Spanish IV - V

Course Description: Enhancement of previously acquired linguistic skills and cultural knowledge on an independent basis

Textbook: Sol y Viento, Abriendo Paso: Gramática and Abriendo Paso: Lectura

Isabel, Destinos, La Catrina: El Último Secreto, Leyendas de México y España



·  COMMUNICATIONS: Students will communicate in written and spoken language in a variety of topics.

·  CULTURES: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the relationships among the practices, perspectives and products of the cultures studied.

·  CONNECTIONS: Students will connect with other disciplines and acquire information only available through the distinctive viewpoints of the foreign language and its cultures.

·  COMPARISONS: Students will develop insight into their own language and culture through comparisons with the language and cultures studied.

·  COMMUNITIES: Students will use the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment both within the school and community.

Topics: Mexico, Argentina, Puerto Rico, Chile, Spain, grammar, literature

Grading Scale:

96-100 A

90-95 A-

87-89 B+

84-86 B

80-83 B-

77-79 C+

74-76 C

70-73  C-

67-69  D+

64-66 D

60-63 D-

59-Below F

Test procedures: Tests will be announced several days ahead. A written study guide will be provided for each test and semester final. Students will be expected to take the test on the announced day even if they are absent the day before.

Make-up procedures: All make-up work is to be done outside of class time and must be completed within three days of the absence unless special arrangements have been made during that time. It is the student’s responsibility to get the assignment and turn it in. Students on school field trips should get the assignment before the absence and turn it in on the due date.

Tardies: Student will be counted tardy if they are not in the classroom when the tardy bell rings.

Food & beverages: No food or beverage is allowed in the class with the exception of water in a plastic resealable container.

School rules will be enforced.

Respect yourself and others.