence and protective factors, such as parent engagement and social connectedness
  • Support integration of prevention and treatment across the life span
  • Measure and make available local and State data on MEB well-being and MEB disorder prevention to increase transparency and quality on practice
  • Address the Mental Health Hygiene Laws in NY State
  • Parent Corps
  • Project Lazarus
  • Models for Developing Trauma-Informed Behavioral Health Systems and Trauma- Specific Services
  • The Socio-Economic Empowerment Assessment: Addressing Poverty and Economic Distress in Clients

Goal 1.1: Promote mental, emotional and behavioral (MEB) well-being in communities
NOTE: Mental Emotional Behavioral (MEB) disorder prevention includes substance abuse prevention and other MEB disorder prevention.
Levels of Health Impact Pyramid / Interventions / Specific Recommended Interventions for Local Action
Counseling and Education /
  • Support identifying and building nurturing environments.
  • Build community supports and services that facilitate social connectedness including integration and access to quality preventive and treatment services
  • Address the stigma and devaluation of mental health services
  • Enabling Employee Wellness: What Do We Know About What Works?
  • Good Behavior Game
  • Evidence-based kernels
  • Growth Mindset Toolkit
  • Enhancing Civic Engagement
  • Gratitude Interventions
  • Investing in worksite wellness

Clinical Interventions /
  • Implement evidence-based practices for Mental Emotional Behavioral (MEB) health promotion intervention that support positive development and healthy lifestyles.
  • Support the mental health and parenting skills of parents.
  • Early Childhood Home Visitation
  • Good Behavior Game
  • Penn Resilience Program
  • Evidence-based kernels

Long-Lasting Protective Interventions /
  • Practice appropriate evidence-based preventive strategies for settings such as supporting positive parenting practices.
  • Support integration of evidence-based prevention and treatment interventions.
  • Address the stigma and devaluation of mental health services
  • Positive Parenting Program (Triple P)
  • Parent Corps
  • The FRIENDS Program
  • Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports(PBIS)
  • Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
  • Mindfulness in Schools Programme
  • Mental Health First Aid

Changing the Context to Make Individuals' Decisions Healthy /
  • Advocate addressing the common protective factors, such as parent engagement and social connectedness, and risk factors for mental, emotional and behavioral well-being and disorder prevention such as poverty and exposure to violence.
  • Work with other sectors to support quality education and affordable quality housing.
  • Create environments that promote and support healthy food and beverage choices and physical activity
  • Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
  • Increasing Physical Activity and Healthy Eating for a Healthy Weight

Socioeconomic Factors /
  • Measure and make available local and State data on MEB well-being and MEB disorder prevention to increase transparency and quality on practice.
  • Support integration of prevention and treatment across the life span.
  • Prevent Poverty
  • Address the Mental Health Hygiene Laws in NY State
  • Behavioral Health Barometer: United States, 2013

Goal 2.1: Prevent underage drinking, non-medical use of prescription pain relievers drugs by youth, and excessive alcohol consumption by adults
NOTE: Mental Emotional Behavioral (MEB) disorder prevention includes substance abuse prevention and other MEB disorder prevention.
Levels of Health Impact Pyramid / Interventions / Specific Recommended Interventions for Local Action
Counseling and Education /
  • Implement evidence-based programs in all high risk and underperforming schools to increase positive social development and healthy lifestyles.
  • Reduce stigma regarding substance use disorder and addiction.
  • Address the stigma and devaluation of mental health services
  • Life Skills Training
  • Too Good For Drugs
  • Project Towards No Drug Abuse
  • Project Success

Clinical Interventions /
  • Promote screening and early intervention such asSBIRTandTeen Intervene, which improves the likelihood that the person will receive evaluation and treatment.
  • Educate health care providers about the warning signs of substance abuse.
  • Teen Intervene
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression and Anxiety Disorders
  • Project ASSERT

Long-Lasting Protective Interventions /
  • Establish reporting and advertising policies that do not glamorize alcohol and substance abuse or stigmatize MEB disorders.
  • Offer resources to social support, resiliency training, problem-solving skills to individuals and their networks.
  • Community Trials to Reduce High Risk Drinking
  • Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
  • Project Lazarus

Changing the Context to Make Individuals' Decisions Healthy /
  • Consider evidence-based strategies to reduce underage drinking, such as those promulgated by the U.S. Surgeon General and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • Project Lazarus
  • Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
  • Community Trials to Reduce High Risk Drinking

Socioeconomic Factors /
  • Advocate for addressing the common risk factors, such as poverty and exposure to violence and protective factors, such as parent engagement and social connectedness.
  • Parent Corps
  • Project Lazarus
  • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • The determinants of family resilience among families in low- and middle-income contexts: a systematic literature review
  • Models for Developing Trauma-Informed Behavioral Health Systems and Trauma- Specific Services
  • Creating Trauma-Informed Systems: Child Welfare, Education, First Responders, Health Care, Juvenile Justice
  • The Socio-Economic Empowerment Assessment: Addressing Poverty and Economic Distress in Clients

