Newtown Elementary Fifth and Sixth Graders Present…

The Wizard of Oz

Rehearsals…singing… dancing… it must be that time of year!

It’s the start of our new school musical!

There is a lot of information in this letter, so please read it carefully. If you have any questions please email Mrs. Weinstein () or Ms. Antonelli (). Please note that in an effort to “go green,” all future communication will be posted on our bulletin board at school outside of room B-4 and on the “School Show” link on Mrs. Weinstein’s web page. *More information to come on how to sign up for our online reminders.

Audition Information

·  Sign-ups for auditions will be available starting Sept. 18th. Go to the NES homepage and follow the links to the “Wizard of Oz” Audition Google doc.

Anyone interested in being on stage must have a singing/acting audition. All students who complete an audition will be cast in the musical.

·  Audition Schedule:

Sept. 25th 8:00 am

Sept. 26th 8:00 am

Sept. 27th 8:00 dance audition- Students will be taught a short combination, given an opportunity to practice it, and then asked to perform it in small groups. Since you don’t know what part you will be given, it is a good idea to come to the dance audition in addition to the acting audition.

Sept. 28th 8:00 am and 4:00 pm

Oct. 2nd 8:00 am

Oct. 3rd 8:00 am

·  *Acting audition:

You will be asked to read from the attached script. You do not need to memorize it, but you should practice so you can be familiar enough with the dialogue to keep your eyes up and act with your body. Practice adding some hand gestures and movement. You will not be told in advance which character you will be reading, so prepare all roles- even if they are of the opposite gender.

*Singing audition:

You may sing, “Happy Birthday” or prepare another song of your choice, a cappella.

You can search on YouTube for the song “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” as you may also be asked to sing a few lines of this as well.

Additional Information:

·  This is a HUGE commitment of your time and energy. If you decide to be a part of our production, we must be able to count on you to learn your lines, songs, and choreography, provide your costume, and arrange transportation to and from rehearsals. Look at all of your extracurricular schedules to be sure you are available for rehearsals and show times.

·  All 5th and 6th grade students are given equal consideration for any acting, singing, or dancing part.

·  In order to provide the most performance time for all students, we will create two casts for some of the title characters (Blue Cast and White Cast). All ensemble members will be in both casts. Please note that we will not designate which cast the title characters are in until later in the rehearsal season, so those students will need to keep both performance nights open. If you cannot commit to all the performance and dress rehearsal dates that are listed for both the blue and white casts, you cannot commit to being in the musical.

Best of luck to all our actors. We can’t wait to see you shine!

Rehearsal Information

·  Rehearsals for our show will be held on Monday and Thursday afternoons from


·  No matter what part you are given, please be available for designated rehearsal times. Just as it is difficult to rehearse lines with a title character absent, it is impossible for the ensemble to rehearse blocking and singing without the full group.

·  A schedule for the first month will be distributed at the first rehearsal.

·  Dress rehearsals are mandatory for all participants. Students are expected to be at all other rehearsals unless they were absent from school or sent home early from the nurse’s office.

·  It is imperative that you are picked up promptly at 5:15 pm. Parents will be asked to enter the building and sign out students. Your directors have their own evening commitments and must leave promptly as well. Carpools would be helpful. Please be considerate and responsible about getting picked up on time.

Students must be trusted to be on their best behavior during rehearsals.

Parent Volunteers: See attached form

A show of this magnitude cannot happen without your support! We appreciate all that you do in providing timely transportation from rehearsals, practicing lines at home, and encouraging your child’s enthusiasm. If you are interested in lending a hand in the production of our show, please see the attached parent volunteer form and send it in at your earliest convenience.

Participation Fee

·  A non-refundable fee of $30.00 is due when your child hands in his or her commitment sheet at the time of auditions.

·  The $30.00 fee includes: a full show script, a practice CD of all the music in the show, a t-shirt for the performer, a Cast Party at the completion of our show, as well as contributing to offsetting the cost of production incidentals. (*If this is a financial concern for an child, please notify one of the teachers, as we do not want this to impede any student’s participation.)

·  Please fill out the Commitment Sheet and include cash or a check payable to:

NES Student Activities in a sealed envelope labeled with the student’s name.

