NSF Standard(s) Impacted:Section 4.3, Appendix A (informative) of the Template for the Draft Standard of NSF/UL 440

Issue Statement:

Indoor air quality (IAQ) concentration modeling is needed in material emission testing and evaluation standard in order to link the measured VOC emission rates to estimated airborne concentrations that are relevant to potential indoor inhalation exposures of building occupants.

Because of the diverse opinions within the Environment & Product work group on the scenario(s) to be used for IAQ concentration modeling, a multiple-model and a single-model sub-task group were formed separately. Both groups have been asked to each propose an initial document that can help the joint committee (JC) to determine whether the multiple or single model approach should be used as the basis for further standard development.

The Multiple-Model Sub-Task Group proposes the continued use of the multiple scenarios approach as used in the CDPH/EHLB Standard Method (SM) V1.1 (Section 4.3 and Appendix A in the template for the draft standard of NSF/UL 440). We believe this approach, with a limited number of application scenarios, better represents built environments, while retaining simplicity. Maintaining the continuity of the multiple scenarios also lends a practical path to facilitate market transition to the new standard and adaptation to evolving product types and scenarios.


The background on modeling scenarios (role, assumptions, equations, and key model parameters), the comparisons of exposure models currently available in various emission testing standards, and the history andmarket influence of the current CDPH SM (basis of the draft standard of NSF/UL 440) have all been discussed in details in the previous JC meeting (see supplemental materials). A brief summary is restated below:

Science behind using multiple scenarios

In material emission testing and evaluation, the first step is always to place a representative, small-scale sample of a newly manufactured building interior product into an environmental chamber at typical indoor conditions, and measure the area-specific emission rate, termed emission factor (EF) in units of µg/h•m2, at specified time points for each emitted VOC. Next, defined building modeling scenario(s) are used to convert measured VOC EFs into estimated indoor airborne VOC concentrations in order to interpret these measured results and link them to guidelines for occupant inhalation exposures. Test results for a product sample are deemed compliant with VOC emission requirements if the projected concentrations do not exceed the allowable limits which are set based on these exposure guidelines.

Regardless of single vs. multiple scenarios, the modeling is based on single-zone mass balance assuming constant VOC emission and building/houseair change rates, zero outdoor VOC concentrations, uniform indoor air concentrations, and no net losses of a VOC from air due to effects such as filtration, sorption on surfaces or chemical reactions. Under these assumptions, the indoor VOC concentration (CS in µg/m3) is estimated from the measured VOC EF (EFA in µg/h•m2), the area of material installed (Amin m2) in the building interior, and the total outdoor airflow rate (Qin m3/h):

CS= EFA x Am / Q = EFA / qA (1)

In Equation (1), qA (in m/h) is the area-specific airflow rate and can be expressed as:

qA= Q / Am = (λ x V) /Am = λ /(Am / V) = λ/ Lm (2)

where λ is the outdoor air change rate (Q/V) in h-1, V is the building volume in m3,and Lm is the product loading ratio (Am/V) in m2/m3.

Under ideal circumstances, a building product tested for VOC emissions should be labeled with numerical emission factors, so that its expected impacts on indoor VOC concentrations could be calculated for specific building projects using Equations (1) & (2) or more complex indoor air quality modeling tools. However, the desire for easy implementation and the competitive market forces among product manufacturers have motivated the use of simplified exposure models and the development of pass/fail systems for judging the acceptability of product’s potential IAQ impacts in VOC emission standards. The difference between single vs. multiple scenarios then focuses on how to define the area-specific airflow rate for different product types and application environments.

As defined in Equation (2), the area-specific airflow rate is the ratio of the outdoor air change rate to the product loading ratio. For different application environments, the design requirements and representative outdoor air change rates may be different. For example, a single-family house built with high air-tightness can have much lower outdoor air change rate compared to a mechanically ventilated office. The application environment may also affect the product loading ratio due to different space functionality and lay out. For example, the overall loading ratio for thermal insulation may be substantially higher in a single-family house than in an office. Because of the diversity of product types and their application conditions in buildings, we think scientifically it is worthy to take the efforts to define a limited number of application scenarios tobetter represent built environments yet still simple for practical use.

