© Mikell P. Groover 2012


Multiple Choice Quiz

There are 28 correct answers in this multiple choice quiz (some questions have multiple answers that are correct). To achieve a perfect score on the quiz, all correct answers must be given. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. Each omitted answer or wrong answer reduces the score by 1 point. Percentage score on the quiz is based on the total number of correct answers.

14.1  A polymer matrix composite is a composite material consisting of a polymer embedded with a reinforcing phase such as fibers or powders: (a) true or (b) false?

14.2  Which one of the following is the most common polymer type in fiber-reinforced polymer composites: (a) elastomers, (b) thermoplastics, or (c) thermosets?

14.3  Most rubber products can be described as which of the following (three best answers): (a) elastomer reinforced with carbon black, (b) fiberreinforced composite, (c) particlereinforced composite, (d) polymer matrix composite, (e) pure elastomer, and (f) pure polymer?

14.4  The difference between a roving and a yarn is that a roving consists of untwisted filaments whereas a yarn consists of twisted filaments: (a) true or (b) false?

14.5  The advantage of using an open mold is which one of the following: (a) higher production rates are possible, (b) smoother surfaces are achieved on both sides of the molding, (c) the interior of the mold is accessible, or (d) the mold costs much less than if two matching molds were used?

14.6  Of the three open mold processes for polymer matrix composites described in the text, hand layup is the least labor-intensive: (a) true or (b) false?

14.7  A positive open mold with a smooth surface will produce a good finish on which surface of the laminated product in the hand layup method: (a) inside surface or (b) outside surface?

14.8  Which of the following products are not typically made by hand lay-up open mold operations (two best answers): (a) boat hulls, (b) fishing poles, (c) large container tanks, (d) swimming pools, and (e) tennis rackets?

14.9  An apparatus that provides control over both temperature and pressure and is used to cure polymer matrix composites is called which one of the following: (a) autoclave, (b) curing furnace, (c) curing oven, or (d) pressure cooker?

14.10  A molding operation that uses sheet-molding compound is a form of which one of the following: (a) compression molding, (b) contact molding, (c) injection molding, (d) open mold processing, (e) pultrusion, or (f) transfer molding?

14.11  Filament winding involves the use of which one of the following fiber reinforcements: (a) continuous filaments, (b) fabrics, (c) mats, (d) prepregs, (e) short fibers, or (f) woven rovings?

14.12  The special tooling in filament winding that determines the shape of the filament-wound part is called which one of the following: (a) collet, (b) core, (c) fixture, (d) mandrel, (e) mold, or (f) pattern?

14.13  Pultrusion is most similar to which one of the following plastic shaping processes: (a) blowmolding, (b) extrusion, (c) injection molding, or (d) thermoforming?

14.14  Pulforming is similar to pultrusion but is capable of producing a semicircular contour with altered cross sections at one or more locations along the length of the part: (a) true or (b) false?

14.15  Water jet cutting is one of several ways of cutting or trimming uncured or cured FRPs; in the case of cured FRPs, the process is noted for its reduction of dust and noise: (a) true or (b) false?

14.16  The most important rubber product is which one of the following: (a) footwear, (b) conveyor belts, (c) pneumatic tires, or (d) tennis balls?

14.17  The chemical name of the ingredient recovered from the latex of the rubber tree is which one of the following: (a) polybutadiene, (b) polyisobutylene, (c) polyisoprene, or (d) polystyrene?

14.18  Of the following rubber additives, which one would rank as the single most important: (a) antioxidants, (b) carbon black, (c) clays and other hydrous aluminum silicates, (d) plasticizers and softening oils, or (e) reclaimed rubber?

14.19  Which one of the following molding processes is the most important in the production of products made of conventional rubber: (a) compression molding, (b) injection molding, (c) thermoforming, or (d) transfer molding?

14.20  Which of the following ingredients do not contribute to the vulcanizing process (two correct answers): (a) calcium carbonate, (b) carbon black, (c) stearic acid, (d) sulfur, and (e) zinc oxide?

14.21  How many minutes are required to cure (vulcanize) a modern passenger car tire: (a) 5, (b) 15, (c) 25, or (d) 45?

14.22  When is the tread pattern imprinted onto the circumference of the tire: (a) during preforming, (b) while building the carcass, (c) during molding, or (d) during curing?

14.23  Which of the following are not normally used in the processing of thermoplastic elastomers (two correct answers): (a) blow molding, (b) compression molding, (c) extrusion, (d) injection molding, or (e) vulcanization?

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