of the proceedings of the Board at a Meeting held at the Board's Offices, 47 Norfolk Street, Boston

on Wednesday, 14thSeptember 2016


Present: - J.E. Grant Esq. (Chairman)

Messrs: / T. Ashton
R. Austin (4.02pm)
B. Bowles
M. Brookes
C. Brotherton
M. Cooper
C.Crunkhorn / H.C.Drake
C. Hardy
R.F. Leggott
P. Richardson
A. Saul
J. Woods


Apologies for non-attendance were received from:-

Messrs: / P. Bedford
Mrs M. Dennis
R. Hall-Jones
A. Harrison
N. Jones
Mrs C. Rylott
J. Ward
R. Williams


2.1 Open Day at Lade Bank Pumping Station – 10 September 2016

Bearing in mind the appalling weather that day, 60 visitors had attended the open day. Visitors usually total 110-120 but the Engineering Manager had confirmed that there had been a lot of “new faces”. As an aside, we had recently lost one of the Assistants at Lade Bank Pumping Station but the Chairman was pleased to confirm that Alan Davis had been appointed to the role and that he should be moving into the Board’s property at Lade Bank there before Christmas.

2.2Wrangle Sea Banks Project Discussion – House of Commons

The Chairman confirmed that the Chief Executive had attended the House of Commons on 6 September to speak about the Wrangle Sea Banks project and the other things that IDBs do The Secretary of State, Andrea Leadsom, had attended and the event was very well received.

A.Saul / -stated that Mark Tinsley said that the Chief Executive had done an excellent job.

2.3Richard Austin

The Chairman confirmed that Richard Austin had completed a sponsored parachute jump that morning but was expected to join the meeting some time later.


Declared an interest in discussions about Triton Knoll – J. Grant, P. Richardson
Declared an interest in the Wash Banks – A. Saul, B. Bowles


4.1 Board Meeting –Thursday 16 June 2016

The Minutes of the Meeting of the Board held on 16 June 2016 were submitted and signed by the Chairman.

4.1.1 Matters arising:

Hobhole Pumping Station Slipway – Page 2

The Engineering Manager said that he had recently been looking through the archives and he had come across a letter from the Sailing Club in which they had agreed to the authority that repairs and vandalism “have been a problem from the beginning”..

R.Leggott / - stated that the Minutes seemed to infer that he had suggested the rights of access should be granted to a person rather than a building. He confirmed that this was not what he was suggesting but that perhaps we should seek legal advice on this option.

The Chairman asked the Engineering Manager for an update and the Engineering Manager confirmed that at the present time the gate was not used and that the land was overgrown. The Engineering Manager confirmed that he had not received any further correspondence regarding this matter. The Chairman said that he felt that we should leave the matter for the present time although he agreed that we should seek some legal advice regarding the issue of access.

C. Hardy / - asked if there was a mooring there already?

The Engineering Manager confirmed there was not.

T. Ashton / - commented that rather than have a complete ban on any object in the bank, would there be a possibility to allow moorings (pre-approved), signed off and costs reimbursed to the Board?

The Chairman confirmed that money was only one aspect of this issue. Access is a danger for example in the winter when the ground was slippery. If someone were to slip and injure themselves – where would this leave the Board? The Chairman felt that it was important to seek legal opinion, as it was very important that the risks were fully considered before any precedent was set.

B.Bowles / - had asked at the last meeting for a review on recreation policy and asked whether a small committee could be set up to consider the legal requirements and suggested that the Vice-Chairman may like to head the committee

The Chairman said that he felt the correct way to proceed would be to seek legal opinion first and then refer it to the Environment Committee/ Works Committee to consider further. The Chairman said he did not wish to become too embroiled in this issue and felt that the Recreation Office should deal with it.

R. Leggott / - said knowing the Board’s policy, he was not talking about moorings just the access issue at Anton’s Gowt. However, he believed that the Board should consider applications for moorings.

The Chairman re-iterated his earlier point, to seek legal opinion initially and then refer to the Environment Committee or the Works Committee to consider further.

The Engineering Manager confirmed that the pub owner had requested access onto the Board’s bank to gain access to their caravan site and whether they had vehicular access. The new Landlord had simply enquired about the moorings at the pub.

C. Crunkhorn / - said once access was given it was for a 12 year period. His concern with the moorings issue was the liability for Health and Safety and personally he felt it could be a minefield.

The Chairman confirmed that legal opinion should be sought followed by a further discussion.

