World Civilizations Final Exam

1. Early human beings similar to present day man existed on every continent but ______no later than ______.

a.Australia; 200 A.D.

b.India; 30,000 B.C.E.

c.Antarctica; 20,000 B.C.E.

d.Africa; 1,000 B.C.E.

2. Sumerian religion was:





3. The first Pharaoh of Egypt:

a.none of these choices.

b.may have been a legend.

c.was called Menes.

d.was called Menes; and may have been a legend.

4. What caused social tensions dividing the rich and poor to appear among the Hebrews?

a.The shift from farming to wage earning.

b.The breakdown of the patriarchal society.

c.All of these choices.

d.Famine and a decreasing money supply.

5. What has been called the single most far-reaching cultural event in world history?

a.The downfall of the cast system in India.

b.The large-scale adoption of Mahayana Buddhism by the Chinese.

c.The implementation of Hindu rituals by many Christian sects.

d.The defeat of the kingdom of Israel by the Romans.

6. Which of the following does Adler quote as a famous saying attributed to Confucius about the personal conduct of rulers?

a.They must set a good example for their subjects.

b.Without the support of a higher being the state will crumble.

c.They must rule with an "iron fist".

d.They cannot exist without the confidence of its people.

7. Which of the following about Democracy is NOT true?

a.It was surprisingly common in the ancient world.

b.It was widely discussed by writers.

c.Athens probably pressured other City-States to become democratic.

d.It fell into disrepute after the 4th century B.C.E.

8. Which one of the following about Greek religion best applies?

a.They believed that all men were governed by a Fate which managed every minute aspect of their daily lives.

b.They lived in unrelenting fear of the gods.

c.The vast majority of Greeks didn't believe in the Olympians or in the immortality of the soul

d.They did not speculate much about an afterlife.

9. This geographer calculated the circumference of the earth.





10. Which one of the following best describes Augustus' view of the territorial future of the empire?

a.Augustus was completely indifferent to "foreign" policy.

b.Augustus did more to lose Roman territory than any Roman leader before him.

c.Augustus was basically conservative about further expansion.

d.He was confident that it could be expanded.

11. Which one of the following is most directly associated with the Diaspora?

a.The rise of mystery religions.

b.The Jewish War.

c.The preaching of Paul.

d.The pax Romana.

12. Which of the following does NOT apply to the Inca?


b.Nicaraguan central highlands.

c.Complex clan system.

d.Brutal transplanting of conquered peoples.

13. To get salt from Tripoli to Gao the caravan would have to pass through:





14. Which one of the following corresponds to the Hegira?

a.After Mohammed's death.

b.Solace in Medina.

c.722 CE.

d.Flight to Mecca for protection.

15. Which ones of the following western European cities contained marketplaces in the 12th c, featuring anything produced in the East or the West?





16. Which one of the following about the Gupta dynasty is NOT true?

a.It was distinguished by its emphasis on Buddhism.

b.It was distinguished by its expansion well into Southeast Asia.

c.It lasted more than one century.

d.It flourished about the time the Roman Empire was weakening.

17. Which one of the following applies to the Han?

a.Rejection of the "mandate of heaven" started by the Zhou.

b.Persecution of the Confucianists.

c.Strictly feudalistic and hereditary administration.

d.The mandarin system of administration emerged.

18. Strenuous meditation exercises are most characteristic of:

a.Nichiren Buddhism.

b.Zen Buddhism.

c.Chinese Daoism (Taoism).

d.Pure Land Buddhism.

19. It was not unusual for people in one village to starve when a surplus of food was only 100 miles away. This was due in large part to:

a.the refusal of one noble to help another.

b.the small size of kingdoms, preventing cooperation.

c.the Black Death.

d.poor transportation.

20. The Guild system primarily benefited:

a.marginal peoples.

b.the bourgeoisie.

c.casual laborers.


21. Which is not a theoretical element of the state as envisioned during the renaissance?

a.Territorial boundaries.

b.Moral authority.

c.Decentralization of authority.

d.Equality with other states.

22. This phenomenon best demonstrates that Mongol rule was not always destructive, but provided clear material benefits to many peoples of Asia.

a.The adaptation of the yurt to military use.

b.The pax mongolica.

c.The Yuan dynasty.

d.The defeat of the Mongols at ains jalut in 1260 C.E.

23. The most deadly disease transmitted by Europeans to Native Americans was:



c.mental illness.


24.Which of the following is customarily used by historians, along with the reformation, to define the modern era?

a.European voyages of discovery

b.birth of Martin Luther

c.death of Martin Luther

d.Papal indulgences

25. According to Hobbes, all effective lawmaking depends upon:

a.fear of punishment.

b.democratic ideals.

c.the inherent goodness of humankind.

d.the government's moral authority.

26. This was perhaps the "most absurd technique for governance ever devised."

a.The First Partition

b.The Royal Barber

c.Liberum veto

d.Catherine II

27. This was the greatest Muslim rival to the Ottoman Empire after the sixteenth century.

a.Gupta India

b.The Golden Horde

c.Safavid Persia

d.Mughal India

28. Which of the following resources or products is inconsistent with the report of Matteo Ricci?

a.Iron usage compared to Europe.

b.Numerous firearms and cannons.

c.Abundant Saltpeter.

d.Use of Clay in fashioning superior pottery.

29. This religion seemed to gain the most adherents in Southeast Asia.





30. Rank Latin American society in general from highest to lowest on the social scale.

a.Criollos, Mestizos, Indians, Peninsulares

b.Criollos, Mestizos, Peninsulares, Castas

c."Whites," "blacks," "coloreds"

d.Peninsulares, Criollos, Mestizos, Indians

31. Science came to dominate the intellectual climate of Europe, displacing which traditional discipline?




32. Which is not mentioned in the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen?

a.Freedom of opinion consisted with public order.

b.The right to property is sacred and inviolable.

c.All men are created equal.

d.The right to resist oppression.

33. Britain and France were almost constantly at war from:





34. Which emerged during the second industrial revolution?


b.steel manufacture

c.coal power


35. This author was described as "the literary symbol of the brave but doomed individual who challenges the destiny of ordinary souls and must eventually pay for his temerity by defeat and death."

a.Augusta Leigh

b.Lord Byron

c.Charles Fourier

d.Victor Hugo

36. Aside from emancipating serfs, Alexander II presided over the Great Reforms, which did not include:

a.judicial reforms.

b.the creation of a "county commission" called the zemstvo board.

c.the Franco-Prussian War of 1870.

d.military reforms.

37. This event secured British control over India, vis-à-vis the French.

a.The Seven Years' War.

b.The tenure of French Governor Joseph François Dupleix.

c.The establishment of "factories" along the coast of India.

d.The uninterrupted reinforcement of economic control through the British East India Company.

38. The European trade in African slaves strengthened or benefited which of the following?



c.the Niger delta states

d.South Africa

39. The main outlines of nineteenth century politics in Latin America were delineated by:

a.the unilateral mandates of the United States of America.

b.the caudillos.

c.Simon Bolivar.

d.a struggle between Enlightenment liberals and landed conservatives.

40. Which of the following are not listed by Adler as a "whole new industry" which "Sprang up overnight" toward the end of the 1890s?

a.oil refining

b.aircraft manufacture


d.steamship building

41. This letter was a significant part of the "Christian Revival."

a.Anglican Credo


c.Rerum Novarum

d.Exegesis on Scientific Foundations

42. Which did Adler not list as a "front" of WWI?





43. In the United States, the Second Industrial Revolution was basically complete. Which was not a characteristic of the post-WWI USA economy?

a.A return to rural living.

b.The corporation and stock market investment.

c.Retail chain stores.

d.Mass production of consumer goods, such as automobiles.

44. Which can be associated with Stalin's collectivization campaign?

a.The Soviet Union's agriculture recovered completely and quickly after the famines.

b.Millions died, mostly from an artificially caused famine.

c.Kulaks were used to drive poorer peasants off of their land.

d.The army sided with the starving peasants.