Market needs behind using multiple scenarios

The CDPHSM V1.1 (also known as Section 01350) has been widely adopted by many certification programs and product standards, and has been cited as a preferred procedure for testing and evaluating building products for compliance with VOC emission requirements in many green building rating systems and codes (see Figures 1a- 1d below). Therefore, keeping multiple scenarios, which is the approach used in the CDPH SM, helps to maintain the continuity and facilitate market transition.

Figure 1aFigure 1b

Figure 1c Figure 1d


A template for the draft standard of NSF/UL 440 was issued by NSF on Feb 11, 2014. Section 4.3 and Appendix A of this document already contain widely-used office and classroom scenarios and a preliminary residential scenario. Given the main purpose of this issue paper, we propose:

(1) keeping all current contents of Section 4.3,

(2) taking the content of Appendix A as a new subsection (Section 4.3.7) in Section 4.3, and

(3) deleting Appendix A.

At the end of this Section the applicable Sections of “CDPH-IAQ_NSF_UL 440 Template Standard 021114” are shown with changes as described in (1) – (3) above.

As for the furniture testing and evaluation, we recommend the continued direct reference to thescience-based and well-recognized ANSI/BIFMA standards.

This proposal will be used as the starting document. The final language and modeling scenario parameters will be developed by the Environment & Product work group and recommended to the JC for adoption by the standard.For example, this subgroup is collecting information to evaluate the possible inclusion of a new Healthcare Scenario and the possible inclusion of requirements for wet-applied products with small surface areas that are not explicitly specified within the current template of the NSF/UL 440 draft standard. Several other details to be discussed are mentioned in the footnotes to Table 4-7. These are the possible apportionment of residential floor surface area by floor covering type and the possible inclusion of residential cabinetry. Other details that have been mentioned or discussed in work group conference calls include possible apportionment of thermal insulation by building area (e.g., ceiling and wall cavity) and possible use of an attenuation factor for insulation to account for the fact that insulation is not directly exposed to indoor air. If the joint committee determines to select the multiple model approach, we will move forward to complete these evaluations and suggest final language accordingly. We will also make other necessary revisions/developments based on the comments/suggestions from the JC and from the members of Environment & Product work group. We expect such revisions to be more in line with incremental improvements to the multiple models.

Affected Sections of “CDPH-IAQ_NSF_UL 440 Template Standard 021114” with changes as discussed in the Recommendation portion of this Issue Paper.


4.3.1Principle:ThepurposeofIAQconcentrationmodelingistoconvertthemeasuredVOCemissionratesintoestimatedairborneconcentrationsthatarerelevanttopotentialindoorinhalationexposuresofbuildingoccupants.Thecalculationisaccomplishedusingasteady-statemass-balancemodelwithseveralsimplifyingassumptionsdescribedinSection3.10.ThecalculationrequiresinputsfortheemissionfactorofaVOCemitted byaproductandtheflowrateofoutdoorairperunitamountofproduct.



4.3.4Schoolclassroomscenario:Theschoolclassroommodelisbasedonthedimensionsofatypical re-locatableclassroom;theclassroomsizealsoisgenerallyrepresentativeofsite-builtclassrooms forK-12schools(Jenkins,PhillipsandWaldman,2004).Theparametersthatdefinethestandard schoolclassroomtobeusedwiththismethodarelistedin Table4-2.ThesurfaceareasofmajorproductcategoriesandunitquantitiesofpupildesksandseatingintheschoolclassroomarepresentedinTable4-3alongwiththecalculatedcorrespondentarea-specificairflowratesorunit-specificairflowrates.

