Final Update of 2013-14June27, 2014

Items of Interest from Trustee Shelley Laskin, Ward 11

Website click on Trustee Shelley Laskin

Twitter @shelleylaskin

Last Update of the School Year!

More Staff Changes in Ward 11 Approved at the Board Meeting of June 25, 2014

  • Julie Whitfield, Vice-Principal at Rawlinson CS has been promoted to Principal of Humewood CS.
  • Nicole Lee, Vice-Principal at Carleton Village Jr & Sr Sports and Wellness Academy has been promoted to Principal of McMurrich Jr. PS.
  • Christine Pouliot, teacher external to the TDSB is promoted to Vice-Principal at Brown Jr PS

Very recently we received the retirement notice for Wendy Keene, Principal of Eglinton Jr. PS. The process for replacing the Principal at Eglinton has begun… and we will inform the community as quickly as possible… thank you to all the parents who participated (or are participating) in the SSON process…

On behalf of the entire ward, I want to congratulate Julie Whitfield and Nicole Lee on your promotions… and although you were out of the Ward for a short period of time, we welcome you back. To Christine Pouliot, welcome to the family… and to Wendy Keene… thank you for your years with the TDSB and on behalf of the entire community, we wish you all the best in your retirement.


It’s not too late to join our TDSB contingent for the Pride Parade this Sunday…all students, staff and community members are invited to join the marching contingent. All marchers should meet no later than noon @ Asquith Green Park (Church St., one block north of Bloor).There is also an eventbrite link to register for marching or riding the float. Click here TDSB Pride Registration.

Ward 10 Vacancy

At Monday’s Board Meeting we agreed to a selection process in order to appoint a new trustee to Ward 10 by August 11th. A sub-committee of Trustees will seek advice from the Ward 10 Council. The suggested timeline would involve advertising for the vacancy from June 27th until July 10th, with applications due back by July 18th. There would then be interviews at the very end of July/very beginning of August. Following this timeline would allow us to meet the Board's direction of bringing a candidate forward at a special board meeting to be held on August 11th. In the meantime, should you be interested, please contact Chair Mari Rutka at . On a related note, other trustees will do what they can to help out in Ward 10… if I can assist, please let me know.

Key Decisions from the Board Meetings of June 18, 2014

  • Police Records Check and Annual Offence Declaration Policy: New –The Board decided that the matter be referred back to staff.
  • Increasing Aboriginal Educators – The Board decided:… be it resolved that the Board continue to implement strategies to recruit Indigenous teachers in order to better reflect the number of identified Indigenous students in the system, as a demonstrable measure towards fulfilling the goals of the Years of Action and as an implementation ofone of the recommendations of the Dion study on improving Indigenous education in the system.
  • Charter for Active, Safe and Sustainable Transportation: Implementation Plan –The Board received the report.
  • Student Attendance and Safe Arrival Policy – The Board decided that the student attendance and safe arrival policy, as presented in the report, be approved.
  • Allocation of Funds Under Section 37 of the Planning Act –The Board decided that funds received from the City of Toronto for community-initiated improvements be used for the following projects:

(i) to partially fund community-initiated improvements to the playground at Perth Avenue Junior Public School;

(ii) to partially fund community-initiated improvements to the playground at Eglinton Junior Public School;

(iii) to fully fund a new community-initiated play space enclosure at Davisville Junior Public School Spectrum Alternative School;

(iv) to fully fund a new community-initiated landscaped seating area at Northern Secondary School.

  • Integrity Commissioner – The Board decided(a) That the Director investigate the establishment of an individual or an Office of Integrity Commissioner that will strengthen existing policies related to a code of conduct, policies and procedures of the Board;(b) That research be conducted and appropriate funding sourced, taking into account best practices in other jurisdictions including on how best to designate either an individual or an office of the Integrity Commissioner; and(c) That the Director present a report be on the matter in the October 2014 cycle of meetings.
  • The Confucius Institute – The Board decided:(a) That activities and the use of resources connected to the Confucius Institute be delayed until trustees and staff are able to both investigate and review information on the institute that has become available to the Board and make a decision regarding the future of the TDSB/Confucius Institute partnership; and(b) That should the Board proceed with the partnership, the curriculum materials to be used be made available to the public.
  • Review of Policy P020, Transportation of Students – The Board decided:(a) That the Director present a report in October 2014 on the cost and other implications of revising policy P020, Transportation of Students to include a cap on TTC travel for Grade 6 students to amaximum of eight kilometers; and (b) That the Director confer with the Toronto Student Transportation Group and include the results of the discussion in the report.
  • Permit Fees: Surcharge for Schools With Steam Plants –The Board decided: (a) That the implementation of the surcharge on steam plant middle and secondary schools be postponed until Sept 2015; and

(b) That the surcharge be reviewed anda new proposal brought by staff to OFMC in the fall of 2014.