45. One could confidently say this of totalitarian regimes and dictatorships.

a.There is no correlation between totalitarianism and dictatorship.

b.Only "Western" totalitarian regimes used dictators.

c.All totalitarian regimes were dictatorships.

d.All dictatorships were totalitarian too.

46. Yi Tsan proposed this solution to the opium question in China.

a.Tax foreign opium imports heavily.

b.Do noting about the opium problem.

c.Grow opium locally, displace import, and then do something about problem.

d.Disobey the trade-related provision of the Unequal Treaties.

47. Which corresponds directly to the statement "not one step backward"?

a.North Africa Campaign


c.Battle of Stalingrad

d.Battle of Britain

48. He not only founded an original school of art, but painted the two most famous paintings of the 20th century.





49. This may be one of the significant reasons why the USA did not intervene more directly to stop the Soviet invasion of Hungary in 1956.

a.Fear of nuclear war.

b.The USA lacked the political will to intervene.

c.USA allies forced Washington not to intervene.

d.The USA hoped to convince Khrushchev to liberalize the USSR, and therefore wouldn't run the risk of offending him.

50. This country was the last of the colonial powers.





51. Which was probably the most significant factor in Japan's post-war economic development, in the opinion of many observers?

a.Consistent government support of business.

b.High levels of personal savings.

c.Loans to Japan by the World Bank and the international Monetary Fund.

d.Diversion of expenditures away from the military and into the civilian economy.

52. An advocate of the economic Europeanization of Africa, based upon mineral wealth, connected by railroads.

a.Rudyard Kipling

b.David Livingstone

c.Cecil Rhodes

d.Henry Stanley

53. The worldwide depression of the 1930s provided this perhaps unexpected opportunity to some Latin American countries.

a.Forcible regime change through military coups.

b.Put Brazil permanently in the economic lead of all Latin American nations.

c.End all neocolonial involvement by European powers.

d.Weaken the neocolonial economic grip by developing neglected domestic markets.

54. Which is most accurate?

a.Most Arabs are Muslim, but most Muslims are not Arabs.

b.Most Arabs are Muslim, and Most Muslims are Arabs.

c.All Arabs are Muslims and all Muslims are Arabs.

d.All Arabs are Muslims, but not all Muslims are Arabs.

55. Events in the region of Chechnya and in Albania demonstrate:

a.Eastern Europe will never enjoy stability, and it never has in history.

b.the USA needs to send more and more of its own troops abroad.

c.freedom and liberty will be a permanent feature of post-Soviet Europe.

d.there remains much political and economic instability in Eastern Europe.

56. In the final analysis, this was the true ideological menace to world stability in the twentieth century.





57. Who were the first people to smelt iron?





58. In Mesopotamian tradition ______contains a story that is roughly equivalent to the biblical narrative of the Flood.

a.Noah's Ark

b.The Odyssey

c.The Epic of Gilgamesh

d.The Illiad

59. Egyptians believed Pharaoh to be a god. He was the reincarnation of:





60. The Assyrians were the most hated conquers in ancient history. Who finally took revenge against the oppressors?

a.The Hebrew slaves revolted against the Assyrians.

b.It is still a mystery how the Assyrians were defeated.

c.A combined force of enemies and rebellious subjects overcame them.

d.The Persian Empire crushed the neighboring Assyrians.


61. According to Hinduism, when a person has lived life in perfect accord with his or her dharma, death will lead to final release called:





62. What invention opened up huge areas of northern and central China to agriculture?

a.crop rotation collar

c.oxen yoke

d.iron plowshare

63. Which of the following about the Greek polis is true?

a.They usually consisted of a town surrounded by farmland, pasture and woods.

b.All residents were citizens.

c.There were thousands of city-states in Greece.

d.The Dark Age happened only in the cities.

64. In the Oedipus Rex Sophocles teaches that:

a.fate controls absolutely everything.

b.politicians are the most hypocritical of humans.

c.intelligence and will alone are not sufficient to overcome fate.

d.a bad temper can be useful.