Table4-1 – TargetCRELVOCsandtheirmaximumallowableconcentrations

No. / Compound Name / CAS Number / Allowable Conc.
1 / Acetaldehyde / 75-07-0 / 70
2 / Benzene / 71-43-2 / 30
3 / Carbon disulfide / 75-15-0 / 400
4 / Carbon tetrachloride / 56-23-5 / 20
5 / Chlorobenzene / 108-90-7 / 500
6 / Chloroform / 67-66-3 / 150
7 / Dichlorobenzene (1,4-) / 106-46-7 / 400
8 / Dichloroethylene(1,1) / 75-35-4 / 35
9 / Dimethylformamide(N,N-) / 68-12-2 / 40
10 / Dioxane(1,4-) / 123-91-1 / 1,500
11 / Epichlorohydrin / 106-89-8 / 1.5
12 / Ethylbenzene / 100-41-4 / 1,000
13 / Ethyleneglycol / 107-21-1 / 200
14 / Ethyleneglycolmonoethylether / 110-80-5 / 35
15 / Ethyleneglycolmonoethyletheracetate / 111-15-9 / 150
16 / Ethyleneglycolmonomethylether / 109-86-4 / 30
17 / Ethyleneglycolmonomethyletheracetate / 110-49-6 / 45
18 / Formaldehyde / 50-00-0 / 16.5
19 / Hexane(n-) / 110-54-3 / 3,500
20 / Isophorone / 78-59-1 / 1,000
21 / Isopropanol / 67-63-0 / 3,500
22 / Methylchloroform / 71-55-6 / 500
23 / Methylenechloride / 75-09-2 / 200
24 / Methylt-butylether / 1634-04-4 / 4,000
25 / Naphthalene / 91-20-3 / 4.5
26 / Phenol / 108-95-2 / 100
27 / Propyleneglycolmonomethylether / 107-98-2 / 3,500
28 / Styrene / 100-42-5 / 450
29 / Tetrachloroethylene / 127-18-4 / 17.5
30 / Toluene / 108-88-3 / 150
31 / Trichloroethylene / 79-01-6 / 300
32 / Vinylacetate / 108-05-4 / 100
33-35 / Xylenes,technicalmixture
(m-,o-,p-xylenecombined) / 108-38-3,
106-42-3 / 350
a) Refer to All maximum allowable concentrations are one-half the corresponding CREL adopted by Cal/EPA OEHHA with the exception of formaldehyde. For any future changes in the CREL list by OEHHA, values in Table 4.1 shall continue to apply until these changes are published in the Standard Method.
b) Formaldehyde has a CREL of 9 µg/m3 (December 2008); guidance value established by this Standard Method at 16.5 µg/m3before December 31, 2011, and at 9µg/m3startingfromJanuary 1,2012. See Section 4.3.2.

Table4-2 – Definitionofstandardschoolclassroom

Parameter / Unit of Measure / Parameter Value
Length (40 ft) / m / 12.2
Width (24 ft) / m / 7.32
Floor (ceiling) area / m2 / 89.2
Ceiling height (8.5 ft) / m / 2.59
Volume / m3 / 231
Windows (4 ft x 4 ft and 4 ft x 8 ft) / m2 / 4.46
Door (3 ft x 7 ft) / m2 / 1.89
Net wall area / m2 / 94.6
Occupancy / Unit / 27
Outdoor air flow rate1 / m3/h / 654
Adjusted outdoor air flow rate2 / m3/h / 191
Effective outdoor air change rate2 / 1/h / 0.82
1. Based on ASHRAE 62.1-2007, Table6-1,forclassroomsoccupiedbypupils,agesfiveandup.Theminimumventilationrequirementis5L/s-person(10cfm/person)and0.6L/s-m2floorarea(0.12cfm/ft2).Thecodeminimumtotalflowrateofoutdoorairisthen654m3h-1(182 L/sor385cfm). This produces a ventilation rate of 2.8 h-1 for occupied hours.
2. As documentedinvariousreports,classroomHVACsystemssometimesdonotdelivertherequiredamountofoutdoorairforavarietyofreasonsincludingpoorlydesignedoroverriddencontrolsandlackofmaintenance.Inaddition,HVACsystemsmaynotbestartedsufficientlyearlyintheschooldaytoachieveafullyventilatedconditionpriortothestartofclass.Thereforeforuseinthis method,averagetheventilationovera168-hweekassuming40hoursofoperationat 654 m3 h-1 (2.8 h-1) and 128 hours of operation with ventilation of only 0.2 h-1 due to infiltration. This yields an average ventilation rate of 0.82 h-1 and an average flow rate of 191 m3 h-1 (53.1 L/s or 112 cfm).