  • Tennis Courts – The Board decided: (a) That the Director present a report in the fall cycle of meetings on the issuance of a request for proposal for the refurbishing of tennis courts; and(b) That the tennis courts which could be used for summer 2014, be made available for use.
  • Trustee Expense Audit 2010-14 – The Board decided: (a) That future staff reports provide full disclosure regarding support for the office of chair retroactively to the year 2006;(b) That the Director present the following to Board.
  • Skilled Trades – The Board decided: (a) That a focused culture and strategy for integrating the skilled trades mindset into the STEM Learning pathways in both the elementary /secondary panels be fostered; (b) That the skilled trades culture/dynamic be creatively encouraged into the Teaching and Learning Departments to achieve the needed goals for the above-referenced pathways for students; (c) That every elementary and secondary school be encouraged to hold and spotlight the challenges and opportunities of skilled trades in having a skilled trades career day; (d) That a skilled trades summit be developed to determine what the Board can do better from all the skilled trades players in improving the delivery of curriculum for skilled trades; (e) That the Board involve success, career/guidance and cooperative work staff in focusing on the challenges, demands and potential of the skilled trades world in a more coordinated, comprehensive manner, so that students can better avail themselves of job/entrepreneurial opportunities for the future and make it a key centre piece of career/guidance education; (f) That October 2014 be designated as Skilled Trades Month; (g) That each school be encouraged to create its own arrangements for highlighting the importance and necessity of skilled trades to the Ontario and Canadian economies working with the School Advisory Councils and the broader community; (h) That the Board inspire the development of a deepening relationship with all 4 GTR community colleges to figure out what types of programs and services could help our students in examining the skilled trades option aside from advanced placement and School within a college; and (i) That the Director consider assigning one or two senior staff to implement all skilled trades initiatives.
  • Partnership With City of Toronto re Infrastructure Funding for School Grounds – The Board decided: Therefore, be it resolved that the Director enter into discussions with City of Toronto staff and appropriate-ate provincial government representatives to: (i) develop options for generating sustainable school infrastructure funding, while preserving school sites as important educational assets for future generations; (ii) ensure that playing fields and green space are preserved;(iii) generate funding to support infrastructure investment needed in Toronto District School Board schools to support the City’s Official Plan and significant population growth.
  • Proposal to Canadian Association of Public Schools: Scholarship Students From Chile –The Board decided that the Director be authorized to submit a proposal to the Canadian Association of Public Schools International to receive scholarship students from Chile to attend Grade 11 for the second semester of the 2014-15 academic year.

Community Service Hours

Grade 8 grads can get started on high school mandatory volunteer hours this summer. Get the passport:

Homework Help this Summer!

We recently learned that for the first time ever, Homework Help will be opening and running their Ask a Tutor service for summer school students.

When: July 2—July 31, 2014

Time: 3:30 pm—7:30 pm ET, Mondays to Fridays

At Homework Help they strive to provide interactive and individualized math support to students from grades 7 to 10. The summer school pilot project is offered to students who were in grades 7 to 10 in 2013/2014.


I am pleased to let you know that 10 schools in your Ward have been certified this year as silver, gold or platinum EcoSchools. Schools not only have to apply or re-apply each year, but they are also audited before receiving their certification level. In total the TDSB has certified 379 sites inclusive of schools, Outdoor Education Centres and Administration Centres this year – up from 188 last year. Staff commented “all certified EcoSchools have shown leadership and good environmental responsibility. We congratulate them on their achievement and we thank you for the support you have provided them this year.” Thank you to all principals and staff – teachers, support staff and especially the custodians/caretakers who have supported the students and parent volunteers with these initiatives.

Eco-Schools in Ward 11 2014

Cedarvale Community School - Platinum

Davisville Jr. P.S. - Gold

Eglinton P.S. - Silver

Humewood Community School - Gold

Maurice Cody P.S. - Gold

McMurrich Jr. P.S - Gold

North Toronto C.I. - Gold

Northern S.S. - Silver

Oriole Park P.S. - Gold

West Preparatory Jr. P.S. - Gold

Is your school in need of bike racks?(information from Trustee Pam Gough)
This fall, Toronto Hydro and the Toronto District School Board are asking you toTeam Up For Green!This brand new fundraising initiative depends on families signing up for Toronto Hydro's conservation programs and paperless services (e.g., switch to e-bills). If we meet the goal of 30,000 sign-ups, the TDSB will receive$250,000to use towards500new bike racks at our schools! There is no cost to families or schools to participate in this initiative.Team Up For Green supports the newCharter for Active, Safe and Sustainable Transportationthat promotes travel to school by cycling, walking or other modes of active transportation. This is good for our student's health, the environment and our schools.
How can you get involved?Ask your principal to sign up today
Register now before the back to school rush!Once your school has signed up, start spreading the word about this unique opportunity! The fundraising campaign will run from October 1st to November 30th, 2014. In September, we will provide you with materials to help promote this initiative in your community.

