Sis. Paulette Williams-Thomas

BYF Director

Rev. Daniel Garrett

Assistant BYF Director

Dr. Robert A. Cain Sr.

3rd Vice President / BYF Advisor

Dr. L.D. Tate



Dr. Louis E. Malone


Dr. Peter F. Williams

General Secretary

Baptist General State Convention IL, Inc.

DirectorAssistant Director

Sis. Paulette Williams-ThomasRev. Daniel Garrett

10 W. Empire 1302 S. Sawyer

Freeport, IL 61032Chicago, IL 60623


Music CoordinatorAdditional Staff

Bro. Robert Williams Sis. Vicky Caldwell

Sis. Michelle Finkley

Sis. Gloria Jackson-Glover

Registration instructions and documents will be sent in our May 2013 mailing. The documents are available at your request electronically. WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE PRE-REGISTRATION! This makes our sessions less hectic and saves valuable time that we need to rehearse for our program on Wednesday night.

We will mail packets to all churches that were registered in BYF for either or both of the last two years. We ask for cooperation in getting those packets to the appropriate person when they arrive at your churches (we continue to receive requests for information from individuals whose churches we have mailed packets to).

**** VERY IMPORTANT **** Please note there is a$10 per youth BYF Registration Fee. Monies collected will be used to off-set the cost of the BYF outing.

It is very helpful when church & District information is provided on the church registration form, sometimes the youth are not able to provide this information.This information will ensure 1) that we are able to make emergency contact and 2) that you receive our mailing the following year

All BYF participants must register.Chaperones should also register.

Rev. Daniel Garrett and Bro. Robert Williams will oversee the BYF music staff in consultation with the BYF Director. The areas of responsibility will include: selection of staff, music selection, selection of guest and BYF presenters/directors, and choir decorum.

The paid music staff must be from a registered church.

BYF will present at least one hymn or one anthem during its opportunities to sing before the parent body.

ALL musicians of BYF age are to participate in BYF in its entirety and attend a morning class. There are to be no BYF musicians there for the sole purpose of playing an instrument.

BYF will sing at the BYF program and the President’s address, unless otherwise directed.

BYF will continue to offer the ministries of dance and/or mime. The areas of responsibility for those leading this ministry will include: selection of music, choreography, decorum and attire.

All BYF rules, standards, dress codes, etc.apply to dance/mime participants.

While participants will need to have different attire to practice in, that attire is just for practice. It is still expected that the BYF dress code will otherwise be followed. The attire for practice must also be appropriate.

Dancers/Mimers should participate in other facets of BYF including the daily business meeting and the daily message from the Young Ministers Division.

The Chaperone Seminar provides valuable information for chaperones and allows the opportunity for chaperones to network and share best practices and past experiences. The date and time of the Chaperone class will be set by the Dean’s Office. All chaperones/supervisors are strongly encouraged to attend the seminar.

All BYF chaperones must be at least 25 years of age.

BYF chaperones are responsible for getting their youth to class on time each morning, seeing that they arrive at BYF on time each day and that they are present for the evening services.

All chaperones must be registered delegates..

ALL staff/chaperones will be asked to exemplify and model the behaviors set forth for BYF participants and BYF staff.

ALL staff/chaperones will be expected to follow the BYF dress code.

We urge Pastors to impress upon your chaperones the magnitude of this responmsibility. Being a chaperone it not without sacrifice, it may require those in this role to sacrifice some aspects of the Congress to make sure that your youth delegates are in compliance with what is expected of them during this week. We ask that chaperones take full responsibility for getting their youth to their morning class and BYF in a timely manner, In addition they should be in the morning worship service and the evening programs and should not be leaving or removed from these services before they are over.

2012 – 2013 OFFICERS


Carsie Barnes IV

Salem District


Asia Hill –New Salem BDATeshaun Foster – Salem BDA


Sierra Cotton – Lake Shore BDARemy Morrow – Salem BDA


BYF Offices include: President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, and Assistant Secretary. Elections will be held every other year (2009, 2011, 2013) and those elected to offices will be seated in the Friday session of BYF. BYF terms of office will be two years.

 Those wishing to run for a BYF office will need to complete a “consent to run” form and have it signed by their Pastor AND District Congress President. Forms will be included in the mailing on election years.

 The candidate will also address BYF with a statement introducing their self and advising why they are seeking office and what qualifies them to hold the office.

Election of officers will be held on Wednesday during the BYF session. Voting will take place by secret ballot. The ballots will be counted in the Congress President’s office and the results announced by the BYF Director at the BYF program.

Candidates for office must have attended BYF at least one year prior to running for office.

For the offices of President and Vice Presidents, the names of all seeking office will be placed on one ballot. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes will assume the office of President, the two candidates with the second and third highest number of votes will assume the offices of 1st and 2nd Vice President respectively. The offices of secretary and assistant secretary will follow the same procedure.

Over the last few years we have experienced an increase in violation of our dress code. It is imperative that all youth be in compliance with the established dress code guidelines. We will address all continued violations of our dress policy with chaperones and Pastors


  • Skirts and Dresses are to be worn to class, to BYF and to all services
  • Denim skirts/dresses are acceptable
  • Skirts and dresses should be of appropriate length,
  • No sleeveless tops/dresses, without a jacket/sweater to cover the shoulders
  • No low-cut tops/dresses
  • No tight fitting tops/dresses or skirts
  • No shorts


  • No T-shirts
  • No shorts
  • Ties are preferable for BYF sessions, REQUIRED for services when BYF is singing.
  • No do-rags or hats
  • No sagging pants, belts should be worn
  • If young men have earrings, they must be small (no hoops, no bunnies, no gauges).

APPROPRIATE CASUAL WEAR may be won during the BYF outing on Thursday afternoon.

The Jamboree/Rally will be held immediately following the President’s Address on Thursday night.

We will eenlist the participation of youth and young adults through the ministry of music, dance, mime or other acceptable and approved offerings of praise. Participants will need to sign-up by the end of BYF on Wednesday.

As part of the Jamboree/Rally 2 young ministers will be selected to give brief sermons. The participants will be chosen by the director of the Young Minister’s Division.

Details of the outing will be provided on the first day of BYF.

To participate in the outing youth must have attended class, BYF and the BYF program.

Participants will need a wristband (which they will need to pay the $10 registration fee to receive) to participate.

These expectations were put together with much thought and prayer and are supported by our Congress President & BYF Advisor. We believe them to be in the best interest of our young people and of the BYF as a whole. We will need the prayerful, loving, spiritual cooperation of all BYF participants, parents, chaperones, Pastors, and Districts to execute these expectations. Please know that we will address situations that fall outside of these expectations at the appropriate level(s) and with the appropriate action(s).

All sections outlined in this handbook will be strictly enforced.

BYF curfew is at 11 PM each night with the exception of Thursday. The BYF Director will set curfew prior to the dismissal of the Jamboree.

All BYF members are expected to give the highest level of respect to the BYF staff and chaperones, as well as the faculty and teaching staff in their division.. Disrespect in attitude, tone, words, and actions will not be tolerated in any aspects of the Congress. Any incidents of disrespect will be reported to chaperones and Pastors. At the directive of President Tate there will be zero tolerance for disrespect and those in violation may be sent home.

Any violations of the dress code will be discussed with the youth(s) in violation as well as with chaperones and Pastors. Youth may be asked to return to their room to change in to suitable clothing or the BYF will provide appropriate clothing for them to wear.

We realize that days during Congress start early and end late. However we respectfully ask the cooperation of churches, chaperones and parents in not pulling your young people out of class, services or BYF early. We will dismiss BYF on time.