Goal 2.2: Prevent and reduce occurrences of mental emotional and behavioral disorders among youth and adults
NOTE: Mental Emotional Behavioral (MEB) disorder prevention includes substance abuse prevention and other MEB disorder prevention.
Levels of Health Impact Pyramid / Interventions / Specific Recommended Interventions for Local Action
Counseling and Education /
  • Understand evidence-based practices for MEB health promotion and MEB disorder prevention. Look for opportunities when these might apply.
  • Promote evidence-based curriculums in school settings.
  • Address the stigma and devaluation of mental health services
  • Evidence Based Kernels
  • The Growth Mindset Toolkit
  • The Good Behavior Game
  • Mindfulness in Schools Programme
  • Life Skills Training
  • Mental Health First Aid
  • Too Good For Drugs
  • Project Towards No Drug Abuse
  • The FRIENDS Program
  • Project Success

Clinical Interventions /
  • Practice appropriate evidence-based preventive strategies for settings such as home visiting programs.
  • Implement trauma-informed policies and practices to ensure that the person is treated with respect and in a way that promote healing and recovery.
  • Early Childhood Home Visitation
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression and Anxiety Disorders

Long-Lasting Protective Interventions /
  • Establish reporting and advertising policies that do not glamorize alcohol and substance abuse or stigmatize MEB disorders.
  • Offer resources to social support, resiliency training, problem-solving skills to individuals and their networks.
  • Positive Parenting Program (Triple P)
  • Familias Unidas
  • The FRIENDS Program

Changing the Context to Make Individuals' Decisions Healthy /
  • Consider evidence-based strategies to reduce underage drinking, such as those promulgated by the U.S. Surgeon General and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • Community Trials to Reduce High Risk Drinking

Socioeconomic Factors /
  • Advocate for addressing the common protective factors, such as poverty and exposure to violence and protective factors, such as parent engagement and social connectedness.
  • Parent Corps
  • Project Lazarus
  • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • Address the Mental Health Hygiene Laws in NY State
  • The determinants of family resilience among families in low- and middle-income contexts: a systematic literature review
  • Creating Trauma-Informed Systems: Child Welfare, Education, First Responders, Health Care, Juvenile Justice
  • The Socio-Economic Empowerment Assessment: Addressing Poverty and Economic Distress in Clients
  • Models for Developing Trauma-Informed Behavioral Health Systems and Trauma- Specific Services

Goal 2.3: Prevent suicides among youth and adults
NOTE: Mental Emotional Behavioral (MEB) disorder prevention includes substance abuse prevention and other MEB disorder prevention.
Levels of Health Impact Pyramid / Interventions / Specific Recommended Interventions for Local Action
Counseling and Education /
  • Adopt mission/vision of zero suicide in health care.
  • Orient/train workforce for suicide prevention intervention and care.
  • Implement proven suicide prevention practices including screening for risk, pathways to care, interventions that are effective against suicide and follow-up after acute treatment.
  • Address the stigma and devaluation of mental health services
  • Gatekeeper training
  • Connect Suicide Postvention Training
  • Mental Health First Aid

Clinical Interventions /
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression and Anxiety Disorders

Long-Lasting Protective Interventions /
  • Establish reporting and advertising policies that do not stigmatize MEB disorders.
  • Offer resources to for social support, resiliency training and problem-solving skills to individuals and their networks.
  • Share data on suicide, suicide attempts, and prevention efforts
  • Increase help-seeking behavior
  • Include links/coordination with OMH Early Recognition and Screening
  • Familias Unidas
  • The FRIENDS Program
  • Start schools for adolescents later in the day to help them get enough sleep
  • Screening in Primary Care settings and substance abuse programs
  • Share data on suicide, suicide attempts, and prevention efforts
  • Use mobile applications, such as my3app, to promote services among specific populations and peer referrals
  • Address the Mental Health Hygiene Laws in NY State
  • Utilize tele-mental health, rural outreach initiatives.

Changing the Context to Make Individuals' Decisions Healthy /
  • Reduce access to lethal means to make it less likely that a person will engage in suicidal behaviors.
  • Reduce stigma regarding mental health issues and suicide.
  • Address the stigma and devaluation of mental health services
  • Reach out to groups that have a higher risk for suicide or suicide attempts than the general population
  • Increase help-seeking behavior

Socioeconomic Factors /
  • Advocate for addressing the common protective factors, such as poverty and exposure to violence and protective factors, such as parent engagement and social connectedness.
  • Parent Corps
  • Project Lazarus
  • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • The determinants of family resilience among families in low- and middle-income contexts: a systematic literature review
  • Models for Developing Trauma-Informed Behavioral Health Systems and Trauma- Specific Services
  • Creating Trauma-Informed Systems: Child Welfare, Education, First Responders, Health Care, Juvenile Justice
  • The Socio-Economic Empowerment Assessment: Addressing Poverty and Economic Distress in Clients

