MAC2311 Calculus 1 Syllabus

Spring 2017 Section 370


Name: Cora Wilkerson

Contact Information: (727) 341-3518 email:

Office Hours: Mon: 10-10:50, 12:30-1:30, 2-4:20

Tue: 11-12, 3:30-4:20

Wed: 10-10:50, 12:30-1:30, 2:30-4 in TE 200

Thu: 11-12, 3:30-4:20

Fri: 10:30-11:30

Office Location: SA 216


Dean: Mr Jimmy Chang

Office Location: SPG SA 215

Office Number: (727) 341-4305

Academic Chair: David Kolonoski

Office Location: St. Pete/Gibbs: SA 215

Office Number: (727) 341-4757


Prerequisite: (MAC 1106 and MAC 1114), or (MAC 1140 and MAC 1114), or (MAC 1147), or satisfactory score on the SPC mathematics placement test or program director approval. In this first course, the topics include limits and continuity, the derivative of algebraic, trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential functions, implicit differentiation, applications of the derivative, differentials, indefinite and definite integrals, and applications of exponential functions. (Credit is not given for both MAC 2311 and MAC 2233.) 77 contact hours.

Course Description: Topics include Differentiation and integration of inverse and hyperbolic trig functions, applications of integration, integration techniques, limits, improper integrals, infinite series, power series, conics, and calculus with polar and parametric equations.

Course Goals: To master the above topics with a 70% minimum average.


Required Text: Calculus 10th Edition, by Larson/Edwards (Cengage)

ISBN Number: 978-1-285-05709-5

Graphing calculator required, TI 83 or TI 84 preferred. TI 89, 92, Voyage and cell phone calculators are not allowed on quizzes or tests. The N-Spire is OK only with the TI 84 plate.

Webassign class key: spcollege 0491 0177 (webassign is not required)

Free online help:



Course Location: SPG SA 201

Meeting Days: M,W

Class Times: 4:30-6:45 PM


Drop/Add: Jan. 13

MLK Day: Jan. 16 (No Classes)

Spring Break: Mar. 4-12 (No Classes)

Withdrawal Date: Mar. 22

Spring Holiday: Apr. 14 (No Classes)

Final Exams: May 1-4

Financial Aid:


The college-wide attendance policy is included in the Syllabus Addendum . The policy notes that each instructor is to exercise professional judgment and define “active participation” in class (and therefore “attendance”), and publish that definition in each syllabus. For this class, attendance is defined as:

While in class, students must be focused on this class, not other course work, cell phones, etc. If a student misses 3 or more classes in a row without contacting the instructor, or has 2 or more zeros on tests, that student may be considered to be "Not Actively Participating", and will receive a WF for the course.

Students who have zero unexcused absences will earn 5 bonus points. Those who have only one unexcused absences will earn 3 bonus points. Students who arrive late or leave early will lose one point each time. These points will be added/subtracted to/from the total test points.


There will be 5 100 point tests, weekly 10 point quizzes, and one 20 point take-home quiz which is added in with your test grades. There will be a 100 point cumulative final exam. Students having an "A" average will be exempt from the final. Thefinal exam will also be used to replace your lowest test grade. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped.

Course Grade: 20% Quizzes, 60% Tests, 20% Final Exam


See the content tab in My Courses for the homework assignments.While this homework is required, it will not be collected or graded. You must take the responsibility to keep up with the homework. Questions on the homework will be answered in the beginning of class as time allows. Quiz and test problems will be based on the homework.

Other Important Notes:

*I am here to help you succeed in this class. Please do not hesitate to call, email or drop by my office during my office hours. If my office hours to not fit your schedule, contact me to schedule an appointment.

*Each student is responsible for earning his/her grade. I do not give grades that are not earned. The time to seek help is at the beginning of the semester and continuously throughout, not just at the end.

*If you are a student with a disability, please contact the instructor immediately to discuss your accomodations.

Keys to Success:

*Ask Questions *Work with other students

*Seek help early and often *Plan time in your schedule to seek help

*Do not miss class, come in late or leave early *Review your notes, read the book and do your homework before coming to class.

*If a catastrophic event prevents us from using the physical buildings on campus, the course will be completed online through My Courses.


The student survey of instruction is administered in courses each semester. It is designed to improve the quality of instruction at St. PetersburgCollege. All student responses are confidential and anonymous and will be used solely for the purpose of performance improvement.

Projected Test Dates. These are subject to change. Changes will be announced in class.

Test #1 Jan. 30Chapter 1

Test #2 Feb. 20Chapter 2

Test #3 Mar. 203.1 – 3.6

Take-Home QuizDue on Mar. 273.7 – 3.9

Test #4 Apr. 10Chapter 4

Test #5 Apr. 245.1 – 5.5


I have read, understand, and agree to abide fully by the parameters set in this syllabus and Syllabus Addendum.

Print Your Name______

Student Signature: ______Date: ______