INSPIRE Conference 2017 (Strasbourg)

Joint Face-to-Face Meeting of TC3 & TC6 Members

Wednesday 6thSeptember 13:00 – 14:00 – Room ‘Berlin’

Participant list

Surname / Name / Organisation / Interested in TCx / Email
Jobst / Markus / MIG-T liaison TC6 / TC6 /
Dupke / Sören / Conterra / TC 3 & TC6 /
Parslow / Peter / OSGB / TC 3 & TC6 /
Wisse / Eowin / WaterManagement Netherlands / TC6 HY /
Laurent / Dominique / IGN France / TC 3 & TC6 /
Jehle / Peter / ABI Liechtenstein / TC 3 & TC6 /
Hopfstock / Anja / TC6 Facilitator
Escriu / Jordi / TC3 Facilitator


Anja and Jordi briefly reported about the status of cluster activities. Both highlighted the need of strengthen the activity in the TC collaboration platforms by publishing and sharing the experiences and solutions from the Member States, even being not perfect ones.

The meeting was focused on discussing on:

  • How to improve activity in the TC.
  • Expectations from the TC.

Summary of discussion

Find below the outline of the discussion:

Barriers for participating

-Peter: Tried to force the OS team to not only ask questions but being part of the discussion.

-Sören: There is a need to make efforts to encourage people to discuss outside of their working group or personal network.From his experience there is a language barrier to participate in the TC.

-Jordi: There is the possibility to enrich the role of the TC Facilitator, trying to figure out draft solutions for some of the issues. TC Members often react when a concrete proposal is put on the table.

-Markus: TC platform is part of the management of INSPIRE change process. TC role is observing the need for change, but currently the TC is seen as a help desk and not as a discussion forum.

-Sören: Implementers are looking for quick answers to their issues.

-Dominique: This is not always achieved and often some time is needed to get feedback on the issue, which is a bit disappointing.

-Peter: From his perspective there are two main blocking factors for the participation:

  • Lack of time.
  • People seem reluctant to express their opinion in public. Maybe they are afraid of reactions from “experts”. They could also be unaware of who is the “expert” on a certain topic.

-Sören: Other blocking factors are:

  • People ask first within their personal network before giving it to a black box.
  • People need to check whether a question is relevant only within their country or at European level.

TC Notification system

-Sören: Proposes to improve the way notifications from the TC are sent. An idea could be to filter them by category and/or tag, in order to help members to filter them according to their interests.

-All: Sometimes the categories are very generic for filtering.

-Peter: Another idea could be to send notification about “resolved” issues.

-Dominique: Participants should be regularly informed about the activities of the TC (meetings, discussions,questions).


-Markus: An additional aspect is that users of INSPIRE are still missing from the TC platform: we lack of customer reaction.

-Markus: Regarding the issue reported by Sören about the need to check first about the relevance of issues (just Country or EU level),in Austria a customer board has been established to support implementation.

Role of INSPIRE MIG and Member States

-Markus: EC wants to reactivate the discussions on implementation within the INSPIRE MIG. Activity of TC MIG liaisons should be empowered.

-Jordi: Additionally, the Member States nominated Contact Points (CPs) for each cluster in order to warn about implementation issues in the countries. Their participation has been very low. Even some of them did not join the platform. Their activity could be really helpful.

-Peter: A solution in these caseswould be to replace the CPs if they are not taking their role.

Other businesses

Eowin presented a question from Netherlands regarding HY data model. Due to missing time the question was discussed by Anja and Eowin later in the afternoon. They agreed to post the question at TC6-HY.

Jordi invited the attendees to his talk about INSPIRE Coverage implementation issues and current state of play of solution proposals (Friday 8th, 12:00 AM – “Continued support to implementation” parallel session).