Costumes and Make-Up

Students will be responsible for their own costumes. More information will be sent home regarding costumes during our production. Students will also need to provide their own stage make-up for the performances.

Performance Information


Thursday, February 15th —White Cast, 4pm-6:30 pm

Thursday, February 22nd ---Blue Cast, 4pm-6:30 pm


Tuesday, Feb. 27th — White Cast, 9:30am and 7:00 pm

Thursday, March 1st — Blue Cast, 9:30am and 7:00 pm

We are very excited for our show this year! It will be great fun!

Thank you so much for your support!

Mrs. Weinstein, Director Ms. Antonelli, Producer

and the entire Wizard NES Teacher/Production Staff


If you would like to help with our production, please complete and return this form. This is a major undertaking, and your support and assistance are greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help,

The Wizard of Oz Production Staff

If you would like to volunteer, please return this slip with your child’s commitment sheet.

Parent Name: ______

Student Name: ______Homeroom Teacher: ______

Phone #: (_____) ______-______Parent e-mail address: ______

Where would you like to help? Please mark any categories that interest you:

___ Transportation Monitor Coordinator: makes sure each rehearsal week is covered by a transportation monitor.

___ Transportation Monitor: Volunteers monitor the students as they leave rehearsal and await their rides and sign students out as they leave. Please note week(s) you are available to arrive at 5:00 and see that all students are signed out and picked up: ______

___ Sets and Scenery: We need creative parents to head our scenery production this year. Please let us know if you are able to help with scenery design or painting.

____ Props: Gathering, ordering, or creating props for our show.

___ Costumes/Shoppers: Sewing ability not required, but most helpful. We need parents with creative costume ideas and those willing to shop (in stores and searching on line) for costume parts.

___ Dressing Room Chaperone: During performances, volunteers needed to assist with costume changes and monitor backstage students. If your child is only in one cast, we can arrange for you to work the opposite night.

___ Make-up - Applying additional make-up at performances after students arrive.

___ Refreshment sales during performances.

___ Cast party: organizing, purchasing, set-up, chaperone, clean-up

___ Publicity - Take photos during rehearsals and show

___ I can help wherever I am most needed.

The Wizard of Oz

Commitment Sheet

I, ______, as a member of the cast of The Wizard of Oz, promise to adhere to the following commitments:

·  I will arrive and be picked up on time to all rehearsals for which I am scheduled to attend.

·  I will demonstrate my best listening skills during rehearsals.

·  I will show respect for all of the hard work my peers, directors, and parent volunteers are doing to make a fantastic show.

·  I will be on my best behavior during rehearsals; following directions while on stage and remaining quiet and focused when off stage.

·  I will convey all schedules and letters to my parent, so that I do not forget any rehearsals.

·  I will check the bulletin board and web page for my rehearsal times.

·  If I do not follow these commitments, I realize the consequences for my actions could be removal from the show.

______Student Signature

I give permission for my child to audition and participate in Newtown Elementary School’s production of The Wizard of Oz. I understand that no transportation is provided home from rehearsals and I will be responsible for coming into school to sign out my child and picking my child up at the conclusion of rehearsal (5:15PM). I have enclosed the $30 non-refundable participation fee and will discuss the importance of this sizable commitment with my child.

______Parent Signature

Item / Cost / Quantity / Total
Participation Fee (required) / $30 / 1 / $30
T-Shirt for cast member
Circle Size
(all adult sizes)
S M L XL / $0 / 1 / $0
Extra T-Shirts
Circle Size
(all adult sizes)
S M L XL / $12 Each / ______/ $_____
Grand Total $______

*Cash is preferred.

(More information on checks payable will be forthcoming.)
The Wizard of Oz

Audition Information Sheet


Homeroom Teacher______Grade_____

Tell us about the type of part you would like to have. We can’t promise you that you will get a major role just because you circle lead, but we don’t want to give anyone a part they won’t have time for or won’t feel confident performing. Your job is to trust the audition panel to cast the people that are best for the show.

I am interested in (circle as many as applicable):

A lead role Singing with a group Dancing A speaking part

I do NOT want (circle as many as applicable):

A lead role To sing by myself To speak by myself

Do you have any special talents or abilities that you would like us to know about?





Do you have any other performing experience? If so, tell us about it.
