Minutes of the
Woodland Hills/Warner Center Neighborhood Council
Wednesday, February 8, 2012, 6:30 p.m.
Woodland Hills Academy, Multi-Purpose Room
20800 Burbank Boulevard, Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Call to Order
Chair Scott Silverstein called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted.
Roll Call
Board Members present: Dennis DiBiase, Jim Dawson, Pamela Aronoff, Karen Koe, Herb Madsen, William Anderson, Steven Santen, Scott Silverstein, Paul Shively, Joyce Fletcher, Pat Patton, Gordon Murley, Colleen Marmor, Joey Benghiat, Jim Anderson
Board Members excused or recused: Martin Lipkin, Dorothy Koetz, Kristi Blicharski, Jonathan Kraushe
Board Members absent: John Strand, Joyce Pearson, Robert Fedor
Alternate Board Members present: Roger Gerrish, Robert Taylor, Albert Saur, Kathy Davis, August Steurer, Leigh Myers, Sean McCarthy
Alternate Board Members excused or recused:
Alternate Board Members absent: Chris Boscarino, Colleen Langford
A quorum (16) was established.
Approval of the Record of Proceedings: January 11, 2012 Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes: Jim Anderson
Seconded: Pamela Aronoff
Public Comment period:
Lee Marks: Woodland Hills Recreation Center will be remodeled and expanded.
Todd Vanderwel: Chabad operating out of a residence on Bascule Street
At this time Gordon Murley recused himself from the meeting room to the parking lot.
Mr. Vanderwel addressed concerns about their lack of permit to operate. The Chabad has been issued a cease and desist order but continue to operate. There will be a hearing before the City Attorney.
Ron Snow: Chabad operating out of a residence on Bascule Street
Mr. Snow commented on concerns the community has about having an illegal Chabad in a residential area where there is a traffic and safety concern.
At this time Gordon Murley was asked to return to the meeting room.
John and Deann Grogan: concerns about gas leaf blowers that are being used illegally.
Jeff Bornstein: concerns about West Hills being separated from Woodland Hills on the new redistricting map. He applauds new West Hills Rec. Center.
Gordon Murley: We need to meet with our Senators and local Council representatives to become better educated about the current and new Ordinances that are coming out of`Sacramento; especially Elder Care, Drug Rehab and other Facilities.
Stakeholder: Congressman Waxman needs to be invited to a Neighborhood Council Meeting.
Julian Chavez: Mr. Chavez will be running for election in Council District 3
Public Announcements
L.A.P.D. Senior Lead Officer Brent Rygh
The police are aware of the problems related to gas leaf blowers; however at this time they do not have the staff to pursue all cases. Three row car seats are still being stolen and car tailgate theft continues. Woodland Hills has too many medical marijuana facilities.
Max Reyes – State Senator Fran Pavley’s Office
He discussed various tax cuts before the state government.
1. Organization, Operation, Policies, & Procedures:
Chair: Scott Silverstein:
There will be a Board retreat, tentatively held on February 25.
Would like to have area high school representatives give the NC reports on schools
Leigh Myers, the State Budget Committee wants NC input; deadline is Feb 26, 2012
Vice Chair: Pam Aronoff
No Report
Treasurer’s Report: Paul Shively
DONE has paid past funds owed to the Valley Cultural Center
We will get our full Budget allotment for next year in July 2012: $40,400.00
Scott Silverstein will ask Denis Zine’s office to reimburse us for funds equal to $20,000.000
Secretary’s Report: Joyce Fletcher
No Report
Parliamentarian: Jim Dawson
No Report
2. Items for Which Committee Meetings Have Been Held.
Item no. (1) August Steurer, Dennis Dibase, Jonathan Krausche Co-Chairs PLUM
(12-004) ZA-2011-2679-ELD-SPR 6211 N Fallbrook Ave., Woodland Hills CA 91367
Discussion and possible action regarding the project referred back from the Board: Eldercare Facility Unified Permit to allow construction, use and maintenance of an Eldercare facility in the RA-1 zone. Project consists of a two-story building with four integrated wings having a maximum height of 42 feet providing a total of 60 guest rooms with 76 beds having a total of approximately 48,035 square feet of floor area of which at least 75% is for assisted living care housing exclusive of common areas. 26 off-street parking spaces are required. Relief from site plan review is also sought. Official comment period held open until March 2nd.
No position at this time from the PLUM committee. The Board will have a Special Meeting of the Full Board of Directors at the end of February to vote on a recommendation.
Item no. (2) August Steurer, Dennis Dibase, Jonathan Krausche Co-Chairs PLUM
(12-007) AA 2011-905-PMLA. 20367 W Delita Dr., Woodland Hills CA 91364
Discussion and possible action concerning the recommendation of the Board to approve the following
motion regarding a Four-lot Parcel Map. Recommended Action is to submit previously approved motion of support to the Board for submission to planning after discussion with neighbors.
The case may be re-opened at a later date.
Item no. (3) August Steurer, Dennis Dibase, Jonathan Krausche Co-Chairs PLUM
City Council Redistricting Plan for Council District 3
Review of the districting commission draft followed by a new action in regards to a recommendation to the Board for a position on the redistricting of Council District 3 and other Districts city-wide, with attention to maintaining whole Neighborhood Councils in City Districts.
The Board reviewed/discussed the map and the issues related to the current divisions. The NC had several comments and concerns including the separation of West Hills and Woodland Hills, (1) Council Member vs (2) Council Members per district, the status quo vs change and better representation for the Valley.
August Steurer made a motion to write a recommendation to the City Council with the following position as part of the recommendation:
“finds the commissions draft redistricting map unacceptable”
Jim Anderson seconded.
Vote: Aye- 14 Nay- 1 Abstain- 1
Motion passed
3. Committee Reports:
Governance Committee -- (tbd) Chair
Governance Chair needed.
Outreach Committee -- Joyce Fletcher, Chair
No report
PLUM Committee -- August Steurer, Jonathan Krausche, Dennis DiBiase, Co-Chairs
No further report
Public Safety Committee -- Paul Shively, Co-Chair
No report
Warner Center Specific Plan Citizens Advisory Committee -- Dennis DiBiase, Chair
No report
Budget Committee -- Paul Shively, Chair
No further report
Community Services -- William Anderson, Chair
No report
Next Board meeting will be Wednesday, March 14, 2012 at Woodland Hills Academy,
20800 Burbank Boulevard, Woodland Hills, CA 91367 Multi-Purpose Room.
Meeting dates for the rest of the academic year:
For the upcoming 2011/ 2012 academic year the proposed Board meeting dates are:
February 8
March 14
April 11
May 9
June 13
September to June meetings are to be held at Woodland Hills Academy, Multi-Purpose Room (“MPR”), 20800 Burbank Boulevard, Woodland Hills, CA 91367 at 6:30 p.m.
July 11
August 1
July/August meetings are tentatively to be held at The Great Hall at Pierce College at 6:30 p.m.
(Date, Time, location subject to change or cancellation. Please check the www.whcouncil.org website)
Meeting was adjourned at: 8:20 p.m.
Minutes submitted by: Joyce Fletcher, WHWCNC Secretary
Disabilities Act Notification:
As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and upon request will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request. To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least three business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting you wish to attend by contacting the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment at (818) 756-9628, (818) LA HELPS.
Brown Act Notification:
In compliance with Government Code 54957.5, non-exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the board in advance of a meeting, may be viewed at www.whcouncil.org.
In addition, if you would like a copy of any record related to an item on the agenda, please contact: