eflorist.net (Development) FAQ’s:
We’ve had a huge amount of feedback regarding our new system whilst it is still in development. We wanted to take the chance to list some of the common issues reported and let you know what we are working on.
How do I log in to the new system?
Go to
You should be taken to:

If you have trouble logging in, please email our customer service team () stating your shop ID and what you would like your password to be. We will get back to you quickly to advise your password has been reset.

Are there any specific system requirements?
We have created our new system to work with the following internet browsers:
Google Chrome
Internet Explorer 8 or newer version (Currently not IE 11)
You may need to configure Internet Explorer before use. Instructions for this are provided in the User Manual.
Users will also need to have Adobe Reader installed. If you do not have it already, you can easily install it from

Where can I find instructions on how to use the new system?

An easy to use manual has been created that will help you to use your new system. Click on the ‘Information’ tab along the top. Under ‘Latest Documents’ you will find the ‘Manual eFlorist.docx’ that can downloaded for you to view or print.

I need to use a function that has not yet been completed on the new system.
The new system is still under development. Many features will be added over the coming weeks and months whilst other functions are still being finalised. If you find that the system is missing anything you need or encounter a feature that is not fully functional, please feel free to use the current eflorist system ( ) that we will keep running until basic development is complete. We recommend using both versions side by side to ensure day to day business is not affected.

Why have I been given access to a system still under development?
We hope that by giving our florists early access to the system as we continue to build it will both allow our florist network to become familiar with any new layouts or functions as well as encouraging feedback from our florists so that we can tailor the service to better suit you once basic development is complete.

I have feedback! I have found a fault! What should I do?
Please email any feedback to Include as much specific detail as possible, especially your shop ID and order reference numbers.
If you have identified an issue affecting an order which needs urgent attention, please call our customer service team on 0800 2987 348.

Is the older version of eflorist.net still available?

Yes. We do not plan to switch off the current version ( until basic development has been completed for the new system. We strongly recommend using the two versions side by side.
Whilst the new system is being developed, the current version is available to be used for the majority of your day to day requirements.

Do I need to enter details on both versions of eflorist.net?
No. The two versions will update each other although there may be a short delay. If you notice that information on one version is taking more than 30 minutes to appear or update on the other version, please email the feedback to us with details and reference numbers.
The new system seems to run very slowly at times. Will this improve?

Yes. Our servers are currently running both versions of eflorist.net which will slow down processing speeds. Our developers are also working constantly behind the scenes on the new system which can also slow it down. Once basic development is complete and we have switched off the current version, we will see a huge improvement in running speeds.

I have only been given one set of login details for the new system. Is this correct?
Your current login details for the new system give you access to all functions including order entry and shop administration. This was implemented due to feedback regarding the current version as it was often felt that having two logins was confusing and time wasting.
If you are concerned about security, you are able to create a number of accounts for your staff members to use. Please see the ‘Accounts’ section of the User Manual for easy to follow instructions on how to set up these accounts.

Where can I get more information on the new system?
If you would like more news on the development of the system or would like to have your say regarding the new version of eflorist.net, please view or contribute to the community forum (Currently featured only on the current system):

Follow this link , enter your current Admin login details and view the ‘New System’ thread.
Listed below is a summary of some of the areas being improved or faults reported. Please see the forum for more details.
* Delivering florists not displayed in order of distance
* Diary function
* Address check function
* Order print outs improvements
* Local order processing
* Customer details database transfer
* Statement history transfer
* Accepted/declined status not updating
* Delivery maps
* Delivered orders tick boxes
* Re-routing/re-sending orders