Speaking and Listening Formative Assessment Rubric

Amateur / Acceptable / Admirable / Awesome
Personal Organisation
How organised and prepared were you to present your speech? / I was not ready to present my talk. I hadn’t had enough practice at what I was going to say. / I was only able to present part of my talk. I should have rehearsed it a bit more. / I presented most of my talk on the due date. My preparation was evident. / I was ready to present my talk to the class by the due date. Preparation was highly evident.
Text Organisation
How organised was the actual speech? / Little organisation evident. / Some organisation and structure evident. / Good organisation and structure was evident. / My speech was well structured. It was logically sequenced with a clear introduction, middle and conclusion.
Did you meet the time requirement? / My speech was 45 seconds to a minute long. / My speech was between 1 and 1 ½ mins. / My speech was between 1 ½ and 1 3/4 minutes long. / My speech was between 1 3/4 and 2 minutes long.
How clearly did you speak? / It was difficult for the audience to hear and understand what I was saying. / My voice was loud and clear enough for the audience to be able to hear me easily during most of the talk. / My voice was loud and clear enough for the audience to be able to hear me easily throughout the talk. I made a good attempt at using expression. / I used a clear, audible, expressive voice so the audience could hear each word.
How confidently did you present the speech? / I need to stand up straight and remember to look at the audience when I give my talk. / I stood reasonably straight and tall.
I made some eye contact with the audience. / I stood straight and tall.
I made eye contact with the audience for much of the talk. / I stood straight and tall and I made eye-contact with the audience throughout the entire talk.
Did you listen attentively and politely to others speaking? / I was distracted during the talks or did not give the speakers enough attention. / I generally focussed on the speakers but could practise giving full attention. / I focussed on the speakers most of the time paying good attention. / I gave my full attention to the speakers and listened politely.

Topic: Class Speech “All About Me”

Name: ______Term 1