Table4-3 – ProductquantitiesandspecificairflowratestobeusedforestimationofVOCconcentrationsinstandardschoolclassroom

Product Type / Area of Quantity / Area- or Unit-Specific
Air Flow Rate
Flooring (all types) / m2 / 89.2 / m/h / 2.14
Ceiling (all types) / m2 / 89.2 / m/h / 2.14
Wall paint & wallcoverings1 / m2 / 94.6 / m/h / 2.02
Thermal insulation
Ceiling / m2 / 89.2 / m/h / 2.14
Wall / m2 / 94.6 / m/h / 2.02
Ceiling & Wall / m2 / 183.8 / m/h / 1.04
Wall base (10-inch) / m2 / 9.68 / m/h / 19.7
Visual aid boards2 / m2 / 11.9 / m/h / 16.1
Desk (pupil) / Unit / 27 ea / m3/h / 7.07
Seating (pupil) / Unit / 27 ea / m3/h / 7.07
1. The net wall area is 94.6 m2 based on the total wall area minus the area of one door and two windows.
2. Area of visual aid boards is assumed to be 1.22 m by 9.75 m (4 ft by 32 ft) based on typical classroom layouts and traditional markerboard/chalkboard materials. Unique, specialty visual aid board products (e.g. with multimedia projection capabilities, etc.) that are restricted in size by the manufacturer may justify different area values. Any deviations from the area specified in Table 4.3 shall be stated in reports and public claims of compliance.


Table4-4 – Definitionofstandardprivateoffice

Parameter / Unit of Measure / Parameter Value
Length (12 ft) / m / 3.66
Width (10 ft) / m / 3.05
Floor (ceiling) area / m2 / 11.15
Ceiling height (9 ft) / m / 2.74
Volume / m3 / 30.6
Window (4 ft x 4 ft) / m2 / 1.49
Door (3 ft x 7 ft) / m2 / 1.89
Net wall area / m2 / 33.4
Occupancy / Unit / 1
ASHRAE Outdoor air flow rate1 / m3/h / 20.7
Effective outdoor air change rate1 / 1/h / 0.68
1. Based on ASHRAE 62.1-2007, Table 6-1, for offices. The minimum ventilation requirement is 2.5 L/s- person (5 cfm/person) and 0.3 L/s-m2 floor area (0.06 cfm/ft2). The minimum total flow rate of outdoor air is then 20.7 m3 h-1 (5.76 L/s or 12.2 cfm). This produces a ventilation rate of 0.68 h-1 for occupied hours.

Table4-5 – ProductquantitiesandspecificairflowratestobeusedforestimationofVOCconcentrationsinastandardprivateoffice

Product Type / Area / Area-Specific Air Flow Rate
Flooring (all types) / m2 / 11.1 / m/h / 1.86
Ceiling (all types) / m2 / 11.1 / m/h / 1.86
Wall paint & wallcoverings1 / m2 / 33.4 / m/h / 0.62
Thermal insulation
Ceiling / m2 / 11.1 / m/h / 1.86
Wall2 / m2 / ND / m/h / ND
Ceiling & Wall2 / m2 / ND / m/h / ND
Wall base (4-inch) / m2 / 1.27 / m/h / 16.3
Door & other millwork / m2 / 1.89 / m/h / 11.0
Window treatments / m2 / 1.49 / m/h / 13.9
1. The net wall area is 33.4 m2 based on the total wall area minus the area of one door and one window.
2. The material area for thermal insulation in walls has not been fully defined (ND).

4.3.6Modelingparametersforproductsnotspecificallyaddressedindatatables:Thereareanumberofproductsforwhichdataonstandardapplicationsarenotreadilyavailable;manyadhesives,caulks,sealants,andwallboardfinishingproductsfallintothiscategory.Fortheseproducts,theloadingshallbedeterminedbasedon(a)thesurfaceareaofthesystem(i.e.,ceiling,wall,orfloor)intheselectedstandardenvironment(i.e.,classroom,privateoffice,orsingle-familyresidence),wheretheproductisapplied,and (b)theproduct’sstandardapplicationspecifications.Forexample,flooringadhesiveshallbemodeledusingtheentirefloorareaofthespaceandthemanufacturer’spublishedapplicationrateforthatadhesive(e.g.,gm-2).Parametersusedtoestablishtheloadingshallbemadepartofthetestreportrecordandmadeavailablethroughthecertificationreportifthemodelingparametersaredefinedbyacertification/verificationorganization(Section6.1.4).

