MONDAY MEMO – week of April 18-24, 2005

News and Information

  • Provost’s Reminder: Dead Week and Final Exams Policies. No quizzes or exams may be given during dead week, the final week of classes, and students who have more than two final exams in one day or a direct conflict between final exams may request a rescheduling of exams, provided they do so before the last week of classes.
  • Requesting Authorization to NOT Meet During the 16th Week.University regulations dictate that the regular academic semester consists of 16 weeks. During the final week, all classes are scheduled for a single two-hour class in place of the normal meeting time. This scheduling arrangement was established to accommodate a variety of end-of-semester needs from the traditional final exam to a final class lecture to a chance to return graded materials to students. It is the university’s expectation that classes will meet during the 16th week, unless no educational purpose can be served by meeting and an explicit request is made to not meet. Graduate seminars, experiential courses such as student teaching, and online courses are examples of courses that need not meet during the final week. Most courses should plan to meet, and instructors are reminded that requests to not meet during the 16th week require a clear rationale and must be approved by the department.
  • Conversation on Teaching. Dr. David Bathe, Chancellor of Ivy Tech State College, will discuss the differences between community college and university faculties at the next Conversation on Teaching, Thursday, April 21, 3:30 pm, PMU West Faculty Lounge.
  • “A” Parking Permits Available to Select Graduate Teaching Assistants. The GraduateSchoolis working with Parking Services to enable some graduate staff members in the College of Education to purchase "A" permits for the 2005-06 academic year. Graduate research and teaching assistants who are certified as holding multi-site work assignments, usually in a public school and here on campus, are eligible as long as they are required by their duties to work at both on-campus and off-campus sites on a regular basis. Parking for members of this group, when they arrive back on campus after an assignment at a local school, can be especially difficult. If you will have a qualifying assignment for the 2005-06 academic year, please contact Deb Aldridge and ask that your name be added to the “A” permit eligibility list before the end of the semester. The department will submit the names of qualifying graduate assistants to the GraduateSchool over the summer. Please note: graduate assistants applying will be responsible for paying the fee for the “A” permit, which is $200.
  • Purdue’s Dual Career Assistance Program will terminate as of June 30, 2005. This decision is a result of the reallocation of departmental resources to strategic priorities. Program clients will continue to be served through June 30, 2005, although new clients will not be accepted after April 30, 2005.
  • Flower Fund Donations Accepted. The department maintains an informal fund, supported by voluntary donations, to provide cards and flowers in the event of an illness or death in the family of a faculty or staff member. The fund is running low. If you’d care to make a donation, please see Rogene. This is strictly voluntary; do not feel obligated to donate.
  • Course offerings will soon be mailed to the local schools. A list of our graduate course offerings will be included in this packet, but if you would like to advertise your particular course that can be included also. Please send a copy of your flyer to Deb no later than Friday, April 29th.
  • Search update:
  • Phillip Cardon, candidate for a position in technology teacher education, will be visiting campus on April 18 and 19. His research presentation will be at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 19th in KNOY 202.
  • Committee Meeting Minutes:
  • January 21st Elementary Education
  • March 11th Leadership Council
  • March 25 Secondary Education

Grant Opportunities

  • USDOE seeks applications to support regional centers that provide parents of children with disabilities with the training and informationneeded to enable them to participateeffectively in helping their children achieve in schooland gain maximum independence. Twelve awards of about $200,000 to $600,000 per year for five years are anticipated. The deadline is May 25. For more information, see: (reference CFDA 84.238M).
  • The National Institute on Drug Abuse invites applications to support drug abuse doctoral dissertation research. Doctoral candidates may come from a variety ofdisciplines but must be enrolled in an accrediteddoctoral degree program in the behavioral, biomedicalor social sciences and propose a researcharea specified in the program announcement. Funding is $50,000 per year for two years. The next deadline is June 1. For more information, see:

Schedule of Events for this Week

  • Cultural Palooza, Thursday, April 21, 5:00-8:00 pm, PMU North and South Ballrooms.
  • Elementary Education Committee meeting, Friday, April 22, 10:30 am, BRNG 1284.
  • Career and Technical Education Research Seminar, “Teaching College Students about Culturally Diverse Literature,” presented by Jill May and Darwin Henderson, Friday, April 22, noon-1:00 pm, BRNG 1255.
  • College of Education Faculty meeting, Friday, April 22, 1:00 pm, STEW 202. The annual College awards ceremony will follow immediately after the meeting.

Faculty/Staff Notes:


  • Janet Alsup, joint appointee in English, and Heidi Diefes-Dux, courtesy appointee in Engineering Education, were promoted to associate professor with tenure.
  • Nadine Dolby’s book, Learning to Labor in New Times (co-edited with Greg Dimitriadis, with Paul Willis) is reviewed in this month’s Educational Researcher.
  • Tim Newby has been selected as the 2005-06 chair-elect for the C&I Graduate Committee.
  • Maribeth Schmitt had an article, “Changing the educational landscape: A history of Reading Recovery in North America,” published in The Journal of Reading Recovery, 4(2), 22-30.

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