Bell Ringers and Grammar Exercises: students will complete a bell-ringer exercise everyday. These may consist of, but are not limited to, grammar exercises, vocabulary or content review, writing style reviews, or EOC and ACT prep questions.

Writing Activities: various writing activities will be assigned throughout the year. These will include, but are not limited to: grammar exercises, journal entries, bell ringers, on-demand and constructed responses, literary analyses, and research projects.

Reading Plus is an online program designed to improve student reading comprehension abilities. These activities will be conducted both in and out of the classroom. Accommodations will be made for the students without internet access outside of school.

ACT Prep Work is designed to improve overall student performance on the ACT, as well as to familiarize the student with the format and content of the ACT and EOC assessments.

Course Requirements

Sophomore Studies will follow this tentative schedule:

Mondays & Wednesdays: Writing Workshops

Tuesdays & Thursdays: Reading Plus

Fridays: ACT Prep Work, and/or Study Hall


The expectations for students in this course are as follows:


RESPECT: People, property, pride & tradition.

READY: Be on time; be prepared for class; be a
proficient learner.

RESPONSIBILITY: Think before you act or speak; honesty and trustworthiness; no excuses,

Each student MUST have tickets to exit the classroom for any reason. No exceptions. These passes may be used to take a restroom break; go to the library, main office, counselor, etc. No food is allowed in class, drinks are allowed unless they become a distraction, and students are expected to abide by ALL regulations of the CHS Student Handbook. This includes school regulations on dress code and cell phone use.

All homework, worksheets, or quizzes will be turned in to the class tray, and will be handed back when graded. Bell-Ringers will be submitted according to classroom instructions.

Attendance for this class is mandatory. Failure to attend to class will result in disciplinary actions based on the student handbook. Tardies will result in a detention. You must have a valid note from a school employee if you arrive late to class.
Late work will be accepted on the following basis: a letter grade will be lost for every day an assignment is late, and the work will not be accepted after two weeks. Doctor’s notes, approval from administration, etc. will be the only exceptions (according to the teacher’s discretion).

Participation is another key category of this class. Students will receive 20 daily points. Coming unprepared for class (no writing utensil, without homework, etc.) will result in a ZERO for that day’s participation. SLEEPING or DISRUPTIVENESS in class will not only result for a ZERO for the day, but further disciplinary actions, as well. Unexcused absences will result in a loss of that day’s participation points. Please bring your admission slip upon returning to school.
Participation makes up 20% of the final grade. It can easily determine the success or failure of the student.

Classroom Expectations

This class is intended to improve overall student reading and writing fluency and comprehension. The goal for each and every student is to achieve a proficient score or better on all end-of-course assessments and writing activities, as well as to improve individually as readers of various texts. These goals will be achieved through various activities, including but not limited to: writing activities, ACT prep work, Reading Plus practices, and more.

Course Description:

Mr. Ben Davis

Room 2207

Phone: 270-465-8774


CHS Sophomore Studies: 2012-13

Participation / 20%
Reading Plus / 20%
Writing Workshop / 20%
ACT Prep Work / 20%
Bell-Ringers / 20%

Grading Categories

A: / 90-100%
B: / 80-89%
C: / 70-79%
D: / 60-69%
F: / Below 59%