Goal 3.1: Support collaboration among leaders, professionals and community members working in MEB health promotion, substance abuse and other MEB disorders and chronic disease prevention, treatment and recovery
NOTE: Mental Emotional Behavioral (MEB) disorder prevention includes substance abuse prevention and other MEB disorder prevention.
Levels of Health Impact Pyramid / Interventions / Specific Recommended Interventions for Local Action
Counseling and Education /
  • Learn about and implement evidence-based MEB promotion and prevention resources.
  • Mental Health First Aid
  • Enhancing Opportunities for Civil Engagement
  • Community Trials to Reduce High Risk Drinking
  • The FRIENDS Program

Clinical Interventions /
  • Integrate evidence-based "kernels of evidence" - "fundamental units of behavior influence" that are basis of number of evidence-based practice such as giving verbal praise to acknowledge and reinforce desirable behavior, with treatment.
  • Offer training on ways to integrate prevention and treatment.
  • Evidence Based Kernels
  • The Growth Mindset Toolkit
  • Share data on suicide, suicide attempts, and prevention efforts
  • Gatekeeper training
  • Connect Suicide Postvention Training
  • Mental Health First Aid

Long-Lasting Protective Interventions /
  • Develop written plans on the integration of MEB health promotion, MEB disorder prevention, treatment and recovery.
  • Share data on suicide, suicide attempts, and prevention efforts
  • Address the Mental Health Hygiene Laws in NY State
  • Integrating Behavioral Health into Primary Care

Changing the Context to Make Individuals' Decisions Healthy /
  • Measure and make available local and State data on MEB well-being and MEB disorder prevention to increase transparency and quality on practice.
  • Support the integration of prevention and treatment across the lifespan.
  • NY State Prevention Agenda Dashboard
  • County Health Rankings
  • Increase help-seeking behavior
  • Address the Mental Health Hygiene Laws in NY State
  • Screening in Primary Care settings and substance abuse programs

Socioeconomic Factors /
  • Advocate for addressing the common protective factors, such as parent engagement and social connectedness, and risk factors for mental, emotional and behavioral well-being and disorder prevention, such as poverty and exposure to violence.
  • Parent Corps
  • Project Lazarus
  • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • The determinants of family resilience among families in low- and middle-income contexts: a systematic literature review
  • Models for Developing Trauma-Informed Behavioral Health Systems and Trauma- Specific Services
  • Creating Trauma-Informed Systems: Child Welfare, Education, First Responders, Health Care, Juvenile Justice
  • The Socio-Economic Empowerment Assessment: Addressing Poverty and Economic Distress in Clients

Goal 3.2: Facilitate and strengthen MEB health promotion and MEB disorder prevention
NOTE: Mental Emotional Behavioral (MEB) disorder prevention includes substance abuse prevention and other MEB disorder prevention.
Levels of Health Impact Pyramid* / Interventions / Specific Recommended Interventions for Local Action
Counseling and Education /
  • Identify evidence-based MEB health promotion and disorder prevention that can be applied in the setting.
  • Evidence Based Kernels
  • The Growth Mindset Toolkit
  • Gatekeeper training
  • Project Lazarus
  • Mental Health First Aid

Clinical Interventions /
  • Integrate treatment with MEB health promotion and MEB disorder prevention.
  • Screening in Primary Care settings and substance abuse programs
  • Evidence Based Kernels
  • The Growth Mindset Toolkit
  • Share data on suicide, suicide attempts, and prevention efforts
  • Gatekeeper training
  • Connect Suicide Postvention Training
  • Mental Health First Aid

Long-Lasting Protective Interventions /
  • Identify opportunities to support training in integration of MEB promotion, MEB disorder prevention and treatment services.
  • Train primary care providers and other professionals in MEB health promotion and MEB disorder prevention, including access to screening.
  • Teen Intervene
  • Project ASSERT
  • Screening in Primary Care settings and substance abuse programs
  • Connect Suicide Postvention Training
  • Share data on suicide, suicide attempts, and prevention efforts

Changing the Context to Make Individuals' Decisions Healthy /
  • Measure and make available local and State data on MEB well-being and MEB disorder prevention to increase transparency and quality of practice.
  • Support integration of prevention and treatment across the lifespan.
  • NY State Prevention Agenda Dashboard
  • County Health Rankings
  • Address the Mental Health Hygiene Laws in NY State
  • The Opportunity Index
  • Screening in Primary Care settings and substance abuse programs

Socioeconomic Factors /
  • Advocate for addressing the common protective factors, such as parent engagement and social connectedness, and risk factors for mental, emotional and behavioral well-being and disorder prevention, such as poverty and exposure to violence.
  • Parent Corps
  • Project Lazarus
  • The determinants of family resilience among families in low- and middle-income contexts: a systematic literature review
  • Models for Developing Trauma-Informed Behavioral Health Systems and Trauma- Specific Services
  • Creating Trauma-Informed Systems: Child Welfare, Education, First Responders, Health Care, Juvenile Justice
  • The Socio-Economic Empowerment Assessment: Addressing Poverty and Economic Distress in Clients