65. This Greek philosophy, started by Zeno, stressed the brotherhood of all men.





66. In what area did the Romans feel particularly inferior to the Greeks?

a.administration and commerce

b.culture and imagination


67. The Knights:

a.were most strongly affiliated with the Church.

b.were originally Roman nobility.

c.were originally mercenaries.

d.were originally crusaders.

68. Which of the following does NOT apply to the North Americans?


b.Old Ones.

c.Mound building.

d.More sophisticated than the Inca.

69. Which one of the following about the East African city-states is true?

a.Their city culture was looked down on and despised by the first Portuguese.

b.They traded in slaves, but not as extensively as in the Sudan.

c.These city-states were most powerful during Roman times.

d.The people and their culture are sometimes called Swahili.

70. Which of the following about Muhammad suggests that he was a reformer?

a.He improved the status of Arab women.

b.He enjoyed the materialism of the Arab world.

c.He opposed greater religious freedom and diversity.

d.He supported Arab animism.

71. Which of the following was NOT a significant achievement of the Abbasids?

a.Promoting the work of Aristotle.

b.Conquest of Constantinople.

c.The development of constitutional law.

d.Innovative works in geography.

72. This precipitated the final stage of the decline of Buddhism in India.

a.Muslim invasions

b.the Rigveda

c.diversion of the Silk Road

d.coastal trade

73. The historical period immediately following the end of the the Zhou dynasty is called:

a.The Chou dynasty.

b.The era of peaceful equilibrium; The Qin dynasty.

c.conquest of the Central Asians and the opening of the Silk Road.

d.Era of the Warring States.

74. During the Heian Era, black teeth were aesthetically accepted by:

a.the upper class.

b.the lower class.

c.Buddhist nuns.


75. The mastery of ______distinguished Dominicans from other Orders.





76. Which best describes how Italian art differed compared to art produced in northern Europe?

a.Religious compared to secular.

b.Universally massive versus miniature.

c.Overtly sensual compared to overtly religious.

d.Landscape versus portrait.

77. Which was not a change made to the Mongol army under Chinghis Khan?

a.Division of cavalry into "light" and "heavy."

b.Each "tumen" was subdivided into smaller tactical units.

c.Reinforcement of tribal identity within military organization.

d.Adapting Chinese armor for heavy cavalry.

78. Which was NOT an element of the patterns of intrusion established by the Portuguese and followed by all their successors?

a.Conclusion of treaties with native populations.

b.Initial displays of marital strength.

c.Dealing through the local native leadership.

d.Cooperation with Hindu or Muslim merchants.

79. Which provision of the Edict of Nantes indicates that it was more of a "truce" than a "peace"? Huguenots could:

a.fortify their towns.

b.hold office.

c.worship without harassment.

d.become King of France.

80. Place the following in chronological order.

I-Ottoman decline begins

II-War of Austrian Succession

III-Reign of Ivan the Terrible

IV-Time of Troubles

V-Polish Partitions

a.III, IV, V, I, II

b.III, IV, I, II, V

c.III, IV, II, I, V

d.III, IV, II, V, I

81. The Janissary infantry corps was originally "recruited" through the involuntary conscription of Christian children. These same children, once trained in the corps, called themselves:

a.victims of abuse.

b.the Harem Government.

c.the Sultan's Nemesis.

d.willing Slaves of the Sultan.

82. Europeans imported which of the following articles in significant amounts?

a.steam engines

b.paintings on scrolls



83. This traditional Japanese art from is based in the "floating world."





84. The urban classes and the wealthy could afford to regard children differently than peasants. Which applies to the viewpoint of urban classes and the wealthy as compared to the attitude of peasants?

a.They loved children more, particularly during infancy.

b.Rich children rarely suffered from childhood disease.

c.Children were not considered a form of "social security."

d.They had a more relaxed view of child labor.

85. The ideas of David Ricardo and Thomas Malthus were merged by members of this group into a philosophy that argued "the poor will always be poor" and "the rich have a duty to protect themselves from the moral and other faults of the poor."

a.Middle Classism

b.Manchester liberals


d.Free enterprise

86. Alexander II aimed at a quick resolution of the "serf problem" and employed several principles to support his command to that effect. Which is not one of his principles?