Basic Skills Advisory Group (BSAG) Meeting

Thursday, May 26, 1:00-2:00 p.m., H112


Those in attendance: Sabra Sabio, Lisa Hall-George, Cynthia Mosqueda, Sheryl Kunisaki, Julie Land, Arturo Martinez. Facilitator: Sara Blake, Humanities Basic Skills Coordinator

Those not in attendance: Barbara Jaffe, Theresa Clifford, Arturo Hernandez, Trudy Meyer, Jose Villalobos, Chelvi Subramaniam.

·  Approval of Minutes from 3-10-11 - minutes were approved with no changes.

·  Update on Chancellor’s Office Reporting Requirements – Sara Blake reported that the requirements for the 2010-11 year-end report would be published at the end of June.

·  Debriefing on BSI Spring 2011 Workshops and Follow-up – Workshops were well received by those in attendance, but attendance was relatively low. Suggestions for future workshops included making sure that faculty-friendly descriptions are used for workshops (term like “Web 2.0” might discourage some potential attendees) and giving targeted workshops for specific departments or groups.

·  Evaluating Basic Skills Program – Some colleges have created separate SLOs for their Basic Skills Programs. However, because basic skills is not under one umbrella at ECC, the group agreed that it makes more sense on our campus to use individual project assessments, discipline course/program SLO assessments, and targeted institutional research studies to evaluate Basic Skills at ECC.

·  Update on Math Basic Skills – Art Martinez reported on the following innovative math programs:

o  Expansion of Counseling Intervention

o  Ongoing faculty workshop series based on identified best practices

o  “Just in Time Workshops” put on by 4 instructors on special topics for students

o  2 Summer Math Academies – BSI and Title V funded, emailed 400 high school students testing into Math 12 to recruit

o  Evaluating basic skills instructors’ grade distributions to identify instructors who might need support

o  Preparing SI Coach videos to give advice to incoming students

o  Accelerated Courses

§  FYE Basic Skills – combine Math 12, 23, 33 in one semester, students receive transcript credit for 12 and 33.

§  STAT Path – Math 33 to Statistics eligibility

·  Update on Reading Center – Sheryl Kunisaki reported on the new Reading Center in the library

o  18 computers

o  Reading faculty will hold office hours in center

o  20 hour/week summer employee

o  Title V will pick up for 5 years, will need to find sustainable model

o  Would like to pay adjuncts

o  Programs – have Clip Read (program that parses text and highlight verbs), want license for Inspiration

·  Fall 2011

Rotating facilitators for BSAG (due to Sara Blake going on sabbatical in fall 2011) – the group agreed to institute rotating facilitators, Sara Blake to secure rooms in Humanities building. Facilitators are responsible for agenda, attendance, minutes, email meeting reminder.

§  September 8 – Sheryl Kuniskai

§  October 13 – Julie Land

§  November 10 – Art Martinez

§  December 8 – cancel?

Project Ideas – Create Success Center Referral Forms for instructors, have workshop by Writing Center on creating successful writing assignments

·  3CSN LINKS 4 on October 7, 2011 – ECC will host the 3CSN LINKS 4 meeting. Cynthia Mosqueda and Art Martinez will be in charge, with Cynthia as point person.