(Section 4.3.7 are proposed new normative requirements, based on existing informative Appendix A)

4.3.7 Single-family residence scenario: Lack of residential scenario(s) is a major gap in the application of Standard Practice (2004). A preliminary new single-family residence model has been developed. It The single-family residence scenario isbasedontheassumeddimensionsofamediansizenewdetachedsingle-familyhome.Theparametersthatdefinethestandardnew single-familyresidencearelistedinTableA-14-6.Thesurfaceareasofmajorproductcategoriesandunitquantitiesofothercomponentsinthestandardnew-singlefamilyresidencearegiveninTableA-24-7alongwiththecalculatedcorrespondentarea-specificairflowratesorunit-specificairflowrates.

TableA-14-6 – Definition of new single-family residence

Parameter / UnitofMeasure / ParameterValue
Floorarea(2,272-ft2)1 / m2 / 211
Ceilingheight(8.5ft)2 / m / 2.59
Volume / m3 / 547
ASHRAEOutdoorairflowrate3 / m3/h / 127
Effectiveoutdoorairchangerate3 / 1/h / 0.23
No.Bedrooms4 / Unit / 4
No.FullBaths4 / Unit / 2
No.OtherRooms4 / Unit / 3
1. Statistics onnewhomescompletedintheU.S.arepublishedbytheU.S.CensusBureau(U.S.CensusBureau,2008).For2008,themediansizefornewdetachedsingle-familyhomesis206 m2(2,215ft2).TheBuildingsEnergyDataBook,Table2.2.10(U.S.DOE,2008)summarizesdatafromtheNationalAssociationofHomeBuilders(NAHB)onthe materialsusedintheconstructionofa211m2(2,272-ft2)singlefamilyhomein2000.Thehomein2000isselectedforthisscenariosinceithasassociatedmaterialquantitiesandisnearlyidenticaltothemedian2008home.
2. According to the NAHB consumer preference survey conducted in 2007, the 2.44-m(8-ft)and2.74m(9-ft)ceilingheightaremostpreferredbyconsumers.A2.59-m(8.5-ft)averageheightisthereforeassumedyieldingavolumeof547m3(19,310ft3).Summaryofthe2007NAHBconsumerpreferencesurveyresultsisaccessibleat :

3. The measuredmedianoutdoorairchangerate(24-hrmeasurement)forhomeswithoutmechanicaloutdoorairventilationsystemsis0.26h-1inarecentstudywitharandomlyselectedsampleof108newCAhomes(Offermann,2009).Theventilationflowraterequirementis127 m3h-1(75cfm)usingTable4.1aor102m3h-1(60cfm) usingEquation4.1aofASHRAE Standard62.2-2007.Thehighervalueof127m3h-1,correspondenttoanoutdoorairchangerateof0.23h-1,isused.ItisclosetothemeasuredmedianoutdoorairchangeratefornewCAhomes.
4. Due toincompletedata,itisnecessarytoestimatethe homeconfiguration.Themostfrequentnumberofbedroomsisthree,butmanyfloorplansforhomesofthissizecontainafourthbedroomorabedroom/den.Thus,the home isassumedtoconsistoffourbedrooms,twofullbathsandthreeotherrooms.

(Delete Appendix A as it would now be included in the normative requirements.)



New single-family residence scenario


TableA-1 – Definition of new single-family residence

Parameter / UnitofMeasure / ParameterValue
Floorarea(2,272-ft2)1 / m2 / 211
Ceilingheight(8.5ft)2 / m / 2.59
Volume / m3 / 547
ASHRAEOutdoorairflowrate3 / m3/h / 127
Effectiveoutdoorairchangerate3 / 1/h / 0.23
No.Bedrooms4 / Unit / 4
No.FullBaths4 / Unit / 2
No.OtherRooms4 / Unit / 3
1. Statistics onnewhomescompletedintheU.S.arepublishedbytheU.S.CensusBureau(U.S.CensusBureau,2008).For2008,themediansizefornewdetachedsingle-familyhomesis206 m2(2,215ft2).TheBuildingsEnergyDataBook,Table2.2.10(U.S.DOE,2008)summarizesdatafromtheNationalAssociationofHomeBuilders(NAHB)onthe materialsusedintheconstructionofa211m2(2,272-ft2)singlefamilyhomein2000.Thehomein2000isselectedforthisscenariosinceithasassociatedmaterialquantitiesandisnearlyidenticaltothemedian2008home.
2. According to the NAHB consumer preference survey conducted in 2007, the 2.44-m(8-ft)and2.74m(9-ft)ceilingheightaremostpreferredbyconsumers.A2.59-m(8.5-ft)averageheightisthereforeassumedyieldingavolumeof547m3(19,310ft3).Summaryofthe2007NAHBconsumerpreferencesurveyresultsisaccessibleat :