For more details,

Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) (with information from the TDSB Website)

CASL (Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation) is a new Act passed by the Government of Canada that will come into effect on 1 July 2014. This legislation requires anyone who sends a commercial electronic message (CEM) to meet the following requirements:

  1. obtain the consent of the individual who will receive the electronic message;
  2. provide identification information as set out in CASL about the sender; and,
  3. provide an unsubscribe option as part of the electronic message.
  • What this Means for You

As a parent or guardian of a TDSB student, or if you are a student at the TDSB, this means that after 1 July 2014 all TDSB staff and Trustees are prohibited from sending CEMs to encourage recipients to participate in a commercial activity. Examples of CEMs that you may receive from the TDSB can include:

  • School-based electronic messages to parents and community members with promotions, advertising or offers of sales of school pictures, field trips, fun fairs, year books, uniforms and equipment, cafeteria offerings, fundraising events, etc.
  • Central Departments/ Program Unitsthat send e-newsletters or advertisements for general interest courses, ESL programs, permits businesspartnerships or requests for proposals, etc.
  • Messages from Trustees like quarterly electronic newsletters, promotion of school or community events and local business events when they include promotions or offers of sale.

As part of the TDSB community, you may find this information useful and important or you may wish to opt-out from these updates. If you want to continue receiving CEMs like the ones listed above, you must provide consent.You will be receiving information from your school’s principal… please respond.

  • School Councils

School councils can also benefit by this.They can use this link as well because the information will be recorded by school and sent back to each school so that the principal and school council will know who has given consent. It will be up to each and all of us, however, to check this consent against our existing e-mail distribution lists.Here, again, is the link to the TDSB consent webpage:

Please Note – Trustee Updates

Because of CASL, I will try to keep all updates “for informational purposes” only and will no longer be able to include information on fundraising school events. However, I will continue to tweet these!

In the News

Our public schools are winners

Toronto Star (June 24) Letter to the Editor from Trustee Goodman

Summary: It’s great that you profiled a “brain game” like Reach for the Top. But it’s strange that you spent three pages on the third place team, with barely a mention of the national champs — the TDSB school Richview CI. The Reach for the Top scores (Richview 450 vs University of Toronto Schools 380) is less interesting than the fees/student comparison: UTS $22,792 vs Richview $0. Our public schools are a great bargain for families, and a tremendously good investment for society.

You are all Invited - Tuesday, July 1st, 2014 from 12 - 2:30pm

Celebrate Canada Day with the Hon. Carolyn Bennett, MD, Member of Parliament for St. Paul’s at her annual picnic held at Wells Hill Park, 470 St. Clair Ave. West(at Hilton Ave.). There will be face painting, live music, dance troupes, family friendly activities, BBQ!

Free for all…

Dates to Remember

  • Humewood is turning 100 years - and need your help to celebrate Contact them at Save the Date – Saturday, October 18, 2014!
  • Volunteer for the TORONTO 2015 Pan/Parapan American Games – July/August 2015

For more information, click on

2014-2015 PA Days & Holidays

Labour Day September 1, 2014

Thanksgiving October 13, 2014

Board-wide PA Day November 14, 2014

Board-wide PA Day December 5, 2014

Christmas Break December 22, 2014 to January 2, 2015 (inclusive)

Last day of school December 19, 2014

School resumesJanuary 5, 2015

Elementary PA Day January 23, 2015

Secondary PA Day (Semestered Schools only) January 29, 2015

Board-wide PA Day February 13, 2015

Family Day February 16, 2015

March Break March 16 to 20, 2015

Good Friday April 3, 2015

Easter Monday April 6, 2015

Victoria Day May 18, 2015

Elementary School PA Day June 5, 2015

Secondary School PA Day June 24*, 25, 2015

Board-wide PA Day June 26, 2015

* High School Semester Change: The first day of second semester is 30 January 2015. The seven days noted for secondary school include a PA day only for semestered schools on 29 January 2015 and a PA Day for full-year schools only on 24 June 2015.

Before scheduling events, please check the TDSB Days of Significance Calendar

If you no longer wish to receive these weekly e-mails, please let me know at .

Updates will begin again last week of August… but I will be tweeting all summer!

Have a safe and wonderful summer! See you in September!