4.1.2 Reglone – Page 2

The Chairman confirmed that heard nothing despite calling Inter-farm and was intending to send them an e-mail to request an update. It was a shame because it meant an opportunity to experiment with it in our watercourses for a year had been missed.


5.1ADA Show

The Vice-Chairman said that some Boards had not been keen to continue support for the Lincs show in its’ current format and had wanted to consider downsizing because of the costs and time involved. Some Southern Boards also wanted to include the Heckington Show but this would only result in a saving of the cost, not the time or effort put into supporting the show. The Vice-Chairman said that he felt it was essential that all the Boards worked together promoting the issue of drainage, especially to the very young and this was done via competitions and literature aimed at this age group. Additional time was taken moving large machinery into the show grounds, which impacted on an employee’s work time.The Vice-Chairman asked the Board if they would like to continue to support the Lincs show and the cost involved is £500.00.

T. Ashton / - believed we should continue to support the Lincs show because it is a large show but was agreeable to include the Heckington Show.
M. Brookes / - agreed with T. Ashton. Many people are ignorant of the work done by IDBs. The Lincs show was held on weekdays when so schools could attend, the Heckington show was at a weekend so would attract a different audience. The Council do put money and time in to support the show.
J. Woods / - asked if the show was well attended?

The Vice-Chairman confirmed that approximately two and a half thousand people attend.

J. Woods / - asked if a smaller machine could be demonstrated at the show which would not take up so much time to organise.

The Vice-Chairman confirmed that the larger machines were a great draw for younger people. The Chief Executive confirmed that the Truxor always drew a lot of interest. A lot of Literature and visual information had now been prepared and this would reduce preparation time.If another Board wanted to attend a different show, then we could share resources to reduce costs/time.

C Crunkhorn / - felt it was essential to continue support for the Lincs show but was not too concerned about the Heckington show.
C Hardy / - asked if the event was attracting the right sort of people?

The Vice-Chairman said that it was essential to educate Rate-payers, as well as the young, to the risk of flooding and to ensure they understood the work done by IDBs and others.

The Chairman asked the Board for their views and if they wanted to vote. The Vice-Chairman requested that the Board continued to invest £500 to support the Lincs Show, which he felt was money well spent. M. Brookes proposed to continue support of the Lincs show and seconded by T. Ashton

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVEDthat the Board will continue to support the Lincs Show

5.2Meeting with Special Levy paying Local Authorities

The Chief Executive and the Chairman attended this meeting and it was a chance to discuss the work done by IDBs and the impact that work has on the budget. All Drainage Boards receive special levies and the Chief Executive explained the ways in which the Board had been able to maintain the rate to an average of 1.3%. Two Council leaders had confirmed that they had learnt a lot at the meeting but the Chief Executive believed that it would be a challenge to retain the Special Levy Rate to 2020 as suggested. The Chairman asked the Board how they thought we were placed to meet this challenge

T. Ashton / - confirmed this was the biggest issue regarding funding for the next few years and that the cap of 2% is very unfair. Matt Warman MP is happy to take this issue to fellow Lincs MPs and is well worth the effort by the Drainage Boards, ADA and the Council to hammer the message home. Unhappy to freeze the levels to 2020 as nobody knows the challenges that we may face in that time.
R. Leggott / - confirmed that approximately 15 years ago similar representations were being made to the government but it was a very difficult issue and difficult for local district councils to hold the rate down. This was to the benefit of all rate payers.
C. Brotherton / - asked if any thought had been given to Drainage Boards setting pre-set rates like the police do?

The Chairman suggested that the drainage rates be “isolated” and shown separately on the bill, Anypre-set for drainage should include Road Structure as many roads have drainage board channels and these need to be maintained. It needed to be kept simple but also budgets had to be borne in mind.

The Chief Executive confirmed that it would be very important to look at the outcome of the Black Sluice pre-set.

The Chairman added that as assets age they require maintenance and repairs and we needed to be mindful of this and spread the costs.

H.Drake / -sympathised with the Council but believed it would be difficult to freeze the rate to 2021 as there was too much unknown.
C.Brotherton / - added that care needed to be taken as we could end up in a financial straight jacket.

The Chairman confirmed that Matt Warman MP was well aware of the issues and that we all needed to make sure that people who needed to be made aware, were aware.

The Chief Executive confirmed that if drainage was included in the rate then it needed to include a breakdown of what the drainage would be.