3. The measuredmedianoutdoorairchangerate(24-hrmeasurement)forhomeswithoutmechanicaloutdoorairventilationsystemsis0.26h-1inarecentstudywitharandomlyselectedsampleof108newCAhomes(Offermann,2009).Theventilationflowraterequirementis127 m3h-1(75cfm)usingTable4.1aor102m3h-1(60cfm) usingEquation4.1aofASHRAE Standard62.2-2007.Thehighervalueof127m3h-1,correspondenttoanoutdoorairchangerateof0.23h-1,isused.ItisclosetothemeasuredmedianoutdoorairchangeratefornewCAhomes.
4. Due toincompletedata,itisnecessarytoestimatethe homeconfiguration.Themostfrequentnumberofbedroomsisthree,butmanyfloorplansforhomesofthissizecontainafourthbedroomorabedroom/den.Thus,the home isassumedtoconsistoffourbedrooms,twofullbathsandthreeotherrooms.

1Item No.______

(For NSF International internal use)


TableA-2 – ProductquantitiesandspecificairflowratestobeusedforestimationofVOCconcentrationsinstandardnewsingle-familyresidence.

ProductType / AreaorQuantity1 / AreaSpecificAir
Flooring(alltypes)2 / m2 / 211 / m/h / 0.602
Ceiling / m2 / 217 / m/h / 0.585
Wallswallcoverings / m2 / 562 / m/h / 0.226
Interiorwallboardpaint3 / m2 / 779 / m/h / 0.163
Thermalinsulation4 / m2 / 284 / m/h / 0.447
(comprehensiveacousticupgrade)5 / m2 / 343 / m/h / 0.370
Windows6 / unit/m2 / 19/38.0 / m/h / 3.34
Exteriordoors7 / unit/m2 / 4/7.56 / m/h / 16.8
Interiordoors8 / unit/m2 / 12/37.2 / m/h / 3.41
Closetdoors9 / unit/m2 / 6/44.6 / m/h / 2.85
1. Material areas or quantities are taken from the Buildings Energy Data Book (U.S. DOE, 2008) accessible at
2. In referencetothisinterimupdate,100%coverage(211m2)shallbeusedasthedefaultparameterformodelingresidentialfloorings.Werecognizethatsomestakeholdershaveproposedthatrepresentativecoverageratesmaybeappropriatetoaccountforpartialcoverageofspecificflooringtypes.Forexample,productusagedatahasbeenpublishedbyNAHB(NAHB2008BuilderPracticesReport);thematerialquantitiesusedintheconstructionofnewhomesin2008(asapercentageoftotalfinishedfloorareas)aregivenforcarpets(52%),hardwood (20%),ceramictile(16%),vinyl(9%)andotherflooringtypes.Material areasforspecific flooringtypesandtheirimpactonindoorconcentrationwillbeevaluatedandconsideredin thenextupdate
3. The value is calculated as sum of ceiling and wall area.
4. 284 m2issumofceilingand wallthermalinsulations.Materialareaforceilinginsulationand materialareaforwallinsulationwillbelistedseparatelyassubcategoriesinnextdocumentupdateiftherearepublishedscientific literaturestodeterminethesenumbers.
5. For optional comprehensive acoustic upgrade only. The value is calculated as sum of insulation required for partition walls and floors.
6. The surface area is estimated for a window-to-floor area ratio of 18%, assuming the total window area is three times of the openable window area and using the measured median openable window area/floor area of 0.06 taken from the recent CA home study (Offermann, 2009).
7. The surface area is estimated for 1.89 m2/door (one side), interior surface exposed.
8. The surfaceareaisestimatedfor1.55m2/door(oneside),bothfacesexposed.
9. The surfaceareaisestimatedfor3.72m2/door(oneside),bothfacesexposed.
10. Usage of 15kitchencabinetsand5othercabinetsisalsoreportedintheBuildingsEnergyDataBook(U.S.DOE,2008),whichcorrespondstounitspecific flowrateof8.47m3/hand25.4m3/h forkitchencabinetsandothercabinets,respectively.Materialareasandareaspecificflowratesforcabinetrywillbedeterminedinnextdocumentupdate


TableA-24-7 – ProductquantitiesandspecificairflowratestobeusedforestimationofVOCconcentrationsinstandardnewsingle-familyresidence.

ProductType / AreaorQuantity1 / AreaSpecificAir
Flooring(alltypes)2 / m2 / 211 / m/h / 0.602
Ceiling / m2 / 217 / m/h / 0.585
Wallswallcoverings / m2 / 562 / m/h / 0.226
Interiorwallboardpaint3 / m2 / 779 / m/h / 0.163
Thermalinsulation4 / m2 / 284 / m/h / 0.447
(comprehensiveacousticupgrade)5 / m2 / 343 / m/h / 0.370
Windows6 / unit/m2 / 19/38.0 / m/h / 3.34
Exteriordoors7 / unit/m2 / 4/7.56 / m/h / 16.8
Interiordoors8 / unit/m2 / 12/37.2 / m/h / 3.41
Closetdoors9 / unit/m2 / 6/44.6 / m/h / 2.85
1. Material areas or quantities are taken from the Buildings Energy Data Book (U.S. DOE, 2008) accessible at
2. In referencetothisinterimupdate,100%coverage(211m2)shallbeusedasthedefaultparameterformodelingresidentialfloorings.Werecognizethatsomestakeholdershaveproposedthatrepresentativecoverageratesmaybeappropriatetoaccountforpartialcoverageofspecificflooringtypes.Forexample,productusagedatahasbeenpublishedbyNAHB(NAHB2008BuilderPracticesReport);thematerialquantitiesusedintheconstructionofnewhomesin2008(asapercentageoftotalfinishedfloorareas)aregivenforcarpets(52%),hardwood (20%),ceramictile(16%),vinyl(9%)andotherflooringtypes.Material areasforspecific flooringtypesandtheirimpactonindoorconcentrationwillbeevaluatedandconsideredinthenextupdate
3. The value is calculated as sum of ceiling and wall area.
4. 284 m2issumofceilingand wallthermalinsulations.Materialareaforceilinginsulationand materialareaforwallinsulationwillbelistedseparatelyassubcategoriesinnextdocumentupdateiftherearepublishedscientific literaturestodeterminethesenumbers.
5. For optional comprehensive acoustic upgrade only. The value is calculated as sum of insulation required for partition walls and floors.
6. The surface area is estimated for a window-to-floor area ratio of 18%, assuming the total window area is three times of the openable window area and using the measured median openable window area/floor area of 0.06 taken from the recent CA home study (Offermann, 2009).
7. The surface area is estimated for 1.89 m2/door (one side), interior surface exposed.
8. The surfaceareaisestimatedfor1.55m2/door(oneside),bothfacesexposed.
9. The surfaceareaisestimatedfor3.72m2/door(oneside),bothfacesexposed.
10. Usage of 15kitchencabinetsand5othercabinetsisalsoreportedintheBuildingsEnergyDataBook(U.S.DOE,2008),whichcorrespondstounitspecific flowrateof8.47m3/hand25.4m3/h forkitchencabinetsandothercabinets,respectively.Materialareasandareaspecificflowratesforcabinetrywillbedeterminedinnextdocumentupdate

Supplementary Materials (photographs, diagrams, reports, etc.):

The presentations givenat last JC meeting,including (1) Introduction of CDPH SM, and (2) Progress report of multiple-model work group, are attached to provide more background and history on this issue,. The template for the draft standard of NSF/UL 440as issued in Feb, 2014is also attached.

I hereby grant NSF International the non-exclusive, royalty free rights, including non-exclusive, royalty free rights in copyright; in this item and I understand that I acquire no rights in any publication of NSF International in which this item in this or another similar or analogous form is used.

Signature*: Wenhao Chen, Ph. D. (on behalf of the Multiple Model Subtask Group)Company: California Department of Public Health

Telephone Number: (510) 620-2868


Submission Date:October 7, 2014

Signature*: Nicole Munoz (on behalf of the Multiple Model Subtask Group)

Company: SCS Global Services

Telephone Number: (510) 452-8031


Submission Date:October 7, 2014

Please submit to:Jessica Evans () or Tim Corder ().

*Type written name will suffice as signature

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