6.1 External Audit Report

The Chief Executive confirmed that the External Auditor’s report had not yet been received. He confirmed that this was the first time that the report had not been received in readiness for the September Board Meeting and that he would e-mail it to all Board Members immediately that it was received. We were not the only Board to have encountered delays in receiving the report.

6.2 Rating Matters

The Chief Executive confirmed the rate arrears carried forward had been reduced by £7,260.70 to £9,745.50. Of the current year’s rates over £700k had been collected so far which was pleasing. A Court date had been listed for October to try and recover other debt which remained unpaid. The Chief Executive also mentioned the high levels of payments being made by way of credit/debit card, which was very popular and was proved by the high level of calls received following the Demands being sent out.

6.3 Flood Defence Grant in Aid Applications

The Chief Executive confirmed that the sewer re-lining had been completed.

All the surveys had now been carried out and we were waiting to see the first view of what the potential bank design would look like.

6.4Employees Pay Award

The Chief Executive confirmed that the IDBS had now agreed that the 1% awarded for 201/2016 would stand. The 1% awarded for 2016/2017 would stand. The proposal of a 0.4% non-consolidated payment to avoid action had been approved by almost all Boards. This payment would equate to approximately £5,000 from the Board’s Reserves. The Chief Executive confirmed that a new Chairman and Secretary would be appointed at the next Pay Review Board and a review of the Terms and Conditions in the White Book would be carried out.


The Engineering Manager apologised for the volume of additional information that had been sent to Members following receipt of the Agenda. However, there were a number of issues upon which he would need to seek the Board’s instructions that occurred after the Engineering Manager’s report had been completed. The Engineering Manager then went through his report, highlighting those areas of importance for Board Members

7.1 Maintenance Works

7.1.1Verge Harvesting

The Engineering Manager confirmed that this was a non-starter as at present there was not a machine in the UK and it was not known when the machine would return.


The Engineering Manager confirmed that this had been dealt with and completed.

7.3Drain Cleansing

The work on the Fodderdyke West Drain had now been completed.

7.4 Slip Repairs

The Engineering Managerreferred the Board to the Supplement.

(a)Frithbank Drain – Anton’s Gowt – The Board approved the 50% contribution offered by LCC

(b)Gypsey Drove, Langriville – LCC agreed to carry out repairs.

(c)Canister Lane – Frithville Rd – we will be seeking a 50% contribution from LCC as this also relates to run off from the highway.


The Engineering Manager said that it had been a bad year for Ragwort and that he just wanted to remind everyone that Ragwort is the land-owner’s responsibility. The Chairman stated it was important to get Ragwort under control.

7.6Planning Matters

The Engineering Manager confirmed arrangements in respect of SUDS had improved and he did not now feel that there was any reason to list SUDS separately.

7.7 Rainfall

The Engineering Manager confirmed that rainfall for August was at 70% so not significant although it may have felt like it after the recent deluges.

The Chairman asked that the Planning Authorities should start considering shallow, mow-able swales which hold water but can be mowed. He believed that they were effective and could form part of the infrastructure.

T. Ashton / - confirmed that ELDC had recently approved an application for 45 houses using this method
R. Leggott / - said the problem with this method is that it takes up developable land

The Chairman agreed but added that it does the job and you can see it working.

The Engineering Manager confirmed that Anglian Water had referred the subject of swales to ROSPA who had confirmed that all swales needed to be fenced as they were apotential issue for Health and Safety.

7.8Water Level Management

The Engineering Manager confirmed that a small amount of water had been transferred at Dogdyke before the deluge of rain.

7.9Pumping Stations

7.9.1General Maintenance

The Engineering Manager referred the Board to the additional report regarding the gearbox issue. The Engineering Manager advised that David Brown had sent their report to the gearbox manufacturers(“CMI”) but had not included their conclusions. CMI believed it to be a lubrication issue because we had not used the grade of oil recommended by David Brown. The Engineering Manager had looked back through the archives and had found a letter dating back to 1979 regarding the change of the grade of oil used. It appears the original grade of oil used was not available from the late 1970s hence the change. The replacement grade of oil (which was updated in 2006) has been used since then with no issues until the current gearbox problem.

B. Bowles / - said following the last meeting he had spoken to an engineer about this issue and he definitely believed that the casings would require inspection

The Engineering Manager confirmed that the inside of the gearbox will be scanned and thoroughly cleaned and this would identify any damage.

A.Saul / - asked if we would be changing the oil in the other gearboxes?

The Chairman confirmed that the oil would be changed in the other gearboxes as it required grade 5 oil as stated on a plaque at the side of the machine.